154 research outputs found

    Labyrinthine fistulas: Surgical outcomes and an additional diagnostic strategy

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate perioperative findings and audiological and vestibular outcomes in patients operated for cholesteatoma with labyrinthine fistulas. Also to assess radiological fistula size. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients who underwent surgery for a labyrinthine fistula caused by a cholesteatoma between 2015 and 2020 in a tertiary referral center were retrospectively investigated. Fistula size was determined on preoperative CT scan. Bone and air conduction pure tone average thresholds were obtained pre- and postoperatively. Clinical outcomes, such as vertigo and otorrea were also evaluated. Main purpose was to determine whether there is a correlation between fistula size and postoperative hearing. Furthermore, perioperative findings and vestibular outcomes are evaluated. RESULTS: 21 patients (22 cases) with a labyrinthine fistula were included. There was no significant change after surgery in bone conduction pure tone average (preoperatively 27.6 dB ± 26.7; postoperatively 30.3 dB ± 34.3; p = 0.628) or air conduction pure tone average (preoperatively 58.7 dB ± 24.3; postoperatively 60.2 dB ± 28.3; p = 0.816). Fistula size was not correlated to postoperative hearing outcome. There were two patients with membranous labyrinth invasion: one patient was deaf preoperatively, the other acquired total sensorineural hearing loss after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Sensorineural hearing loss after cholesteatoma surgery with labyrinthine fistula is rare. Fistula size and postoperative hearing loss are not correlated, however, membranous labyrinthine invasion seems to be related to poor postoperative hearing outcomes. Therefore, additional preoperative radiological work up, by MRI scan, in selected cases is advocated to guide the surgeon to optimize preoperative counselling

    The spatial relationship between the MRI lesion and intraoperative electrocorticography in focal epilepsy surgery.

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    MRI and intraoperative electrocorticography are often used in tandem to delineate epileptogenic tissue in resective surgery for focal epilepsy. Both the resection of the MRI lesion and tissue with high rates of electrographic discharges on electrocorticography, e.g. spikes and high-frequency oscillations (80-500 Hz), lead to a better surgical outcome. How MRI and electrographic markers are related, however, is currently unknown. The aim of this study was to find the spatial relationship between MRI lesions and spikes/high-frequency oscillations. We retrospectively included 33 paediatric and adult patients with lesional neocortical epilepsy who underwent electrocorticography-tailored surgery (14 females, median age = 13.4 years, range = 0.6-47.0 years). Mesiotemporal lesions were excluded. We used univariable linear regression to find correlations between pre-resection spike/high-frequency oscillation rates on an electrode and its distance to the MRI lesion. We tested straight lines to the centre and the edge of the MRI lesion, and the distance along the cortical surface to determine which of these distances best reflects the occurrence of spikes/high-frequency oscillations. We conducted a moderator analysis to investigate the influence of the underlying pathology type and lesion volume on our results. We found spike and high-frequency oscillation rates to be spatially linked to the edge of the MRI lesion. The underlying pathology type influenced the spatial relationship between spike/high-frequency oscillation rates and the MRI lesion (P spikes < 0.0001, P ripples < 0.0001), while the lesion volume did not (P spikes = 0.64, P ripples = 0.89). A higher spike rate was associated with a shorter distance to the edge of the lesion for cavernomas [F(1,64) = -1.37, P < 0.0001, η 2 = 0.22], focal cortical dysplasias [F(1,570) = -0.25, P < 0.0001, η 2 = 0.05] and pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomas [F(1,66) = -0.18, P = 0.01, η 2 = 0.09]. In focal cortical dysplasias, a higher ripple rate was associated with a shorter distance [F(1,570) = -0.35, P < 0.0001, η 2 = 0.05]. Conversely, low-grade gliomas showed a positive correlation; the further an electrode was away from the lesion, the higher the rate of spikes [F(1,75) = 0.65, P < 0.0001, η 2 = 0.37] and ripples [F(1,75) = 2.67, P < 0.0001, η 2 = 0.22]. Pathophysiological processes specific to certain pathology types determine the spatial relationship between the MRI lesion and electrocorticography results. In our analyses, non-tumourous lesions (focal cortical dysplasias and cavernomas) seemed to intrinsically generate spikes and high-frequency oscillations, particularly at the border of the lesion. This advocates for a resection of this tissue. Low-grade gliomas caused epileptogenicity in the peritumoural tissue. Whether a resection of this tissue leads to a better outcome is unclear. Our results suggest that the underlying pathology type should be considered when intraoperative electrocorticography is interpreted

    Masseter muscle parameters can function as an alternative for skeletal muscle mass assessments on cross-sectional imaging at lumbar or cervical vertebral levels

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    Background: Patients with head and neck cancer are at increased risk of developing low skeletal muscle mass (SMM), which is associated with adverse treatment outcomes and prognosis. Low SMM is most commonly assessed by the skeletal muscle cross sectional area (CSA) at the third lumbar vertebra (L3) or more recently the third cervical vertebra (C3). L3 is not routinely imaged and C3 may be impacted by disease or treatment. As an alternative we analyzed masseter muscle characteristics and their relationship with L3 and C3 skeletal muscle CSA and overall survival (OS). Methods: In this single-center retrospective study, 99 patients with head and neck cancer who underwent whole body FDG-PET/CT-scans were reviewed. Of these patients, L3 CSA, C3 CSA, masseter CSA, masseter thickness, masseter volume, masseter Hounsfield Unit values, lumbar skeletal muscle index (LSMI), cervical skeletal muscle index (CSMI), and masseter skeletal muscle index (MSMI) were recorded and correlated with each other and with OS. Results: We included 72 male and 27 female patients. The masseter muscle parameters differed significantly between sexes. The Spearman correlation coefficients for C3 CSA-Masseter volume and L3 CSA-Masseter volume were 0.639 and 0.531 (P<0.001) respectively. In multivariate analysis low MSMI was a predictor of OS (HR 2.227, P=0.009). Conclusions: There is a moderate to strong association between the masseter muscle volume (MV) and C3 CSA and L3 CSA. MSMI predicts OS. Further research should investigate the relationship between muscle function and masseter muscle parameters and impacting factors on masseter muscle dimensions

    Feasibility study of ultrasound-guided resection of tongue cancer with immediate specimen examination to improve margin control - Comparison with conventional treatment

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    Objectives: Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue (SCCT) is preferably treated by surgery. Free resection margins (> 5 mm) provide local control and disease-free survival. However, close (1-5 mm) and positive margins (< 1 mm) are frequently encountered. We present our first experience of in-vivo ultrasound (US) guided SCCT resections followed by ex-vivo US control on the resection specimen to obtain free margins. We compare the results with those from a hisorical cohort of 91 conventionally treated SCCT patients. Materials and methods: Ten patients with SCCT were included in a consecutive US-cohort. We aimed for a 5-10 mm margin during surgery, while we visualized the resection plane on US. Ex-vivo US measurements on the resection specimen determined whether there was any need for an immediate re-resection. US measurements were then compared with histopathology. Histopathological margins were compared with a consecutive cohort of 91 patients who had undergone conventional surgery for a SCCT. Results: In the US cohort, 70% of the margins were free. In the conventional cohort, this figure was 17% (P = 0.005). US predicted minimal histopathological margin distance with a mean +/- SD error of 1.9 +/- 1.8 mm. The mean +/- SD of the histopathological overall submucosal/deep margin distance was 7.9 +/- 2.1 mm in the US cohort and 7.0 +/- 2.2 mm in the conventional cohort (P = 0.188). Ex-vivo examination through use of US indicated an immediate re-resection, which prevented local adjuvant treatment. Conclusion: Use of US-guided SCCT resection is feasible and improves margin control

    Feasibility study of ultrasound-guided resection of tongue cancer with immediate specimen examination to improve margin control - Comparison with conventional treatment

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    Objectives: Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue (SCCT) is preferably treated by surgery. Free resection margins (&gt; 5 mm) provide local control and disease-free survival. However, close (1-5 mm) and positive margins (&lt; 1 mm) are frequently encountered. We present our first experience of in-vivo ultrasound (US) guided SCCT resections followed by ex-vivo US control on the resection specimen to obtain free margins. We compare the results with those from a hisorical cohort of 91 conventionally treated SCCT patients. Materials and methods: Ten patients with SCCT were included in a consecutive US-cohort. We aimed for a 5-10 mm margin during surgery, while we visualized the resection plane on US. Ex-vivo US measurements on the resection specimen determined whether there was any need for an immediate re-resection. US measurements were then compared with histopathology. Histopathological margins were compared with a consecutive cohort of 91 patients who had undergone conventional surgery for a SCCT. Results: In the US cohort, 70% of the margins were free. In the conventional cohort, this figure was 17% (P = 0.005). US predicted minimal histopathological margin distance with a mean +/- SD error of 1.9 +/- 1.8 mm. The mean +/- SD of the histopathological overall submucosal/deep margin distance was 7.9 +/- 2.1 mm in the US cohort and 7.0 +/- 2.2 mm in the conventional cohort (P = 0.188). Ex-vivo examination through use of US indicated an immediate re-resection, which prevented local adjuvant treatment. Conclusion: Use of US-guided SCCT resection is feasible and improves margin control.</p

    К вопросу совершенствования технологии управления процессами воздухораспределения и газовыделения на выемочных участках

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    Розглянуто процес розвитку технологічних схем провітрювання та дегазації виймальних ділянок вугільних шахт. Показане, що вакуумування і відвід по трубопроводу притоків газоповітряної суміші з верхньої частини лави за межі виймальної дільниці відкриває можливість впливати на аеродинамічний процес одночасно у двох напрямках – у керуванні газовиділенням і повітрерозподілом. Вплив такого впливу розглянуте в умовах основних застосовуваних схем провітрювання.The process of technological schemes of ventilation and drainage excavation sites of coal mines. Shown that the evacuation and removal via tributaries of gas-air mixture from the top of the long wall beyond excavation site provides an opportunity to influence the aerodynamic processes in two directions - in the management of any gas and air distribution. The effect of such exposure is considered in terms of the basic circuits used airing

    Radiological and surgical aspects of round window visibility during cochlear implantation: a retrospective analysis

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    PURPOSE: The round window approach has become the most preferred option for cochlear implant (CI) insertion, however, sometimes it may not be possible due to the (in)visibility of the round window membrane (RWM). We addressed the prevalence, consequences and indicators of difficult detection of the RWM in cochlear implant surgery. METHODS: This study retrospectively analysed the operative reports and preoperative high resolution axial-computed tomography (CT) scans of a consecutive cohort of patients who underwent a CI insertion. The main outcomes were surgical outcomes of the RW approach, and assessment of radiological markers. RESULTS: The operative reports showed that RWM insertion was feasible in 151 out of 153 patients. In 18% of the patients the RWM was difficult to visualize. All these patients had at least one intraoperative event. The chorda tympani nerve (CTN) or posterior canal wall was affected in 8% of the 153 patients and the fallopian canal in 6%. These patients had a facial-chorda tympani nerve distance on the CT scan that was considerably smaller than normal patients (1.5 mm vs 2.3 mm). In addition, a prediction line towards the anterolateral side of the RWM was found to be more prevalent in these patients' CT scans (sensitivity 81%, specificity 63%). CONCLUSION: The RW approach is feasible in almost all patients undergoing CI surgery. Difficult visualisation of the RWM seems to lead to at least one intraoperative event. Radiological measures showed that these patients had a smaller facial recess and a more anteriorly placed facial nerve, which can be used to better plan a safe insertion approach

    Perfusion imaging with arterial spin labeling (ASL)-MRI predicts malignant progression in low‑grade (WHO grade II) gliomas

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    PURPOSE: Predicting malignant progression of grade II gliomas would allow for earlier initiation of treatment. The hypothesis for this single-centre, case-control study was that the perfusion signal on ASL-MRI predicts such malignant progression in the following 12 months. METHODS: Consecutive patients with the following criteria were included: ≥ 18 years, grade II glioma (biopsied or resected) and an ASL-MRI 6-12 months prior to malignant progression (cases) or stable disease (controls). Malignant progression was defined either radiologically (new T1w-contrast enhancement) or histologically (neurosurgical tissue sampling). Three controls were matched with each case. Some patients served as their own control by using earlier imaging. The ASL-MRIs were reviewed by two neuroradiologists and classified as positive (hyper-intense or iso-intense compared to cortical grey matter) or negative (hypo-intense). In patients with epilepsy, a neurologist reviewed clinicoradiological data to exclude peri-ictal pseudoprogression. The statistical analysis included diagnostic test properties, a Cohen's Kappa interrater reliability coefficient and stratification for previous radiotherapy. RESULTS: Eleven cases (median age = 48, IQR = 43-50 years) and 33 controls (43, 27-50 years) were included. Malignant progression appeared at 37 months (median, IQR = 17-44) after first surgery. Thirty ASL-MRIs were assessed as negative and 14 as positive. None of the MRIs showed signs of peri-ictal pseudoprogression. ASL significantly predicted subsequent malignant progression (sensitivity = 73%; specificity = 82%; OR = 12; 95%-CI = 2.4-59.1; p = 0.002). The interrater reliability coefficient was 0.65. In stratified analysis, ASL-MRI predicted malignant progression both in patients with previous radiotherapy and in those without (Mantel-Haenszel test, p = 0.003). CONCLUSION: Perfusion imaging with ASL-MRI can predict malignant progression within 12 months in patients with grade II glioma