36 research outputs found
Pengaruh Variasi Dosis Adsorben terhadap Penyisihan COD Buangan Akhir Palm Oil Mill Effluent (Pome) menggunakan Magnetic Biochar
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi dosis adsorben terhadap penyisihan COD buangan akhir POME menggunakan magnetic biochar. Magnetic biochar merupakan modifikasi biochar dengan penempelan ion logam. Magnetic biocharberbahan baku limbah pelepah sawit dibuat dengan cara impregnasi pelepah sawit dengan FeCl3.6H2O. Proses selanjutnya adalah proses pirolisis menggunakan reaktor fixed bed horizontal dengan temperatur 550oC dan dialiri dengan gas N2 selama 20 menit. Uji adsorpsi dilakukan dengan sistem batch dengan variasi dosis adsorben 1,25; 3,15; 5; 6,8; 8,55 g/L. Hasil supernatan diambil dan dianalsis dengan paramater uji COD total. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan bahwa semakin besar dosis magnetic biochar yang diberikan maka semakin besar % penyisihan COD buangan akhir POME. Penyisihan sebesar 72.72%. diperoleh dari penggunaan 8,55 g/L magnetic biochar dan terendah diperoleh sebesar 50,3 % dengan penggunaan 1,25 g/L. Sementara hasil penyisihan COD buangan akhir POME menggunakan biochar tanpa modifikasi hanya sebesar 31.77%. Sehingga penggunaan biochar yang dimodifikasi dinilai lebih baik dalam penghilangan COD buangan akhir POME
Analisa Kebutuhan Air Minum Kampus Binawidya Universitas Riau Pekanbaru
Water is an important requirement in day life. Meet the needs of clean water Campus University of Riau currently uses only ground water that comes from bored wells. The dringking water for academic community of the campus uses water refill. The planning for dringking water supply system of Riau University campus aims to complete the water needs for academic community of Riau University with dringking water quality. The bored water will become of raw water into dringking water treatment plant with the installation site water treatment plant located east of the university faculty of fisheries Riau (0o28'47,62”N 101o23'05,24”E). The planning was done 10 years periode, with the total flowrate 6,58 L/s. Result of the treatment planned consist of bored well,neutralization, filtration (rapid sand filter), reverse osmosis, desinfection, and reservoir. The cost required to build a system of drinking water treatment plants campus University of Riau are Rp 2.405.454.302,00
Perencanaan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum (SPAM) di Kecamatan Bukit Raya Kota Pekanbaru
Clean water is one of the basic human needs as required continuously in daily activities. Clean water demand increase along with population growth and the development of urban and rural areas. While the water supply is still very limited so that urban and rural populations are still many who have not been able to enjoy clean water. Bukit Raya sub-district has a source of raw water source, it is the river Sail as a source of clean water to sufficient of clean water every day.Water supply systems are planned to sufficient the needs of clean water in the District of Bukit Raya until 2028. The clean water demand is calculated based on the projected number of people using the Least Square method. From based calculation, the predicted number of District residents Bukit Raya until 2028 amounted to 137.680 inhabitants and for the clean water demand reaches 206,30 l /sec. Results of laboratory tests of water quality, some of the parameters that does not comply with quality standards, such as pH, BOD, COD, DO, NH3, nitrogen, iron, sulfur as H2S, and total coliform. Therefore, to make use of Sail River as raw water is required treatmant processing. The processing units are intakes, neutralization, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and reservoir. To design a pipe of water supply system is using Epanet 2.0 software. The type of pipe is HDPE. The cost required to construct Planning Water Supply System is Rp. 17,111,115,300
Analisis Kebisingan terhadap Kegiatan Perkuliahan di Lingkungan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau
The sources of noise often can be found at campus, and which one of the noise source is the activity on the spare time. Which is noise level was as big as the level of noise from the laboratory, an electric generator, and the sound of thesurrounding road caused by vehicles. This study aim is to analyze the level of noise University of Riau. The noise datas measured in 2 days during 24 hours each day to quantify the noise level during the day (Ls) for 16 hours and nighttime noise level (Lm) for 8 hours. These measurements were done on Monday andSunday. From the noise datas were be calculated, it can quantified the value of Leq (24 Hours), the value of the noise level during the day (Ls), and the nighttime noise level (Lm) and the day-night noise level (Lsm) on Monday and Sunday. The value of the highest day-night noise level was held on Monday which is at 97.1 dB(A) and a lowest noise level was on Sunday on 60.7 dB (A). That noise intensity exceeds the intensity standard of the noise level according to the Decree of the Minister of Environment number 48 in 1996 which is 55 dB (A)
Tingginya tingkat mobilisasi dan perkembangan Pekanbaru menuju kota metropolitan beberapa tahun belakangan berhubungan langsung dengan pertumbuhan aktivitas transportasi, termasuk tranportasi udara. Bandara Sultan Syarif Kasim II menjadi bandara internasional mengakibatkan aktivitas bandara yang semakin tinggi. Aktivitas bandara Sultan Syarif Kasim II Pekanbaru berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kebisingan dikawasan Bandara, sehingga diperlukan penelitian tentang kebisingan akibat aktivitas pesawat terbang. Perhitungan tingkat kebisingan sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No. 48 tahun 1996 dan Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja No. 51 tahun 1999. Perhitungan menunjukkan Tingkat kebisingan tertinggi di kawasan Bandara Internasional Sultan Syarif Kasim II berada di landasan pacu selatan yaitu 88,63 dBA, sedangkan tingkat kebisingan terendah berada pada titik apron timur yaitu 77,72 dBa. Hasil perhitungan diketahui bahwa lama bekerja paling singkat berada di landasan pacu selatan, maksimal bekerja yang diperbolehkan pada daerah tersebut hanya 3,46 jam. Maksimal bekerja terlama di apron timur selama 43,05 jam. Oleh karena itu pekerja disekitar daerah yang memiliki kebisingan yang tinggi harus menggunakan Alat pelindung diri untuk mengurangi dampak kebisingan yang dihasilkan dari aktivitas Bandar
Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Tahu Menggunakan Tanaman Typha Latifolia dengan Metode Constructed Wetland
Tofu industry is a domestic industry largely do not have sewage treatment units, wherewastewater directly discharge into sewers or water bodies without treatment. The aims ofstudy observation the ability of constructed wetland using T. latifolia to removal, COD andTSS. The research variations were plant and detention time. Constructed wetland reactorusing plastics with dimension 50, 36, 31cm, in length x width x height and soil mediathickness of 10 cm, 5 cm sand and 5 cm gravel. T. latifolia plant density 0, 0,5, 0,75 and 1g/cm2, and variations detention time 1,2, and 3 day. Optimal results were obtained in plantsTypha latifolia 1 g/cm2 and detention time day to 3 there are COD 200 mg/L and efficiency of92,70%; TSS 153 mg/L with efficiency 87,90%;. Anova analysis results α = 5% show thevalue COD 98,8%; and TSS 92,8%. Wich explains that the plant density factor and detentiontime affect the the concentration reduction COD and TSS