21 research outputs found
1. Historical Background Beginning of Moral Education in the area of Social Studies Problems of Moral Education 2. Implementation of Dotoku (Morals) Class The Contents of the 1958 Report of the Central Council for Education 3. A Question about the Fundamental Law of Education The relation between internationalism and nationalism in the Fundamental Law of Education. 4. The Contents of the 1962 Report of the Central Council for Education, "Policy for Substantial Implementation of Moral Education in Schools" 5. Personal Comments of the Writer on the 1962 Report i) There must be a principle which the majority of people accept in order to enforce moral education. The ideas in the Fundamental Law of Education may be accepted as the principle for enforcing moral education. ii) It is necessary to have as many teachers as possible who accept such ideas. Their independent thinking must, at the same time, be respected. iii) Patriotism and nationalism must be evaluated both from the national and international point of view
I. General situation after the War. 1. Density of Japanese population became one of the thickest in the world because of the loss of many territories. 2. Devastation in the War brought great financial difficulties to Japan. 3. But she was given the most precious gift, democracy. II. Educational policy of the Occupation. 1. Purge of the pre-war militaristic and ultranationalistic persons and contents of education. 2. Guidance for the new education. 3. Forming of Education Reform Council. III. Start of the new education. 1. Recommendation of the Education Reform Council on December 27, 1946. i) 3 years\u27 extension of compulsory education. ii) Its enforcement from April, 1947. 2. Difficulties of its enforcement. Because of i) financial stringency and ii) lack of necessary preparations. 3. Nevertheless, we had to enforce the program, since i) the people aspired for the extension and ii) Occupation Force urged us to prompt it. IV. Today\u27s Problems. 1. Democratization of Japanese education lacks spiritual background. 2. Moral principles of our youths are confused. 3. Scholastic abilities of school children have lowered. 4. Promotion of the education for scientific techniques is needed to tide over the difficult situation
1. The revisal of the curriculum has been needed by the inner and outer situation of Japan for last ten years which demands education to cultivate the moral values of the people and to promote science and technology among the nation, and by the disappointed result of ten years experience which was revealed by the two Ministerial surveys on scholastic ability of the pupils. 2. The Curriculum Council, in which the auther has presided since 1957, submitted to the Minister of Education a report "On the Improvement of the Curriculum of the Elementary School and the Junior Secondary School" in March, 1958. The report consists of five parts, i.e. the fundamental principles of the report, the revisal of the curriculum of the elementary school, that of the junior secondary school, the provision of specified hours for moral education, and the principles of moral education. 3. The fundamental principles of the report are such as follows; (1) a systematic teaching of moral education should be provided in specified school hours, (2) teaching of Japanese and Mathematics in the elementary school should be improved, (3) subjects concerned with science should be improved, and in the junior secondary school a new subject, Technology, should be set up, (4) in the last year of the junior secondary school the curriculum should be flexible in accordance with the future courses and aptitudes of the pupils, (5) the co-relation of the curriculum should be secured between the elementary school and the junior secondary, and the efficiency of teaching should be secured by clarifying the main points of teaching, (6) the clear minimum state standards should be established. 4. Assaults have been made to the report, particularly around the recommendations on moral education. The Council, however, made this report from pure educational point of view without any political bias. Moral education should be based on the moral values underlying the Fundamental Law of Education, i.e. the spirit of human dignity and the community ethics based on it. Its instruction should be carried on both intellectually and practically. The necessity of moral education at school should be emphasised in view of social climate of Japan where lacks the elements in favour of the spirit of human dignity
1. A comparison of the contents of past textbooks and those of the present shows a transition from nationalism to international cooperation. 2. The Fundamental Law of Education says: "…Education aims at the creation of culture universal and rich in individuality…" This idea holds true for each individual and nation. The concept of "international" does not deny the individualities of people, but presupposes them. It implies the world-wide corelation among different nations based on their individualities. 3. Universality in human nature is classified as follows: 1) natural conformity as biological beings, 2) mental capacity to create culture as humanus, 3) value-consciousness as rational beings, on the basis of which dignity of personality, freedom, equality and justice can be logically explained. 4. Diversity in human nature results from the historical, geographical and social conditions. Language as a tool for mutual understanding sometimes tends to lead to misunderstanding. Respect for the individuality of man and consciousness of its limitations are required. 5. The irrationality of human nature should properly be dealt with. Sufficient time for the human mind to develop is needed in education. Politicians should deal with actual obstacles. Teachers should protect and develop the potentiality of political freedom of children. The present situation of international political organizations should be clearly explained to the pupils
As one of the delegate-partners of Japan I attended the Unesco regional Conference of Ministers of Education in Asia held April 2 through 11, 1962 in Tokyo under the co-sponsorship of Unesco, ECAFE. and the Japanese Government. This is a report on my impressions of the meeting. 1. The aim of the conference was to re-examine and work toward the realization of the Karachi plan, which calls for the development of the program of compulsory primary education throughout Asia by 1980. 2. The agenda of the conference included: (i) Reports on progress of the year program from each of the participating nations, (ii) Discussion on the Unesco activity program for 1963-64, (iii) Reports and discussion on the nations which could be met through international grant-in-aid programs. 3. At the general meeting, it became clear that the main difficulty in realizing the plan lies in the lack of fundamental tools and materials for school education in most of countries. Tow committees were organized at the meeting to discuss: (i) the possibility of developing systems of education which comprises teacher training programs, (ii) the relationship of educational program development and economic development. 4. Main items of the conference resolution and statement included: (i) Impact of the Karachi Plan upon the educational planning of each country, (ii) National educational policy and contribution to the economic development of Asia, (iii) Aims of educational investment, (iv) Expansion and realization of the Karachi Plan, (v) Project and technique of education, (vi) Request for international. 5. I realized the necessity of positive participation of Japan in the development of Asian education. As one step toward such international participation I would personally like to suggest the establishment in Japan of a research and training center for audiovisual education in Asia
I attended the 10th General Assembly of Unesco held November 4 through December 5, 1958 at Paris as one of the delegates from the Japanese Government. This is a report on my impressions of the meeting. 1. The address of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Vice-president of India, gave us the deepest impression among the speeches delivered at the meeting. 2. At the general meeting hot debates were made regarding the representation and voting privilege of the Nationalist China. The most serious consideration must be given to this issue by the Japanese who are in critical relationships with both Communist China and Nationalist China. 3. We discussed about the propagation and effectivation of elementary education in i) Latin American countries ii) African countries iii) Arab countries iv) Asian countries I renewed porfound gratitude the Japanese pioneers in elementary education in this country since Meiji era. 4. The problem of mutual understanding between the Western and Eastern Cultures, the Unesco project since 1956, was reviewed in relation to the natinalistic education of many Asian countries. 5. In view of the language barriers at the meeting, I felt the necessity of reconsidering the modern language education. 6. Also on the agenda was the promotion of A-V Education. 7. A kind of dissatisfaction I felt at the meeting was that modifications and amendments recommended by the delegates on the draft were rather ignored because of the time limit. I hope due consideration will be given to them when drawing up the final draft
I. The democracy of Japan did not solely result from the spontaneous efforts of the Japanese people. Therefore, to cultivate democratic spirit constitutes the very mission of new education. II. Principles of new education are clearly enunciated in Fundamental Law of Education. However, to carry out the spirit of this law requires careful studies of it with renewed analyses and criticisms. III. New system of schooling has several difficulties because it was put into practice within a very short time. Our utmbst efforts are required to solve these difficulties. IV. But the most important problem of the educational reform lies in training the appropriate teachers. This is however deeply connected with the problem of scientific research on education which has been hampered for a long time by the absolutism based on the Imperial Rescript on Education. V. Under such circumstances ICU decided to establish the graduate school of education to contribute to the education for democracy. VI. ICU graduate school is to have three functions: 1) research, 2) instruction, and 3) field service. As the first step toward developing the proposed graduate school, ICU established an Institute of Educational Research and Service in March 1953, investing it with the two of the three functions mentioned above. VII. Programs of the Institute center around the following subjects: 1) Philosophy of education for new education. 2) Christian principles of education. 3) Education for international understanding. 4) Educational psychology and educational sociology 5) Audio-visual education. 6) Guidance of university students
This article originally appeared in Japanese in Volume 1 of Educational Studies. The English translation has been prepared by Akira Tachikawa, Professor of Philosophy of Education, Division of Education, Graduate School of Education, International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan
Países de lengua oriental: Japón
La democracia no figuraba entre los objetivos del Japón en la segunda guerra mundial. Fue impuesta por las potencias aliadas de conformidad con la política de ocupación posterior al conflicto. A lo largo de ese proceso, la democracia encarnó con éxito en varias instituciones: en la nueva constitución y en otras leyes y reglamentos.
Uno de los aspectos de esas importaciones fue la reforma de la enseñanza. La Constitución, la Ley Fundamental de Enseñanza y la Ley de Enseñanza Escolar definen las normas fundamentales de la nueva educación, y dichos instrumentos institucionalizan, por una parte, la educación democrática, y por otra, orientan claramente su ideología. Dadas las circunstancias, las ideas y métodos de la enseñanza norteamericana han ejercido una influencia enorme en el aspecto práctico de la educación, emprendiéndose con entusiasmo investigaciones y experimentos de gran alcance. Durante los últimos años, la nueva enseñanza ha logrado en cierta medida educar a la nueva generación según normas más democráticas