348 research outputs found
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Geological Mapping of the Debussy Quadrangle (H-14) - Preliminary Results
Geological mapping of Mercury is essential to build an understanding of the history of the planet and to set the context for observations by BepiColombo [1]. Geological mapping of the Debussy quadrangle (H-14) is now underway as part of a program to map the entire planet at a scale of 1:3M using MESSENGER data [2]. The quadrangle is located in the southern hemisphere of Mercury at 0o – 90o E and 22.5o – 65o S. This will be the first high resolution map of the quadrangle as it was not previously imaged by Mariner 10
Quantum retrodiction in open systems
Quantum retrodiction involves finding the probabilities for various
preparation events given a measurement event. This theory has been studied for
some time but mainly as an interesting concept associated with time asymmetry
in quantum mechanics. Recent interest in quantum communications and
cryptography, however, has provided retrodiction with a potential practical
application. For this purpose quantum retrodiction in open systems should be
more relevant than in closed systems isolated from the environment. In this
paper we study retrodiction in open systems and develop a general master
equation for the backward time evolution of the measured state, which can be
used for calculating preparation probabilities. We solve the master equation,
by way of example, for the driven two-level atom coupled to the electromagnetic
field.Comment: 12 pages, no figure
Retrodictive states and two-photon quantum imaging
We use retrodictive quantum theory to analyse two-photon quantum imaging
systems. The formalism is particularly suitable for calculating conditional
probability distributions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Measurement master equation
We derive a master equation describing the evolution of a quantum system
subjected to a sequence of observations. These measurements occur randomly at a
given rate and can be of a very general form. As an example, we analyse the
effects of these measurements on the evolution of a two-level atom driven by an
electromagnetic field. For the associated quantum trajectories we find Rabi
oscillations, Zeno-effect type behaviour and random telegraph evolution spawned
by mini quantum jumps as we change the rates and strengths of measurement.Comment: 14 pages and 8 figures, Optics Communications in pres
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Explosive Vents on Mercury: Commonplace Multiple Eruptions and Their Implications
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