8 research outputs found

    Manajemen Program Siaran Lokal Aceh TV Dalam Upaya Penyebarluasan Syariat Islam Dan Pelestarian Budaya Lokal

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    Managing broadcasting management is not easy. Managing the broadcasting business is a difficult and challenging. This research aims to analyze the activity of management and organizational performance ACEH TV television media in an effort to disseminate the Islamic Sharia and Preservation of Local Culture in Aceh. This research is descriptive qualitative. Informants of this research is managing director, program director, executive producer, cameraman / reporter, as well as additional informants Regional Chairman of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPID) Aceh, Aceh Province Department of Islamic Law, and local media observers. The location of this research is in Banda Aceh, Aceh province. Sampling was done purposively. Data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed by analysis of an interactive model of Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the ACEH TV as the medium of television that is broadcasting management ACEH have done according to a local television broadcasting standard. Agenda setting function of mass media performed in the ACEH TV dissemination of Islamic Shariah in Aceh and local culture to influence the people of Aceh to implement Islamic Sharia and also maintain the culture and local wisdom Aceh. It can be seen from all the programs that are aired ACEH TV is a program of local cultural nuances of Islamic law. There are still some shortcomings in running broadcasting broadcasting technology such as lack of equipment that is increasingly sophisticated. The results of image editing is very simple, and some programs presenter still looks stiff when in front of the camera

    Additional file 4: Figure S3. of Association mapping by pooled sequencing identifies TOLL 11 as a protective factor against Plasmodium falciparum in Anopheles gambiae

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    Manhattan plot for colony Fd03. Results are given for the two replicates individually and the values combined by Fisher’s method. All genotyped loci were tested for association with two phenotypes by logistic regression using PLINK. Infection prevalence (blue) was defined as having more than one oocyst in the dissected midgut, infection intensity (red, measured only for mosquitoes carrying ≥1 oocyst) as having >5 oocysts. Dashed line represents a 0.01 p-value (i.e., 1/p = 100). Genes in the regions are shown below; Toll11 and Toll10 are the two rightmost genes on the positive strand. The combined plot represents values from reps 1 and 2 combined by the method of Fisher [47]. (PDF 127 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Association mapping by pooled sequencing identifies TOLL 11 as a protective factor against Plasmodium falciparum in Anopheles gambiae

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    Genome wide total heterozygosity and relative heterozygosity for founder colony Fd09. Plots depict heterozygosity measures for colony Fd09 across all chromosomes. Total pooled heterozygosity (Hp) was calculated in a sliding 10 kb window along the chromosome within the Fd09 colony. Dots indicate minimum and maximum values for a 1 Mb window, the black line indicates the average heterozygosity and the gray shading represents the standard deviation of total pooled heterozygosity across a 1 Mb window. Relative diversity (HpR) per 1 Mb window, calculated as the proportion of heterozygosity in a given pool relative to total heterozygosity within the source Fd09 colony. Color of point indicates per window elevated heterozygosity (blue), or reduced heterozygosity (red), plotted as log base 10 of the relative diversity. Phenotype pool identity is indicated in the lower left of each panel (high, low, zero oocysts). A relative heterozygosity value of 1 indicates the same heterozygosity levels in tested pool as compared to all other pools, values greater than 1 indicate greater heterozygosity in the tested pool and values less than 1 indicate lower heterozygosity in the tested pool. Given the log scale values of 0.5 and 2.0 are equidistant from 1. Candidate loci 9.1 and 9.2 are indicated by dark blue and light blue shading, respectively, on Chromosome 2. At locus 9.1, relative heterozygosity is decreased in the high pool and simultaneously reduced in the low and zero pools, while at locus 9.2, relative heterozygosity in increased in the high pool and decreased in the other pools. Each pool was comprised of DNA from 20 individual mosquitoes. (PDF 4973 kb

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Association mapping by pooled sequencing identifies TOLL 11 as a protective factor against Plasmodium falciparum in Anopheles gambiae

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    Genome wide total heterozygosity and relative heterozygosity for founder colony Fd03. Plots depict heterozygosity measures for colony Fd03 across all chromosomes. Total pooled heterozygosity (Hp) was calculated in a sliding 10 kb window along the chromosome within the Fd03 colony. Dots indicate minimum and maximum values for a 1 Mb window, the black line indicates the average heterozygosity and the gray shading represents the standard deviation of total pooled heterozygosity across a 1 Mb window. Relative diversity (HpR) per 1 Mb window, calculated as the proportion of heterozygosity in a given pool relative to total heterozygosity within the source Fd03 colony. Color of point indicates per window elevated heterozygosity (blue), or reduced heterozygosity (red), plotted as log base 10 of the relative diversity. Phenotype pool identity is indicated in the lower left of each panel (high, low, zero oocysts). A relative heterozygosity value of 1 indicates the same heterozygosity levels in tested pool as compared to all other pools, values greater than 1 indicate greater heterozygosity in the tested pool and values less than 1 indicate lower heterozygosity in the tested pool. Given the log scale values of 0.5 and 2.0 are equidistant from 1. Candidate locus 3.1 is indicated by the red vertical shaded bar at coordinates 17.4-19.1 Mb. In this interval, relative heterozygosity is increased in the high pool and simultaneously reduced in the low and zero pools. Pools were comprised of DNA from 20 (zero oocyst pool), 17 (low oocyst pool), or 14 (high oocyst pool) individuals. (PDF 4909 kb