59 research outputs found

    Extracranial Vertebral Artery Aneurysm Presenting as a Chronic Cervical Mass Lesion

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    Background. Aneurysms of the extracranial vertebral artery are rare and can provide a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Methods. We reviewed the clinical history of a patient presenting with cervical radiculopathy, who harboured an extracranial vertebral artery aneurysm eroding the cervical spine. Results. CT Angiography and MR Angiography set the diagnosis, by revealing a left C5-C6 vertebral artery aneurysm with cervical root impingement. Bony reconstruction depicted enlargement of the C6 transverse foramen and a marked enlargement of the C6-C7 intravertebral foramen. The lesion was treated by intravascular proximal vertebral artery occlusion. Conclusions. Extracranial vertebral artery aneurysms require a high index of clinical suspicion. This is the first report of a vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm presenting with bony erosion, which supports a less minacious portrayal of vertebral artery aneurysms

    Pre-Exercise Maltodextrin Ingestion and Transient Hypoglycemia in Cycling and Running

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 13(2): 1691-1704, 2020. This study examined the phenomenon of transient hypoglycemia and metabolic responses to pre-exercise carbohydrate (CHO) maltodextrin ingestion in cycling and running on the same individuals. Eleven active males cycled or ran for 30 min at 80% maximal heart rate (HRmax) after ingestion of either 1g/kg body mass maltodextrin (CHO-Cycle and CHO-Run respectively) or placebo (PL-Cycle and PL-Run) solutions. Fluids were ingested 30min before exercise in a double-blind and random manner.Blood glucose and serum insulin were higher before exercise in CHO (mean CHO-Cycle+CHO-Run) (Glucose: 7.4 ± 0.3 mmol.l-1; Insulin: 59 ± 10 mU.l-1) compared to placebo (mean PL-Cycle+PL-Run) (Glucose: 4.7 ± 0.1 mmol.l-1; Insulin: 8 ± 1 mU.l-1) (p\u3c0.01), but no differences were observed during exercise among the 4 conditions. Mean blood glucose did not drop below 4.1 mmol.l-1 in any trial. However, six volunteers in CHO-Cycle and seven in CHO-Run experienced blood glucose concentration \u3c 3.5 mmol.l-1 at 20min of exercise and similar degree of transient hypoglycemia in both exercise modes. No association was found between insulin response to maltodextrin ingestion and drop in blood glucose during exercise. Blood lactate increased with exercise more in cycling compared to running, and plasma free fatty acids (FFA) concentrations were higher in placebo compared to CHO irrespective of exercise mode (p\u3c0.01). The ingestion of maltodextrin 30min before exercise at about 80% HRmax produced similar glucose and insulin responses in cycling and running in active males. Lactate was higher in cycling, whereas maltodextrin reduced FFA concentrations independently of exercise mode

    The impact of patterns in linkage disequilibrium and sequencing quality on the imprint of balancing selection

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    Regions under balancing selection are characterized by dense polymorphisms and multiple persistent haplotypes, along with other sequence complexities. Successful identification of these patterns depends on both the statistical approach and the quality of sequencing. To address this challenge, at first, a new statistical method called LD-ABF was developed, employing efficient Bayesian techniques to effectively test for balancing selection. LD-ABF demonstrated the most robust detection of selection in a variety of simulation scenarios, compared against a range of existing tests/tools (Tajima\u27s D, HKA, Dng, BetaScan, and BalLerMix). Furthermore, the impact of the quality of sequencing on detection of balancing selection was explored, as well, using: (i) SNP genotyping and exome data, (ii) targeted high-resolution HLA genotyping (IHIW), and (iii) whole-genome long-read sequencing data (Pangenome). In the analysis of SNP genotyping and exome data, we identified known targets and 38 new selection signatures in genes not previously linked to balancing selection. To further investigate the impact of sequencing quality on detection of balancing selection, a detailed investigation of the MHC was performed with high-resolution HLA typing data. Higher quality sequencing revealed the HLA-DQ genes consistently demonstrated strong selection signatures otherwise not observed from the sparser SNP array and exome data. The HLA-DQ selection signature was also replicated in the Pangenome samples using considerably less samples but, with high-quality long-read sequence data. The improved statistical method, coupled with higher quality sequencing, leads to more consistent identification of selection and enhanced localization of variants under selection, particularly in complex regions

    Fsmpy: A Fuzzy Set Measures Python Library

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    This paper presents the fsmpy Python library for the implementation of any type of measures and comparisons of different types of fuzzy sets, as well as other important and useful utilities and algorithms. In this paper, we analyze the motivation behind its implementation, the design principles followed, the implemented modules of the library and its capabilities, considering intuitionistic fuzzy sets as the case study. Lastly, some examples of its application to widely used pattern recognition, medical diagnosis and image segmentation are presented

    The ancient Hellenic and Hippocratic origins of head and brain terminology

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    Corpus Hippocraticum, a collection of Hippocratic writings, is considered to be the first written monument of rationale medicine. This article focuses on a series of ancient Hellenic words which are cited in Hippocratic passages and have been adopted in current head and brain terminology either invariably, i.e., keeping their original meaning, or as component parts of newly formed terms. This study aims to demonstrate first that the deeper roots of current neuroanatomical terminology spread in Hippocratic writings and second, that ancient Hellenic remains a living language that would probably ever continue to play a catalytic role in the formation of neuroanatomical glossary by providing accurate, emblematic, and functional terms. Clin. Anat. 25:548558, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Surgical Reconstruction of Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm of Palmar Arch Caused by Blunt Trauma

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    Although rare, pseudoaneurysms (PAs) of the palmar arch are mostly considered benign. However, they can cause severe complications if left untreated or misdiagnosed. There are a few data on traumatic PAs of the palmar arch, particularly those most commonly caused by penetrating hand injuries. However, PAs caused by blunt trauma are more insidious in onset, presenting as a painful pulsatile mass in the palmar area of the hand, and require prompt diagnosis and management to avoid catastrophic sequelae. Our case is the first study to describe a patient with traumatic PA of the palmar arch caused by blunt trauma that was treated with surgical reconstruction and venous bypass interposition