353 research outputs found
Automated searching for quantum subsystem codes
Quantum error correction allows for faulty quantum systems to behave in an
effectively error free manner. One important class of techniques for quantum
error correction is the class of quantum subsystem codes, which are relevant
both to active quantum error correcting schemes as well as to the design of
self-correcting quantum memories. Previous approaches for investigating these
codes have focused on applying theoretical analysis to look for interesting
codes and to investigate their properties. In this paper we present an
alternative approach that uses computational analysis to accomplish the same
goals. Specifically, we present an algorithm that computes the optimal quantum
subsystem code that can be implemented given an arbitrary set of measurement
operators that are tensor products of Pauli operators. We then demonstrate the
utility of this algorithm by performing a systematic investigation of the
quantum subsystem codes that exist in the setting where the interactions are
limited to 2-body interactions between neighbors on lattices derived from the
convex uniform tilings of the plane.Comment: 38 pages, 15 figure, 10 tables. The algorithm described in this paper
is available as both library and a command line program (including full
source code) that can be downloaded from
http://github.com/gcross/CodeQuest/downloads. The source code used to apply
the algorithm to scan the lattices is available upon request. Please feel
free to contact the authors with question
From optimal measurement to efficient quantum algorithms for the hidden subgroup problem over semidirect product groups
We approach the hidden subgroup problem by performing the so-called pretty
good measurement on hidden subgroup states. For various groups that can be
expressed as the semidirect product of an abelian group and a cyclic group, we
show that the pretty good measurement is optimal and that its probability of
success and unitary implementation are closely related to an average-case
algebraic problem. By solving this problem, we find efficient quantum
algorithms for a number of nonabelian hidden subgroup problems, including some
for which no efficient algorithm was previously known: certain metacyclic
groups as well as all groups of the form (Z_p)^r X| Z_p for fixed r (including
the Heisenberg group, r=2). In particular, our results show that entangled
measurements across multiple copies of hidden subgroup states can be useful for
efficiently solving the nonabelian HSP.Comment: 18 pages; v2: updated references on optimal measuremen
Simulating Hamiltonian dynamics using many-qudit Hamiltonians and local unitary control
When can a quantum system of finite dimension be used to simulate another
quantum system of finite dimension? What restricts the capacity of one system
to simulate another? In this paper we complete the program of studying what
simulations can be done with entangling many-qudit Hamiltonians and local
unitary control. By entangling we mean that every qudit is coupled to every
other qudit, at least indirectly. We demonstrate that the only class of
finite-dimensional entangling Hamiltonians that aren't universal for simulation
is the class of entangling Hamiltonians on qubits whose Pauli operator
expansion contains only terms coupling an odd number of systems, as identified
by Bremner et. al. [Phys. Rev. A, 69, 012313 (2004)]. We show that in all other
cases entangling many-qudit Hamiltonians are universal for simulation
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