49 research outputs found
Lockdown stringency and paediatric self-harm presentations during COVID-19 pandemic: retrospective cohort study
Street Art a Torino: una nuova immagine della città tra continuità storica e disegno urbano / Street Art in Torino: a New Image for the city between Historical Continuity and Urban Survey
Torino è nota agli studiosi sia per il suo profilo barocco,sia per l’immagine industriale offerta con continuità dai primi decenni del XX secolo sino ai tardi anni novanta, poi ampiamente trasformata da processi di rigenerazione urbana. Il primo rappresenta il residuo tangibile dei secoli in cui fu capitale della corte sabauda, il secondo riflette la sua trasformazione in grande città industriale, emblema della ‘one company town’. Oggi la crisi, l’emergere di una composizione diversa degli abitanti, in parallelo con nuove idee sul ruolo della città, hanno portato a una progressiva trasformazione del profilo urbano, mentre la rigenerazione svolge un ruolo importante e si afferma una consapevolezza progressiva, in cui anche l’arte di strada, con note firme, contribuisce a una tangibile trasformazione degli ambiti storici.
Writers e autori di murales stanno gradualmente sostituendo altre forme di arredo urbano, definendo una nuova immagine della città, a volte persino brillante, oppure, al contrario, triste e oscura, ma in ogni caso indizio di una fase rilevante, non meno riconoscibile di quelle ricordate in apertura. Il loro lavoro garantisce carattere a luoghi privi di una identità, spesso modificati da trasformazioni incongrue, diventati untitled. Promuovono, infine, con la loro azione – a volte consapevole, in altro casi più spontanea – un’intima connessione tra espressione artistica, architettura e città. // Turin is known to scholars both for its baroque profile and for the industrial image offered continuously from the first decades of the twentieth century until the late nineties, then widely transformed by urban regeneration processes. The first represents the tangible residue of the centuries in which the city was the capital of the Savoy court, the second reflects its transformation into a large industrial city, emblem of the ‘one company town’. Today the crisis, the emergence of a different composition of the inhabitants (i.e. the gentrification), in parallel with new ideas on the role of the city, have led to a progressive transformation of the urban profile, while regeneration plays an important role and a progressive awareness is affirmed, in which even Street Art, with well-known signatures, also contributes to a tangible transformation of historical areas.
Writers and murals authors are gradually replacing other forms of urban furniture, defining a new image of the city, sometimes even brilliant, or, on the contrary, sad and dark but, in any case, indicative of a relevant phase, no less recognizable than those remember at the opening. Their work guarantees character to places without an identity, often modified by incongruous transformations, which have become ‘untitled’. Finally, with their action - sometimes conscious, in other cases more spontaneous - they promote an intimate connection between artistic expression, architecture and the city
Criteri di interpretazione della città storica: rilettura dell’esperienza di ricerca sui borghi e le borgate di Torino / Interpretative Criteria for the Historical City: a New View over the Research Experience on Turin Boroughs and Townships
La complessità del concetto di città storica e di quello, ancor più articolato, di struttura storica della città, impone di riconsiderare l’estensione del tessuto storico urbano e soprattutto di leggere con rinnovata attenzione il legame tra le “parti di città” e il nucleo di più antica acculturazione, secondo la definizione datane ormai trent’anni orsono. In particolare, aree un tempo in grado di definire senza equivoci i parametri propri a borghi e borgate, o anche identificabili per la loro caratteristica di punto di cesura tra una porzione di città e l’altra, sono ormai, al contrario, nel contesto dei processi di ridefinizione delle funzioni urbane, degli spazi di cerniera dalle forti potenzialità. L’indagine condotta, alla ricerca delle connotazioni specifiche dei borghi e delle borgate, della loro più vistosa identità, va ora ricondotta a un’interpretazione diversa, forzatamente sfumata, che tenti di rendere conto di un processo in atto – ben riconoscibile – di trasformazione della città in chiave diversa, certo più fluida.
The complexity of the concept known as "Historical City" and of that, even more articulated, of “Historical Structure of the City”, requires reconsidering the extension of the urban historical tissue and above all it recommends to read with renewed attention the link between the “parts of the city” and the so called “nucleus of oldest acculturation”, according to the definition given thirty years ago. Particularly, areas that once can define these portions, generally showing the historical connotation of boroughs or townships, and recognized precisely for their role as a cession, are now, in contrast, in the context of quick urban functions redefinition, hinged spaces, with strong potentialities. The survey carried out, in search of the specific connotations of boroughs and townships, in particular of their most prominent identity, has now turned to a different interpretation, forcedly more shaded, trying to account for a well known and recognizable process of city transformation in a different, surely fluider, way
Aree esterne, spazi interni: borghi e borgate di Torino quale luogo storico di multiculturalità. Un approccio interdisciplinare al rilievo urbano
La città storica ha sempre rappresentato una palestra privilegiata di analisi della diversità e della multiculturalità, secondo le accezioni che i termini hanno via via assunto. Attraverso un approccio fortemente interdisciplinare - tra storia dell’urbanistica e rilievo urbano - in Torino si è riconosciuto il ruolo altamente caratterizzante di alcune aree, nate come marginali, indi riassorbite nel contesto del cosiddetto 'centro storico' della città, ossia i borghi e borgate cittadini.
The historic city has always been a privileged centre for the analysis of diversity and multiculturality, according to and following the meanings that the terms have gradually assumed. Through a strongly interdisciplinary approach - between urban history and urban survey - in Turin it has been possible to recognize the hard characterizing role of some areas, born as marginal, then reabsorbed in the context of the so-called 'Old Town' of the city, the so-called urban boroughs and townships
What Do We Know about the Long-Term Course of Early Onset Bipolar Disorder? A Review of the Current Evidence
Emotional Dysregulation and Adaptive Functioning in Preschoolers With Autism Spectrum Disorder or Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders
AimEmotional dysregulation (ED), defined by deficits in the ability to monitor and modulate the valence, intensity, and expression of emotions, is typically expressed with irritability, tantrums, mood fluctuations, and self-harm in young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Although ED does not represent a diagnostic feature of ASD, its manifestations are an important contributor to functional impairment and clinical referral. This study aims to examine the relationship between ED and adaptive functioning in preschoolers clinically referred for ASD or other neurodevelopmental disorders. MethodsA sample of 100 children (74% males, mean age 39.4 +/- 12.3 months), consecutively referred to a university clinic for neurodevelopmental disorders, received clinical assessments of psychopathology with the CBCL and the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised, of ED- with the CBCL-Attention, Anxious/Depressed, and Aggression index (CBCL-AAA), of autism symptom severity with the ADOS-2 Calibrated Severity Score (ADOS-CSS), and of global developmental/cognitive delay (GDD) with the WPPSI-IV or other age-appropriate standardized scales. Adaptive functioning was measured with the ABAS-II. Sixty-five children met DSM-5 criteria for ASD. Multivariate regression models were applied to evaluate the relative contribution of ED, ASD severity and GDD to the ABAS-II general (GAC), conceptual (CAD), social (SAD), and practical (PAD) adaptive functioning domains. ResultsOverall (n = 100), lower adaptive functioning was associated with higher CBCL-AAA (p = 0.003), higher ADOS-CSS (p < 0.001), and presence of GDD (p = 0.023). In the ASD group (n = 65), worse CAD was predicted by GDD (p = 0.016), and worse SAD and PAD by higher ADOS-CSS (p = 0.032) and ED (p = 0.002). No sex differences were detected in the study variables. ConclusionTogether with the severity of global developmental delay and of autism symptoms, ED is a significant contributor to impairment in adaptive functioning among young children with a neurodevelopmental disorder and, in particular, with ASD. ED could represent a specific target for early interventions aimed at enhancing adaptive functioning in early childhood