6 research outputs found
Do The Socio-Economic Status, Religious Attitudeand Customer Perception Impact On Customer Behavior? : Islamic Banking Case
This study aims to investigate customer behavior at Islamic banks,Indonesia. This research was analyzed by using path analysis approach involving 200 respondents as customers at several Islamic banks in Medan, Indonesia. Based on this research show the socio-economic status and religious attitudes have positively and significantly impactto customer behavior. On the other hand, socio-economic status and religious attitude are also positively and significantly impact for customer perceptions. Customer perceptions have the implication to increase positive customer behavior, sharia banking managers in Indonesia need to foster the religiosity of customers and target prospective customers who have good religiosity and good socio-economic status
Improvement of productivity and quality of entrepreneur Bika Bakar in Medan city
In Community Service activities, partners are Bika Bakar business actors in Medan City. The business partner has been engaged in the culinary sector, especially traditional cake type foods since 1990. The type of cake food produced by this business partner is baked bika cake. The production process is carried out at home with the help of several employees and equipment that is still simple, does not have accountancy , packaging that still uses plastic bags and limited access to marketing. Promotions that are lacking make partner products unable to compete with cake products produced by large businesses. Partners still use simple tools so that the production of bika bakar is not optimal in quantity and quality of production, so that Ms. Nurmalis' roasted bika is still less popular than cakes with well-known brands. Improvement in designing good simple bookkeeping in financial management. Increasing the quality and quantity of Bika Bakar production after the addition of a furnace and an increasing number of bika cake molds and using good paper bags, as well as product development through making brands in Bika Bakar Mitra products and online marketing
Optimizing Fundamental Mathematics Concepts for Middle School Students at Al Ulum Integrated Islamic School through Innovative Teaching Methods
The concept of innovative learning has become a major focus in today's education landscape. Innovative learning places an emphasis on relevant strategies and methods to address educational challenges. Two methods that play a significant role in innovative learning are Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Discovery Learning (DL). PBL centers on problem-solving based on real-life situations, while DL involves everyday experiences in finding solutions. At Al Ulum Integrated Islamic Middle School, the primary issue at hand is a high number of students receiving mathematics scores below the Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM). Contributing factors include unengaging conventional teaching methods, leading to student boredom in mathematics classes. To address this problem, the PBL and DL methods are considered appropriate solutions. Furthermore, the implementation of this innovative learning concept is supported by information technology, both visually and non-visually, as well as the use of teaching aids to aid students in better understanding mathematical concepts. The implementation of the innovative learning concept is expected to resolve the challenges faced at Al Ulum Integrated Islamic Middle School. An evaluation will be conducted, and the outcomes will be published in Abdimas Talenta and online media. These steps are anticipated to provide sustainable benefits for both students and educators at the school
Development Of Creative Industry Eco-Print As an Effort to Improving The Quality and Productivity Business Business Hand Craft Shans's Craft in Medan
With creativity, items that have no value and are often considered trash can be turned into a product with high economic value, for example leaves. Shanti Permatasari as a creative industry player for home handicrafts created by Shan's Craft uses leaves as raw materials to make various products using the Eco-print technique. Eco-print is a method of coloring and printing natural motifs on fabrics that utilizes leaves or flowers that grow in the yard as a substitute for chemical liquids and is also environmentally friendly. Coloring using natural elements will not cause environmental damage. The development of creative industries is needed to foster community creativity, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Creative industries in the form of handicrafts get enough attention, especially as souvenirs and souvenirs. With the existing potential, the production of the Shan's Craft creation house in the form of handicrafts using the Eco-print technique needs to be supported to increase production and marketing more seriously. Although this business has promising opportunities, there are obstacles in the production process due to the limited space of the workshop which limits the space for movement, production, and even for displaying product displays. In terms of financial management, businesses still combine personal finance and business finance, there is no clear cash flow report on a regular basis. This causes the business to have no clear advantages/disadvantages and is relatively slow to develop. Through this service program, the implementation team offers solutions in the form of expansion and construction of product display rooms for promotional needs, creation of online media accounts as a means of digital promotion, and financial management training and simple bookkeeping of financial statements. The targeted outputs are increased production and sales of eco-print batik, maximum utilization of product display space in reaching the target market, and expanding the market through the use of online media such as social media and e-commerce
Online lectures during the COVID-19 pandemic : conceptual analysis
This study discusses online lectures qualitatively during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Discussing the SWOT analysis method by examining all aspects related to the implementation of online lectures in tertiary institutions following the author's experience as a lecturer. The studies and discussions carried out in this research are still basic research in nature which still require more in-depth study in the future. This study discusses the opportunities, strengths, weaknesses, and threats of online lectures during the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the world, including Indonesia