43 research outputs found
OrthologID Output
Data partitions from OrthologID aligned and in NEXUS format. "full" dataset includes all orthologs recovered and "m27" includes only partitions present in at least 27 taxa
Scripts used in analyses and plotting selected figures. See also https://github.com/marekborowiec/metazoan_phylogenomics/blob/master/gene_stats.
PhyloBayes Results
Results of all PhyloBayes analyses conducted in the study including Bayesien posterior densities and traces of selected parameters as well as consensus trees
PartitionFinder Results
Control files, data and results for all PartitionFinder analyses on concatenated matrices conducted in the study
Partition Statistics
Spreadsheet containing data for all of the partition-specific statistics used to construct the various matrices described in the paper
Binned Analyses
Results of ML analyses of matrices binned according to rate of locus evolution. Separate analyses were carried out for 60-, 108-, and 216-locus bins. The text files contain support for the topologies of interest
Data Matrices
All concatenated matrices in PHYLIP and NEXUS formats. The names of the concatenated matrices correspond to Table 1
Effect of increasing read depth on the strength of the difference between DEGs measured as M (absolute value of the fold difference in expression) and D (the raw difference in expression).
<p>Effect of increasing read depth on the strength of the difference between DEGs measured as M (absolute value of the fold difference in expression) and D (the raw difference in expression).</p