1,513 research outputs found

    Study of gain variation as a function of physical parameters of GEM foil

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    The ALICE experiment at LHC has planned to upgrade the TPC by replacing the MWPC with GEM based detecting elements to restrict the IBF to a tolerable value. However the variation of the gain as a function of physical parameters of industrially produced large size GEM foils is needed to be studied as a part of the QA procedure for the detector. The size of the electron avalanche and consequently the gain for GEM based detectors depend on the electric field distribution inside the holes. Geometry of a hole plays an important role in defining the electric field inside it. In this work we have studied the variation of the gain as a function of the hole diameters using Garfield++ simulation package.Comment: 2 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of 13th. Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors (May 24 - 30, 2015

    Thermodynamics and Phase Transition in Shapere-Wilczek {\it fgh} model: Cosmological Time Crystal in Quadratic Gravity

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    The Shapere-Wilczek model \cite{wil}, or so called fgh fgh model, enjoys the remarkable features of a Time Crystal (TC) that has a non-trivial time dependence in its lowest energy state (or the classical ground state). We construct a particular form of fgh fgh model (with specified f,g,hf,g,h functions) that is derived from a Mini-superspace version of a quadratic f(R,Rμν)f(R,R_{\mu\nu}) gravity theory. Main part of the investigation deals with thermodynamic properties of such systems from classical statistical mechanics perspective. Our analysis reveals the possibility of a {\it phase transition}. Because of the higher (time) derivative nature of the model computation of the partial function is non-trivial and requires newly discovered techniques. We speculate about possible connection between our model and the Multiverse scenario.Comment: 9 pages including supplements, 6 captioned figures; title has been changed, some references are added; version accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    Investigating the radial flow like effects using identified triggered correlation in pp collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV

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    An inclusive baryon to meson enhancement with increase in multiplicity has been observed in pp collisions at s\sqrt{s}= 7 TeV. Such a striking feature of the data can be explained by approaches based on hydrodynamics and multi-parton interactions (MPI) coupled with color reconnection (CR) mechanism. In this paper, we investigate the multiplicity evolution of the charged particle yields associated with pions and protons selected from the intermediate pTp_{T} region where the inclusive baryon to meson enhancement has been observed. The study has been peformed using EPOS 3 (hydrodynamics) and PYTHIA 8 (MPI with CR) event generators in pp collisions at 7 TeV. We find that the response of the individual pion and proton triggered correlation towards these two mechanisms is different and can be used to disentangle the effect of one from the other. The current study can, therefore, provide important insights on the origin of radial flow like effects in high multiplicity pp collisions at the LHC energies.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Characterisation of an RPC prototype with moderate resistivity plates using tetrafluoroethane (C2H2F4C_2H_2F_4)

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    Keeping in mind the requirements of high rate capable, cost effective, large area detectors to be used in future high energy physics experiments, commercially available bakelite plates having moderate bulk resistivity are used to build an RPC module. The chamber is tested with cosmic rays in the avalanche mode using 100\% Tetrafluoroethane (C2H2F4C_2H_2F_4). Standard NIM electronics are used for this study. The efficiency, noise rate and time resolution are measured. The detailed method of measurement and the first test results are presented.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, XV Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors - RPC2020 (Accepted manuscript

    Exploiting Nanoelectronic Properties of Memory Chips for Prevention of IC Counterfeiting

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    This study presents a methodology for anticounterfeiting of Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) chips. In particular, we experimentally demonstrate a generalized methodology for detecting (i) Integrated Circuit (IC) origin, (ii) recycled or used NVM chips, and (iii) identification of used locations (addresses) in the chip. Our proposed methodology inspects latency and variability signatures of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) NVM chips. The proposed technique requires low-cycle (~100) pre-conditioning and utilizes Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. We observe different trends in evolution of latency (sector erase or page write) with cycling on different NVM technologies from different vendors. ML assisted approach is utilized for detecting IC manufacturers with 95.1 % accuracy obtained on prepared test dataset consisting of 3 different NVM technologies including 6 different manufacturers (9 types of chips).Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted in IEEE NANO 202


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    The monocotyledonous Dioscorea genus is known as yam. Many species of Dioscorea genus are economically important crops of worldwide and many of them have been used in the pharmaceutical industry. In vitro propagation of Dioscorea species pave the way to meet the demand of this economically important plant. The protocols are designed to provide the optimal levels of mineral nutrients, environmental factors, vitamins and carbohydrates to achieve the high regeneration rate of the different species of Dioscorea in vitro. This review summarizes some of the important reports on micropropagation technique of Dioscorea from the literature data. Key Words: Dioscorea, In vitro, micropropagation, Yam. Â

    Spatial heterogeneity in the radiogenic activity of the lunar interior: Inferences from CHACE and LLRI on Chandrayaan-1

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    In the past, clues on the potential radiogenic activity of the lunar interior have been obtained from the isotopic composition of noble gases like Argon. Excess Argon (40) relative to Argon (36), as compared to the solar wind composition, is generally ascribed to the radiogenic activity of the lunar interior. Almost all the previous estimates were based on, 'on-the-spot' measurements from the landing sites. Relative concentration of the isotopes of 40Ar and 36Ar along a meridian by the Chandra's Altitudinal Composition Explorer (CHACE) experiment, on the Moon Impact Probe (MIP) of India's first mission to Moon, has independently yielded clues on the possible spatial heterogeneity in the radiogenic activity of the lunar interior in addition to providing indicative 'antiquity' of the lunar surface along the ground track over the near side of the moon. These results are shown to broadly corroborate the independent topography measurements by the Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument (LLRI) in the main orbiter Chandrayaan-1. The unique combination of these experiments provided high spatial resolution data while indicating the possible close linkages between the lunar interior and the lunar ambience
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