11 research outputs found
Additional file 2 of Registering prostate external beam radiotherapy with a boost from high-dose-rate brachytherapy: a comparative evaluation of deformable registration algorithms
Online supplementary material providing metric results for the 21 patient subsample. (PDF 796 kb
Additional file 1: of Cosmetic outcome as rated by patients, doctors, nurses and BCCT.core software assessed over 5Â years in a subset of patients in the TARGIT-A Trial
Supplementary Tables. (PDF 309Â kb
Principal component analysis bi-plot for comparing the relative metabolite intensities of IVF and ICSI derived sibling embryos.
PCA plot (PC1 vs PC2) of SCM demonstrated random distribution of metabolites between IVF and ICSI derived embryos. Each dot represents a single sample. Blue dots (●) represents IVF derived SCM whereas orange dots (●) represents ICSI derived SCM.</p
Representative figure of 1D <sup>1</sup>H NMR spectrum of the one-step embryo culture medium used in this study.
The figure elucidates the assignment of peaks for different metabolites. X-axis represents the chemical shift in parts per million.</p
Principal component analysis bi-plot of the relative metabolite intensities of IVF and ICSI derived sibling embryos in relation to paternal factors.
A) Bi-plot (PC1 vs PC2) of relative metabolite intensities of IVF and ICSI derived embryos in relation to sperm head defects did not demonstrate differential clustering. Blue dots (●) represents 15% sperm head defects from IVF; whereas grey dots (●) represents 15% sperm head defects from ICSI. B) Bi-plot (PC1 vs PC2) of relative metabolite intensity of IVF and ICSI embryos in relation to TUNEL index showed random distribution of data points. Blue dots (●) represents 10% TUNEL index category from IVF group; grey dots (●) represents 10% TUNEL index category from ICSI group.</p
Comparison of the relative intensities of SCM metabolites (normalized to TSP) with TUNEL index.
Comparison of the relative intensities between IVF and ICSI derived embryo SCM metabolites (normalized to TSP) along with medium control metabolites.
Data represented in mean ± SD.</p
Patient’s demographics and clinical characteristics.
Patient’s demographics and clinical characteristics.</p