8 research outputs found
Implementasi Kewirausahaan Sebagai Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Produk Pada Pendidikan Vokasi (Studi Kasus Di Jurusan Perhotelan Politeknik Pariwisata Medan)
This study aims to implement the concept of entrepreneurship through product-based learning tools for students majoring in hospitality at the Medan Tourism Polytechnic. Qualitative methods are used in this study using data from various literature and published documents within the last 10 years. The focus of implementing this entrepreneurship is limited to the hospitality department of the Medan Tourism Polytechnic which consists of five study programs, namely hotel management, room division, culinary arts, dish layout, and patisserie processing arts. This study emphasizes the importance of introducing entrepreneurship material to students as part of vocational education at the Medan Tourism Polytechnic. The aim is to provide knowledge about start-up businesses as well as skills in producing products that can be used as a basis for entrepreneurship or establishing a start-up company. Entrepreneurship courses taught are tailored to the specific graduate learning outcomes (CPL) of each study program, so that the material taught can be in accordance with the expertise and practical lectures received by students.
Entrepreneurship courses in the hospitality department are suggested to involve activities related to product-based entrepreneurship. The aim is to produce products that can be sold in accordance with the expertise and interests possessed by students. Thus, entrepreneurship lectures do not only study theory, but also produce entrepreneurship products that are in accordance with the knowledge and abilities of students. The implementation of the concept of entrepreneurship through product-based learning tools is expected to equip students with entrepreneurial skills that are practical and relevant to the hospitality industry. The Medan Tourism Polytechnic as a vocational education institution has an important role in producing graduates who are ready to become entrepreneurs and contribute to the development of the tourism and hospitality industry. In order to develop entrepreneurial skills, this research recommends close collaboration between the Medan Tourism Polytechnic and the local hospitality industry, as well as the use of supporting infrastructure and facilities for the development of entrepreneurial products and services by students. Thus, this research provides practical guidance in implementing the concept of entrepreneurship through product-based learning, particularly in the hospitality sector, and can serve as a reference for other educational institutions in developing entrepreneurship-oriented vocational education curricula.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, learning tools, vocational educationABSTRAK
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan konsep wirausaha melalui perangkat pembelajaran yang berbasis produk bagi mahasiswa jurusan perhotelan di Politeknik Pariwisata Medan. Metode kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan data dari berbagai literatur dan dokumen terbitan dalam rentang waktu 10 tahun terakhir. Fokus implementasi kewirausahaan ini dibatasi pada jurusan perhotelan Politeknik Pariwisata Medan yang terdiri dari lima program studi, yaitu pengelolaan perhotelan, divisi kamar, seni kuliner, tata hidang, dan seni pengolahan patiseri. Penelitian ini menekankan pentingnya memperkenalkan materi kewirausahaan kepada mahasiswa sebagai bagian dari pendidikan vokasi di Politeknik Pariwisata Medan. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan tentang bisnis start-up serta keterampilan dalam menghasilkan produk yang dapat dijadikan sebagai landasan berwirausaha atau mendirikan perusahaan start-up. Mata kuliah kewirausahaan yang diajarkan disesuaikan dengan capaian pembelajaran lulusan (CPL) dari masing-masing program studi secara spesifik, sehingga materi yang diajarkan dapat sesuai dengan keahlian dan perkuliahan praktik yang diterima oleh mahasiswa.
Perkuliahan kewirausahaan di jurusan perhotelan disarankan untuk melibatkan kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan wirausaha berbasis produk. Tujuannya adalah untuk menghasilkan produk yang dapat dijual sesuai dengan keahlian dan minat yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa. Dengan demikian, perkuliahan kewirausahaan tidak hanya sekadar mempelajari teori, tetapi juga menghasilkan produk kewirausahaan yang sesuai dengan pengetahuan dan kemampuan mahasiswa. Implementasi konsep wirausaha melalui perangkat pembelajaran berbasis produk diharapkan dapat membekali mahasiswa dengan keterampilan kewirausahaan yang praktis dan relevan dengan industri perhotelan. Politeknik Pariwisata Medan sebagai lembaga pendidikan vokasi memiliki peran penting dalam mencetak lulusan yang siap berwirausaha dan berkontribusi dalam pengembangan industri pariwisata dan perhotelan. Dalam rangka mengembangkan keterampilan wirausaha, penelitian ini merekomendasikan adanya kolaborasi yang erat antara Politeknik Pariwisata Medan dengan industri perhotelan lokal, serta pemanfaatan infrastruktur dan fasilitas yang mendukung untuk pengembangan produk dan layanan kewirausahaan oleh mahasiswa. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini memberikan panduan praktis dalam mengimplementasikan konsep wirausaha melalui pembelajaran berbasis produk, khususnya di bidang perhotelan, dan dapat menjadi acuan bagi institusi pendidikan lain dalam mengembangkan kurikulum pendidikan vokasi yang berorientasi pada kewirausahaan.
Kata Kunci : kewirausahaan, perangkat pembelajaran, pendidikan vokas
Analisis Perilaku Brand Loyalist dan Brand Switcher pada Jasa Akomodasi Bintang 5 di Kota Medan
A brand is a fundamental part of the marketing strategy in influencing purchase interest. A person’s buying ability will influence a customer to choose the product they want. In addition, higher competitiveness among hotels will create more awareness to maintain customer satisfaction and turn it into customer loyalty as the main target of their marketing. In connection with achieving customer loyalty, hotels must study the factors influencing customers to become loyal or switch from the hotel brand. A brand can be measured through brand equity which consists of a set of assets and liabilities of the Brand associated with the name and symbol of the Brand that can be given to consumers. Important and measurable components in forming brand equity include brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. This study examines the variables that make the difference between loyalists and customers who switch hotel brands. The data used were taken from 42 respondents spread across the International Departure Terminal of Kualanamu Airport. The research method used is descriptive with a quantitative approach. The data were analyzed using the discriminant analysis method through the SPSS 12.0 program. And other limitations for this research are 5-Star Hotels and Chain International in Medan. Discriminant analysis shows that one factor requiring search variation distinguishes between brand loyalists and brand switchers. The Brand switching matrices show that all hotels serving consumers in Medan have low customer loyalty. The ratio between brand loyalists and brand switchers was 1:9, which means that only one person is loyal to one brand out of 10 consumers of accommodation services. The rest are types of consumers who like to switch to other brands.Merek (Brand) merupakan bagian fundamental dari strategi pemasaran dalam mempengaruhi minat beli. Kemampuan membeli seseorang akan mempengaruhi konsumen untuk memilih produk yang diinginkan. Selain itu, semakin tingginya daya saing antar hotel akan semakin menciptakan kesadaran untuk menjaga kepuasan pelanggan dan menjadikannya loyalitas pelanggan sebagai sasaran utama pemasaran mereka. Terkait pencapaian loyalitas pelanggan, hotel harus mempelajari faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelanggan menjadi loyal atau beralih dari merek hotel. Suatu merek dapat diukur melalui brand equity yang terdiri dari sekumpulan aset dan kewajiban merek yang dikaitkan dengan nama dan lambang merek yang dapat diberikan kepada konsumen. Komponen penting dan terukur dalam membentuk ekuitas merek antara lain brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, dan brand loyalty. Penelitian ini menguji variabel-variabel yang membuat perbedaan antara loyalis dan pelanggan yang berganti merek hotel. Data yang digunakan diambil dari 42 responden yang tersebar di Terminal Keberangkatan Internasional Bandara Kualanamu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis diskriminan melalui program SPSS 12.0. Batasan lain dalam penelitian ini adalah Hotel Bintang 5 dan Chain International di Medan. Analisis diskriminan menunjukkan bahwa salah satu faktor yang membutuhkan variasi pencarian adalah yang paling membedakan antara loyalis merek (brand loyalist) dan pengalih merek (brand switcher). Matriks peralihan merek menunjukkan bahwa semua hotel yang melayani konsumen di Medan memiliki loyalitas pelanggan yang rendah. Rasio antara loyalis merek dan pengalih merek adalah 1: 9, artinya dari 10 konsumen jasa akomodasi hanya ada satu orang yang loyal pada satu merek. Selebihnya adalah tipe konsumen yang suka beralih ke merek lain
Archaeological Object as Tourism in Samosir Island
Pulau Samosir berada di tengah-tengah Danau Toba sebagai bagian dari proses geologi terkait dengan erupsi Gunung Toba. Keberadaan danau itu sendiri menjadi daya tarik sebuah objek wisata. Adanya berbagai tinggalan arkeologis berupa objek megalitik terkait dengan tradisi upacara kematian masyarakat Batak Toba yang berlangsung sejak lama. Prosesi kematian dan adat istiadat yang masih berlangsung hingga saat ini disadari menjadi sebuah atraksi wisata yang menarik minat wisatawan jika dikembangkan. Pengelolaan objek tradisi megalitik sebagai objek pariwisata di wilayah ini relatif belum maksimal, sehingga diperlukan upaya mengidentifikasi objek-objek dimaksud disertai dengan uraian informasi yang bersifat ilmiah serta membangun konsep pariwisata yang ideal. Berkenaan dengan itu wadah kubur dan objek arkeologis lainnya menjadi uraian kajian, disertai dengan konsep pengembangan pariwisata berkarakter lokal menjadi bagian dari pembahasannya. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis, dan studi kepustakaan. Objek-objek arkeologi dideskripsikan lalu diinterpretasi secara induktif atas analogi dengan objek sejenis di tempat lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan di dalam penelitian ini, dapat diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa tinggalan arkeologi di Pulau Samosir didominasi oleh wadah kubur yang merupakan tradisi megalitik. Tradisi megalitik ini erat berkaitan dengan konsepsi upacara kematian yang masih berlangsung di masyarakat Batak Toba saat ini. Keterkaitan antara objek arkeologi dengan tradisi masyarakat yang masih berlangsung dapat dikemas dalam satu ide pariwisata minat khusus objek sejarah berkarakter lokal. Pengelolaan pariwisata yang melibatkan masyarakat lokal diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak langsung baik secara ekonomi maupun merawat keberlangsungan tradisi dan objek arkeologi itu sendiri, juga memiliki potensi besar untuk berkembang menjadi atraksi wisata dalam perspektif baru di Pulau Samosir.
Samosir Island is in the middle of Lake Toba as part of a geological process related to Mount Toba's eruption. The existence of the lake itself becomes an attraction for a tourist attraction. There are various archaeological remains in the form of megalithic objects related to the Toba Batak community death ceremony tradition, which has lasted a long time. The procession of death and customs, which are still ongoing today, is considered a tourist attraction that will attract tourists if developed. The management of megalithic tradition as tourism objects in this region is relatively inadequate. Efforts to identify these objects are required, accompanied by descriptions of scientific information and building an ideal tourism concept. Therefore, burial container and other archaeological objects are the study's description, accompanied by the concept of developing tourism with local character as part of the discussion. The method in this research is descriptive analysis and literature study. Archaeological objects are described and interpreted inductively. The results of this study concluded that the archaeological remains on Samosir Island are dominated by burial containers, which belong to the megalithic tradition. This megalithic tradition is closely related to the conception of death ceremonies which is still sustained in the Batak Toba community today. The relationship between archaeological objects and community traditions can be packaged into tourism ideas of ​​particular interest of local character. Tourism management that involves local communities is expected to impact economically and maintain both the traditions and archaeological objects themselves. This idea is also considered to have great potential for tourist attractions of a new perspective in Samosir Island
Development of Employability Skills of Hospitality Students through Interactive Multimedia Approaches at Medan Tourism Polytechnics
The article aims to analyze how to develop employability skills for Medan tourism polytechnic students through a multimedia system approach at the Medan tourism polytechnic. By interviewing several academics at the Medan Polytechnic tourism Department, we have obtained valuable data, including how academicians prepare students to develop their working skills in the hospitality world with a technological approach. We designed this study qualitatively with semi-structured interviews and reviewed secondary data. We finally got some valuable input. The coordinators and lecturers of the Medan Tourism Polytechnic have developed the abilities of their students who are ready to enter the world of a career in the future. The skills they prepared include, for example, being flexible workers, having industry awareness then, having attention to detail skills, time management, interpersonal skills and communication skills, and so on. Hopefully, these findings will become input for developing help studies and labeling skills for future students.
 Keywords: Employability Skills, Multimedia Interactive, Multimedia Approache
Pelaku ekonomi kreatif di Sumatera Utara menghadapi permasalahan serius terkait keterbatasan pengetahuan tentang digital marketing. Ini menciptakan kesenjangan pengetahuan yang menghambat pertumbuhan bisnis mereka di era digital yang pesat. Terbatasnya akses pelatihan digital marketing menjadi tantangan tambahan. Tujuan utama dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah, untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan, mengukur efektivitas pelatihan, mendorong penggunaan tools digital marketing yang lebih efektif, dan untuk mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi kreatif. Dalam hasil analisis, terlihat peningkatan yang signifikan dalam pemahaman peserta setelah mengikuti pelatihan pada beberapa pertanyaan kunci. Misalnya, pada Pertanyaan 2 tentang pentingnya pemahaman digital marketing, sebanyak 50% responden menyadari pentingnya sebelum pelatihan, dan setelah pelatihan, semua responden (100%) mengakui pentingnya pemahaman digital marketing. Hal yang serupa terjadi pada Pertanyaan 4 tentang manfaat segmentasi pasar dalam digital marketing produk ekonomi kreatif, di mana awalnya hanya 20% responden yang memahaminya, tetapi setelah pelatihan, 80% responden memahami manfaat tersebut. Demikian pula, Pertanyaan 5 mengenai media sosial sebagai saluran pemasaran utama awalnya hanya dikenal oleh 19% responden, tetapi setelah pelatihan, 93% responden memahami pentingnya media sosial dalam pemasaran. Selanjutnya, Pertanyaan 7 tentang pemasaran digital melalui media sosial menunjukkan bahwa 37% responden memahaminya sebelum pelatihan, dan angka ini meningkat menjadi 83% setelah pelatihan. Namun, terdapat juga hasil pre tes dengan peningkatan terendah, seperti Pertanyaan 1 tentang definisi digital marketing dan Pertanyaan 11 tentang konten kreatif dalam digital marketing, yang awalnya hanya dipahami oleh 30% dan 40% responden, secara berturut-turut. Peningkatan yang lebih rendah juga terlihat pada Pertanyaan 14 tentang Search Engine Optimization (SEO) dalam konteks pemasaran produk ekonomi kreatif, di mana hanya 13% responden yang memahaminya sebelum pelatihan. Selanjutnya, pada Pertanyaan 16 tentang pengiklanan online dalam produk ekonomi kreatif, hanya 40% responden yang memiliki pemahaman sebelum pelatihan. Terakhir, pada Pertanyaan 18 tentang e-commerce dalam pemasaran produk ekonomi kreatif, hanya 23% responden yang memahaminya sebelum pelatihan. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa meskipun pelatihan telah berhasil secara signifikan meningkatkan pemahaman dalam beberapa area kunci, masih ada potensi untuk perbaikan lebih lanjut dalam memahami definisi digital marketing, konten kreatif, SEO, pengiklanan online, dan e-commerce. Pelatihan ini berhasil meningkatkan pemahaman peserta tentang digital marketing, termasuk konsep dasar, manfaat, peran, dan aplikasi dalam bisnis ekonomi kreatif. Pemahaman yang ditingkatkan ini diharapkan membantu peserta memanfaatkan digital marketing secara lebih efektif, merancang strategi yang lebih baik, dan mengukur kinerja pemasaran mereka. Pelatihan ini merupakan langkah positif dalam mendukung pertumbuhan sektor ekonomi kreatif di Sumatera Utara di era digital yang terus berkembang
Political Mediatization of Blasphemy News
The independence of media after the reformation era in Indonesia was followed by the rise of the new media from various ownership backgrounds. Partisan media emerged as a means of delivering political messages to the public. Metro TV and TV One are two national television medias with different objectives, the direction of reporting and ownership. The case of religious blasphemy by Ahok in 2016 is inseparable from the political conditions in Jakarta which at the time held DKI Jakarta Governor Election 2017. The different framing of coverage of this case broadcasted by Metro TV and TV One indicated that there were many political messages veiled in order to achieve the goals of certain parties. The political mediatization shown by these two media by their power in directing the public and political institutions in following the logic of the media. The power of media ownership that has the of political parties background, ultimately eroded the independence and neutrality of the media itself. The political interests become important objectives thus overriding the interests of the public in getting information. The sustainability of media operations was supported by media capitalism becomes an endless economic target. Advertising from various sources are contested as a source of income for media. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with a case study of news on a blasphemy case by Ahok on Metro TV and TV One
The Covid-19 pandemic has made many negative changes to the tourism and hospitality sector. The mass media reveal a lot about the closure of the hotel business. This makes hoteliers and the government move to minimize losses due to this non-natural disaster. As the front line, the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association along with entrepreneurs in the hospitality sector are trying to convey their aspirations with the aim of reducing existing losses. The achievement of this research is the analysis of employees' job satisfaction and organizational commitment to employee service quality, either partially or simultaneously. The type of this research is quantitative research. The results of the analysis show that if 'Job Satisfaction' increases, the quality of services provided by employees will also increase and vice versa. 'Organizational Commitment' will also increase if the 'Quality of Employee Service' increases and vice versa. Meanwhile, 'Job Satisfaction' and 'Organizational Commitment' simultaneously have a positive and significant impact on the company's 'Employee Service Quality'.Pandemi Covid-19 banyak membuat perubahan secara negatif bagi sector pariwisata dan perhotelan. Media massa banyak memberitakan tentang penutupan usaha perhotelan. Hal tersebut membuat pengusaha hotel dan pemerintah bergerak untuk dapat memperkecil kerugian akibat bencana non-alam ini. Sebagai garda terdepan, Persatuan Hotel dan Restoran Indonsia beserta pengusaha di bidang perhotelan berusaha untuk menyampaikan aspirasi mereka yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi kerugian yang ada. Capaian penelitian ini adalah analisis ‘Kepuasan Kerja’ karyawan dan ‘Komitmen Organisasi’ terhadap ‘Kualitas Layanan Karyawan’, baik secara parsial maupun secara simultan. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan jika ‘Kepuasan Kerja’ meningkat maka kualitas layanan yang diberikan oleh karyawan juga akan meningkat dan sebaliknya. ‘Komitmen Organisasi’ juga akan mengalami kenaikan jika ‘Kualitas Layanan Karyawan’ meningkat dan sebaliknya. Sedangkan untuk ‘Kepuasan Kerja’ dan ‘Komitmen Organisasi’ secara simultan memberikan pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap ‘Kualitas Layanan Karyawan’ perusahaan
Pengembangan Desa Wisata Denai Lama sebagai Salah Satu Objek Wisata di Kabupaten Deli Serdang
Deli Serdang Regency with its capital Lubuk Pakam consists of 22 sub-districts, 14 sub-districts and 380 villages. Law no. 6 of 2014 states that the Villages are very important because they aim to realize community welfare services through improvement, empowerment, and participation of rural communities, as well as increasing regional competitiveness by taking into account the principles of democracy, equity, justice, privilege and specificity of a village regions in the system of the Republic of Indonesia. Tourism Villages will be a way to develop villages and realize community welfare. Denai Lama Tourism Village is one of the tourism villages that has the potential to be developed into a tourist attraction in Deli Serdang Regency. Of the 6 (six) elements needed by Denai Lama Village in the strategy of developing a tourist village, they are quite capable, but there are some things that are still missing and require a mentoring process. Homestay development is still not developed. Homestay is important to be developed so that visiting tourists can stay in the village of Denai Lama so that there will be an increase in the length of stay of tourists in the tourist village of Denai Lama which is an increase in tourist spending (spending power) in the tourist village. The existence of public toilets, facilities and infrastructure, sufficient parking space, markings and directions as well as the CHSE health protocol (Cleanliness, Hygiene, Sanitation, and Environment) are important to note. Cooperatives should be formed by involving the community in order to further develop the village. Another thing that has not been optimally implemented but is no less important to develop Denai Lama Tourism Village, one of the tourist attractions is Branding, Advertising (Ads) and Selling (Sales Mission). Denai Lama Village has branded its village as a Tourism Village with Educational Tourism, but does not yet have a slogan/tagline that tourists can remember. It is necessary to make a slogan/tagline that is in accordance with the characteristics and concepts of the village that you want to form as a characteristic of the tourist village. In terms of advertising the tourist village of Denai Lama must aggressively promote both using print and online media to attract tourists to visit the tourism village. This tourism village promotion can be done using social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and if necessary promotions create a village website. And for sales , the tourist village of Denai Lama can take part in events such as tourist exhibitions, bazaars, exhibitions with attractions and tourism products in touristm villages. By carrying out the development strategy above, Denai Lama Tourism Village can become one of the leading tourist attractions in Deli Serdang district, North Sumatra province and even the Indonesian NationalDeli Serdang Regency with its capital Lubuk Pakam consists of 22 sub-districts, 14 sub-districts and 380 villages. Law no. 6 of 2014 states that the Villages are very important because they aim to realize community welfare services through improvement, empowerment, and participation of rural communities, as well as increasing regional competitiveness by taking into account the principles of democracy, equity, justice, privilege and specificity of a village regions in the system of the Republic of Indonesia. Tourism Villages will be a way to develop villages and realize community welfare. Denai Lama Tourism Village is one of the tourism villages that has the potential to be developed into a tourist attraction in Deli Serdang Regency. Of the 6 (six) elements needed by Denai Lama Village in the strategy of developing a tourist village, they are quite capable, but there are some things that are still missing and require a mentoring process. Homestay development is still not developed. Homestay is important to be developed so that visiting tourists can stay in the village of Denai Lama so that there will be an increase in the length of stay of tourists in the tourist village of Denai Lama which is an increase in tourist spending (spending power) in the tourist village. The existence of public toilets, facilities and infrastructure, sufficient parking space, markings and directions as well as the CHSE health protocol (Cleanliness, Hygiene, Sanitation, and Environment) are important to note. Cooperatives should be formed by involving the community in order to further develop the village. Another thing that has not been optimally implemented but is no less important to develop Denai Lama Tourism Village, one of the tourist attractions is Branding, Advertising (Ads) and Selling (Sales Mission). Denai Lama Village has branded its village as a Tourism Village with Educational Tourism, but does not yet have a slogan/tagline that tourists can remember. It is necessary to make a slogan/tagline that is in accordance with the characteristics and concepts of the village that you want to form as a characteristic of the tourist village. In terms of advertising the tourist village of Denai Lama must aggressively promote both using print and online media to attract tourists to visit the tourism village. This tourism village promotion can be done using social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and if necessary promotions create a village website. And for sales , the tourist village of Denai Lama can take part in events such as tourist exhibitions, bazaars, exhibitions with attractions and tourism products in touristm villages. By carrying out the development strategy above, Denai Lama Tourism Village can become one of the leading tourist attractions in Deli Serdang district, North Sumatra province and even the Indonesian Nationa