5 research outputs found
Multivariate analyses assessing the effects of only-child on sex-related acknowledge, attitude and behavior.
a<p>Standardized regression coefficient and odds ratio with 95% confidence interval in parentheses was adjusted for age, major, grade, nationality, hometown area, and family economic status.</p>b<p>p<0.05 <sup>c</sup>p<0.01.</p
Risky sexual behaviors and risks among sexually active female students who were only-child and students with siblings.
a<p>Missed cases were excluded.</p>b<p>Significance tests was chi-squared tests for dichotomous variables.</p
Socio-demographic characteristics of females from one-child families and those students with siblings.
<p>Socio-demographic characteristics of females from one-child families and those students with siblings.</p
Sex-related acknowledge, attitude and behavior among students who were only-child and students with siblings.
a<p>Missed cases were excluded.</p>b<p>Significance tests was chi-squared tests for dichotomous variables.</p