363 research outputs found
The APM cluster-galaxy cross-correlation function : Constraints on Omega and galaxy bias
(abridged) We estimate the cluster-galaxy cross-correlation function (Xi_cg),
from the APM galaxy and galaxy cluster surveys, both in real space from the
inversion of projected statistics and in redshift space using the galaxy and
cluster redshift samples. The amplitude of Xi_cg is found to be almost
independent of cluster richness. At large separations, r >~5 h^-1 Mpc, Xi_cg
has a similar shape to the galaxy-galaxy and cluster-cluster autocorrelation
functions. Xi_cg in redshift space can be related to the real space Xi_cg by
convolution with an appropriate velocity field model. Here we apply a spherical
collapse model, which we have tested against N-body simulations, finding that
it provides a surprisingly accurate description of the averaged infall velocity
of matter into galaxy clusters. We use this model to estimate beta
(Omega^{0.6}/b) and find that it tends to overestimate the true result in
simulations by only ~10-30%. Application to the APM results yields beta=0.43
with beta < 0.87 at 95% confidence. We also compare the APM Xi_cg and galaxy
autocorrelations to results from popular cosmological models and derive two
independent estimates of the galaxy biasing expected as a function of scale.
Both low and critical density CDM models require anti-biasing by a factor ~2 on
scales r <~ 2 h^-1Mpc and an MDM model is consistent with a constant biasing
factor on all scales. We use the velocity fields predicted from the different
models to distort the APM real space cross-correlation function. Comparison
with the APM redshift space Xi_cg yields an estimate of the value of Omega^0.6
needed in each model. Only the low Omega model is fully consistent with
observations, with MDM marginally excluded at the ~2 sigma level.Comment: Latex (mn.sty), 17 pages, 16 ps figs, submitted to MNRA
The Power Spectrum of Rich Clusters of Galaxies on Large Spatial Scales
We present an analysis of the redshift-space power spectrum, , of rich
clusters of galaxies based on an automated cluster catalogue selected from the
APM Galaxy Survey. We find that can be approximated by a power law,
P(k)\proptok^{n}, with over the wavenumber range
0.04\hr. Over this range of wavenumbers, the APM cluster power
spectrum has the same shape as the power spectra measured for optical and IRAS
galaxies. This is consistent with a simple linear bias model in which different
tracers have the same power spectrum as that of the mass distribution but
shifted in amplitude by a constant biasing factor. On larger scales, the power
spectrum of APM clusters flattens and appears to turn over on a scale k \sim
0.03\hmpcrev. We compare the power spectra estimated from simulated APM
cluster catalogues to those estimated directly from cubical N-body simulation
volumes and find that the APM cluster survey should give reliable estimates of
the true power spectrum at wavenumbers k \simgt 0.02\hmpcrev. These results
suggest that the observed turn-over in the power spectrum may be a real feature
of the cluster distribution and that we have detected the transition to a near
scale-invariant power spectrum implied by observations of anisotropies in the
cosmic microwave background radiation. The scale of the turn-over in the
cluster power spectrum is in good agreement with the scale of the turn-over
observed in the power spectrum of APM galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 7 ps figures, two style files, submitted to MNRAS. Un-xxx-ed
version available at
Higher Order Statistics from the Apm Galaxy Survey
We apply a new statistics, the factorial moment correlators, to density maps
obtained from the APM survey. The resulting correlators are all proportional to
the two point correlation function, substantially amplified, with an
amplification nearly exponential with the total rank of the correlators. This
confirms the validity of the hierarchical clustering assumption on the dynamic
range examined, corresponding to 0.5 \hmpc - 50 \hmpc in three dimensional
space. The Kirkwood superposition with loop terms is strongly rejected. The
structure coefficients of the hierarchy are also fitted. The high quality of
the APM catalog enabled us to disentangle the various contributions from the
power spectrum, small scale nonlinear clustering, and combinatorial effects,
all of which affect the amplification of the correlators. These effects should
appear in correlations of clusters in a similar fashion.Comment: 30 pages text, 3 pages tables, 5 figures, uuencoded tarred postscrip
The APM Galaxy Survey:- V. Catalogues of Galaxy Clusters
We describe the construction of catalogues of galaxy clusters from the APM
Galaxy survey using an automated algorithm based on Abell-like selection
criteria. We investigate the effects of varying several parameters in our
selection algorithm, including the magnitude range, and radius from the cluster
centre used to estimate the cluster richnesses. We quantify the accuracy of the
photometric distance estimates by comparing with measured redshifts, and we
investigate the stability and completeness of the resulting catalogues. We find
that the angular correlation functions for different cluster catalogues are in
good agreement with one another, and are also consistent with the observed
amplitude of the spatial correlation function of rich clusters.Comment: 14 pages, PostScript, including 15 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Also
available from ftp://ftp-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk/pub/gbd/papers/apm5.ps.g
The Subaru FMOS galaxy redshift survey (FastSound). V. Intrinsic alignments of emission line galaxies at
Intrinsic alignments (IA), the coherent alignment of intrinsic galaxy
orientations, can be a source of a systematic error of weak lensing surveys.
The redshift evolution of IA also contains information about the physics of
galaxy formation and evolution. This paper presents the first measurement of IA
at high redshift, , using the spectroscopic catalog of blue
star-forming galaxies of the FastSound redshift survey, with the galaxy shape
information from the Canada-Hawaii-France telescope lensing survey. The IA
signal is consistent with zero with power-law amplitudes fitted to the
projected correlation functions for density-shape and shape-shape correlation
components, and ,
respectively. These results are consistent with those obtained from blue
galaxies at lower redshifts (e.g., and
at from the WiggleZ survey). The
upper limit of the constrained IA amplitude corresponds to a few percent
contamination to the weak-lensing shear power spectrum, resulting in systematic
uncertainties on the cosmological parameter estimations by and .Comment: 11pages, 7 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in PAS
Constraint on the inflow/outflow rates in star-forming galaxies at z~1.4 from molecular gas observations
We constrain the rate of gas inflow into and outflow from a main-sequence
star-forming galaxy at z~1.4 by fitting a simple analytic model for the
chemical evolution in a galaxy to the observational data of the stellar mass,
metallicity, and molecular gas mass fraction. The molecular gas mass is derived
from CO observations with a metallicity-dependent CO-to-H2 conversion factor,
and the gas metallicity is derived from the H{\alpha} and [NII]{\lambda} 6584
emission line ratio. Using a stacking analysis of CO integrated intensity maps
and the emission lines of H{\alpha} and [NII], the relation between stellar
mass, metallicity, and gas mass fraction is derived. We constrain the inflow
and outflow rates with least-chi-square fitting of a simple analytic chemical
evolution model to the observational data. The best-fit inflow and outflow
rates are ~1.7 and ~0.4 in units of star-formation rate, respectively. The
inflow rate is roughly comparable to the sum of the star-formation rate and
outflow rate, which supports the equilibrium model for galaxy evolution; i.e.,
all inflow gas is consumed by star formation and outflow.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in the Ap
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