806 research outputs found
Higher Derivative Corrections, Dimensional Reduction and Ehlers Duality
Motivated by applications to black hole physics and duality, we study the
effect of higher derivative corrections on the dimensional reduction of
four-dimensional Einstein, Einstein Liouville and Einstein-Maxwell gravity to
one direction, as appropriate for stationary, spherically symmetric solutions.
We construct a field redefinition scheme such that the one-dimensional
Lagrangian is corrected only by powers of first derivatives of the fields,
eliminating spurious modes and providing a suitable starting point for
quantization. We show that the Ehlers symmetry, broken by the leading
corrections in Einstein-Liouville gravity, can be restored by including
contributions of Taub-NUT instantons. Finally, we give a preliminary discussion
of the duality between higher-derivative F-term corrections on the vector and
hypermultiplet branches in N=2 supergravity in four dimensions.Comment: 21 pages, uses JHEP3.cls; v3: minor corrections, final version
published in JHE
Two Centered Black Holes and N=4 Dyon Spectrum
The exact spectrum of dyons in a class of N=4 supersymmetric string theories
is known to change discontinuously across walls of marginal stability. We show
that the change in the degeneracy across the walls of marginal stability can be
accounted for precisely by the entropy of two centered small black holes which
disappear as we cross the walls of marginal stability.Comment: LaTeX file, 12 pages; v3: added footnote 2 regarding overall sign of
the index, expanded footnote 3, added reference
Adding Charges to N=4 Dyons
The spectrum of dyons in a class of N=4 supersymmetric string theories has
been found for a specific set of electric and magnetic charge vectors. We
extend the analysis to more general charge vectors by considering various
charge carrying collective excitations of the original system.Comment: LaTeX file, 16 page
Fundamental Superstrings as Holograms
The worldsheet of a macroscopic fundamental superstring in the Green-Schwarz
light-cone gauge is viewed as a possible boundary hologram of the near horizon
region of a small black string. For toroidally compactified strings, the
hologram has global symmetries of AdS_3 \times S^{d-1} \times T^{8-d}, (d
=3,..,8), only some of which extend to local conformal symmetries. We construct
the bulk string theory in detail for the particular case of d=3. The symmetries
of the hologram are correctly reproduced from this exact worldsheet description
in the bulk. Moreover, the central charge of the boundary Virasoro algebra
obtained from the bulk agrees with the Wald entropy of the associated small
black holes. This construction provides an exact CFT description of the near
horizon region of small black holes both in Type-II and heterotic string theory
arising from multiply wound fundamental superstrings.Comment: 46 pages, JHEP style. v2: Comments, references adde
Black Hole Microstates and Attractor Without Supersymmetry
Due to the attractor mechanism, the entropy of an extremal black hole does
not vary continuously as we vary the asymptotic values of various moduli
fields. Using this fact we argue that the entropy of an extremal black hole in
string theory, calculated for a range of values of the asymptotic moduli for
which the microscopic theory is strongly coupled, should match the statistical
entropy of the same system calculated for a range of values of the asymptotic
moduli for which the microscopic theory is weakly coupled. This argument does
not rely on supersymmetry and applies equally well to nonsupersymmetric
extremal black holes. We discuss several examples which support this argument
and also several caveats which could invalidate this argument.Comment: 50 pages; references adde
Tensors from K3 Orientifolds
Recently Gimon and Johnson (hep-th/9604129) and Dabholkar and Park
(hep-th/9604178) have constructed Type I theories on K3 orbifolds. The spectra
differ from that of Type I on a smooth K3, having extra tensors. We show that
the orbifold theories cannot be blown up to smooth K3's, but rather
orbifold singularities always remain. Douglas's recent proposal to use D-branes
as probes is useful in understanding the geometry. The singularities are
of a new type, with a different orientifold projection from those previously
considered. We also find a new world-sheet consistency condition that must be
satisfied by orientifold models.Comment: References added. 16 pages, LaTe
Dying Dyons Don't Count
The dyonic 1/4-BPS states in 4D string theory with N=4 spacetime
supersymmetry are counted by a Siegel modular form. The pole structure of the
modular form leads to a contour dependence in the counting formula obscuring
its duality invariance. We exhibit the relation between this ambiguity and the
(dis-)appearance of bound states of 1/2-BPS configurations. Using this insight
we propose a precise moduli-dependent contour prescription for the counting
formula. We then show that the degeneracies are duality-invariant and are
correctly adjusted at the walls of marginal stability to account for the
(dis-)appearance of the two-centered bound states. Especially, for large black
holes none of these bound states exists at the attractor point and none of
these ambiguous poles contributes to the counting formula. Using this fact we
also propose a second, moduli-independent contour which counts the "immortal
dyons" that are stable everywhere.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures; one minus sign correcte
String Theory Effects on Five-Dimensional Black Hole Physics
We review recent developments in understanding quantum/string corrections to
BPS black holes and strings in five-dimensional supergravity. These objects are
solutions to the effective action obtained from M-theory compactified on a
Calabi-Yau threefold, including the one-loop corrections determined by anomaly
cancellation and supersymmetry. We introduce the off-shell formulation of this
theory obtained through the conformal supergravity method and review the
methods for investigating supersymmetric solutions. This leads to
quantum/string corrected attractor geometries, as well as asymptotically flat
black strings and spinning black holes. With these solutions in hand, we
compare our results with analogous studies in four-dimensional string-corrected
supergravity, emphasizing the distinctions between the four and five
dimensional theories.Comment: 85 pages; uses ws-ijmpa-mod.cls article class; Invited review for
Generalized Kac-Moody Algebras from CHL dyons
We provide evidence for the existence of a family of generalized
Kac-Moody(GKM) superalgebras, G_N, whose Weyl-Kac-Borcherds denominator formula
gives rise to a genus-two modular form at level N, Delta_{k/2}(Z), for
(N,k)=(1,10), (2,6), (3,4), and possibly (5,2). The square of the automorphic
form is the modular transform of the generating function of the degeneracy of
CHL dyons in asymmetric Z_N-orbifolds of the heterotic string compactified on
T^6. The new generalized Kac-Moody superalgebras all arise as different
`automorphic corrections' of the same Lie algebra and are closely related to a
generalized Kac-Moody superalgebra constructed by Gritsenko and Nikulin. The
automorphic forms, Delta_{k/2}(Z), arise as additive lifts of Jacobi forms of
(integral) weight k/2 and index 1/2. We note that the orbifolding acts on the
imaginary simple roots of the unorbifolded GKM superalgebra, G_1 leaving the
real simple roots untouched. We anticipate that these superalgebras will play a
role in understanding the `algebra of BPS states' in CHL compactifications.Comment: LaTeX, 35 pages; v2: improved referencing and discussion; typos
corrected; v3 [substantial revision] 44 pages, modularity of additive lift
proved, product representation of the forms also given; further references
General 2 charge geometries
Two charge BPS horizon free supergravity geometries are important in
proposals for understanding black hole microstates. In this paper we construct
a new class of geometries in the NS1-P system, corresponding to solitonic
strings carrying fermionic as well as bosonic condensates. Such geometries are
required to account for the full microscopic entropy of the NS1-P system. We
then briefly discuss the properties of the corresponding geometries in the dual
D1-D5 system.Comment: 44 page
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