10 research outputs found

    Quick List for capturing standardised photographs.

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    <p>This could be printed on a small card to be carried with the camera as a reminder to research assistants capturing images.</p><p>Quick List for capturing standardised photographs.</p

    Use of scale to define the upper and lower boundaries of image in the landscape position.

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    <p>This series of images of the same sore on days 0 (A), 2 (B) and 7 (C) utilise the scale well with the 0 at the top of the image and the 5 at the bottom, are clear and focussed and demonstrate sore healing over time. Limitations include different availability of light as captured during different parts of the day using outdoor light.</p

    An example of the participant identification card described in table 1.

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    <p>This card contains participant number, date of image, study day, and whether it is sore A or B as up to two-thirds of study participants had two sores enrolled in the study.</p