9 research outputs found
Hubungan emosional antara orang tua dan anak akan berpengaruh dalam keberhasilan belajar anak. Biasanya setiap orang tua mempunyai spesifikasi pola asuh terhadap anaknya. Jika orang tua menerapkan pola asuh secara efektif, anak akan tumbuh dengan baik dan mengalami perubahan yang positif pada diri mereka sesuai yang diharapkan sehingga kegiatan atau aktifitas yang dilakukan anak tidak menghawatirkan saat di luar pantauan orang tua. Pola asuh orang tua adalah salah satu faktor dan aspek penting yang dapat mendukung perilaku siswa untuk berprestasi. Pola asuh orang tua juga berpengaruh terhadap pengembangan intelektual siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pola asuh orang tua dengan prestasi belajar pendidikan jasmani siswa kelas VI SDN Kalipecabean Candi Sidoarjo, Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriftif dan desain penelitian yang digunakan korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini siswa kelas 6 yang berjumlah 98. Teknik sampling menggunakan cluster random sampling, sehingga terpilih kelas VI dengan jumlah sebanyak 34 siswa. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil melalui angket pola asuh dan nilai raport penjas. Analisis data menggunakan koefisien kontingensi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari sampel yang berjumlah 34 siswa, siswa tergolong dalam tipe pola asuh 3 dengan jumlah sebesar 28 siswa dengan rincian 7 siswa kategori prestasi belajar cukup, 15 siswa kategori prestasi belajar baik, 6 siswa kategori prestasi belajar sangat baik, siswa tergolong dalam tipe pola asuh 2 dengan jumlah sebesar 4 siswa dengan rincian 1 siswa kategori prestasi belajar cukup, 2 siswa kategori prestasi belajar baik, 1 siswa kategori prestasi belajar sangat baik, siswa tergolong dalam tipe pola asuh 1 dan 4 dengan jumlah sebesar 1 siswa dengan rincian 1 siswa kategori prestasi belajar cukup, sedangkan untuk siswa kategori prestasi belajar baik dan sangat baik tidak ada. Kemudian dari analisis koefisien kontingensi didapatkan hasil sebesar 0,362 Jadi tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pola asuh orang tua dengan prestasi belajar siswa kelas VI SDN Kalipecabean Candi Sidoarjo dengan sumbangan sebesar 1,31% dan sisanya 98,86% dipengaruhi oleh faktor yang lain.
Kata Kunci : pola asuh orang tua, prestasi belajar
Emotional relationship between parents and children will affect children's achievement. Generally, parents have specific parenting behavior toward their children. If they effectively apply the parenting, the child will grow up with good and positive changes in themselves as expected so the activities which children doing outside the parents monitoring will not necessary to be worried. Parenting behavior plays a significant role in supporting student to gain academic achievements. Moreover, parenting behavior also affects the student’s intelligence. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between parenting behavior with academic achievement of physical students of 6th grades students in SDN Kalipecabean Candi Sidoarjo, In this study, the researcher uses two types of descriptive research and correlational research design. The populations in this study are 98 6th grades students. The sampling technique using cluster random sampling, the 6th C grade which consist of 34 students as the main role. The data in this study were taken through a questionnaire parenting behavior and value report cards. The data analysis is using coefficient of contingency. Based on the results from the sample of 34 students, students are classified into three types of parenting behavior within 28 students,specifyat 7 students in enough of academic achievement category, 15 students are in good academic achievement, 6 students of academic achievement are in excellent category, students are classified into number 2 parenting behavior in the amount of 4 students which are 1 enough in academic achievement, of 2 good academic achievements students, and the last category is the excellent student, the student classified in first and fourth parenting behavior types and 1 student classified as an enough academic achievement, mean while none of them are in good and excellent academic achievements categories. And then the coefficient of contingency analysis results obtained for 0.362. So there is no significant relationship between parenting behavior within 6th grades student’s academic achievementsin SDN Kalipecabean Candi Sidoarjo with a contribution of 1.31% and the remaining 98.86% influenced by other factors.
Keywords: parenting behavior, academic achievemen
Effect of Learning Intensity and Learning Patterns toward Learning Achievemenat on Basic
Competence Automotive. The research objective was to determine: (1) Effect of the learning intensity
toward learning achievement, (2) Effect of learning patterns toward learning achievement, (3) Effect of
the learning intensity and learning patterns toward learning achievement
Perencanaan Shore Protection dan Tipikal Pondasi pada Area Perluasan di Proyek Pembangunan PLTMG 50 MW PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara, Sorong
Salah satu pengembangan yang dilakukan oleh PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) di Sorong adalah perluasan lahan PLTMG (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mesin Gas) sebagai usaha peningkatan kapasitas listrik menjadi 50 MW. Perluasan lahan ini direncanakan seluas 4,6945 hm2 dan direncanakan untuk pembangunan sebuah tangki tegak berisi light fuel oil (LFO) sebagai Sumber energi pembangkit listrik. Disamping itu, terdapat beberapa kondisi yang dapat menghambat perencanaan perluasan lahan seperti lapisan tanah eksisting didominasi oleh lanau kelempungan, daya dukung tanah di area perluasan cenderung rendah hingga kedalaman kritis 16 meter (NSPT < 15), dan lokasi area pematangan lahan berada di pesisir pantai. Dengan adanya kondisi- kondisi tersebut maka pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan perencanaan shore protection dengan perbaikan tanah dan pondasi tipikal yang sesuai dengan beban tangki timbun. Metode perbaikan tanah yang direncanakan adalah metode preloading kombinasi PVD dengan pola segitiga dan segiempat; jarak antar PVD 0,8 m; dan panjang PVD hingga kedalaman lapisan comppressible. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan peningkatan daya dukung tanah dan analisa stabilitas lereng shore protection dengan program bantu didapatkan SF > 1,5 sehingga aman terhadap gelincir atau longsor. Dilain hal, dari hasil perhitungan penurunan pondasi dangkal tangki timbun tidak direkomendasikan karena penurunan tangki sebesar 1,212 m melebihi batas izin maksimum tangki timbun oil and gas oleh API 653 yakni sebesar 2 inchi atau 50,8 mm. Oleh sebab itu maka diputuskan perencanaan pondasi dalam spunpile produk WIKA dengan kedalaman hingga 24 m tanpa perbaikan tanah di area pembangunan tangki timbun
Komposit merupakan material yang terbentuk dari kombinasi dua atau lebih, sehingga dihasilkan material komposit yang mempunyai sifat mekanik dan karekteristik yang berbeda. Salah satu contoh Bambu merupakan tanaman sebangsa rumput yang banyak tumbuh dinegara kita. Tanaman ini dapat tumbuh didaerah beriklim panas maupun dingin. Kebanyakan didareah pedesaan tanaman bambu dibiarkan tumbuh liar, akan tetapi walaupun tidak mendapatkan perawatan, bambu dapat tumbuh dengan baik. Serat bambu berpotensi menjadi penguat dalam komposit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Mengetahui pengaruh fraksi volume komposit yang diperkuat serat bambu terhadap kekuatan impak, dan mengetahui struktur penampang patahan dengan pengamatan uji SEM. Bahan penelitian adalah serat bambu dengan menggunakan serat bambu apus, unsaturated resin polyester YUKALAC 157 BQTN=EX. Komposit dibuat dengan cara manual dengan komposisi serat 5%, 10%, 15% dan 20%. Pembuatan dilakukan dilaboratorium teknik mesin fakultas teknik universitas muhammadiyah metro dan pengujian mekanik dilakukan di B4T Bandung. Hasil pengujian didapat bahwa, hasil kekuatan impak dengan fraksi serat 5%, 10%, 15% dan 20% sebesar 3,28 kJ/m2, 12,64 kJ/m2, 18,77 kJ/m2, dan 27,44 kJ/m2. Pada penampang patahan komposit masih terlihat terjadi kegagalan poll-out yang disebabkan bonding (daya ikat) antara serat dan matrik yang kurang sempurna sehingga pada saat terjadi pengujian, serat terlepas dari matrik. Pada spesimen uji impak, dijumpai adanya matrik cracking, yaitu retaknya matrik akibat matrik bersifat getas. Hal ini perlu menjadi perhatian karena jika retakan yang terjadi melebihi batas dapat menyebapkan debonding
An Analysis of the COVID-19 Impact on Business and Social Performance of Islamic Micro-Financial Institutions
Islamic micro-financial institutions (LKMS) provide services for micro businesses in the form of deposits, financing, and social assistance as the main activities. The COVID-19 pandemic engenders an adverse impact, breeding members’ inabilities to measure up to their duties. The inabilities are regretted as LKMS should have also been able to assist its members in sustaining as a form of social responsibility. The research aims to prove paradoxes in business and social performance. We applied a descriptive quantitative approach to a secondary data analysis of business and social performance reports during the COVID-19 pandemic until 2021. The research population covered 154 members of the Islamic cooperative parent, and the samples were 51 LKMS in the Islamic cooperative center. Conclusions were drawn from data analysis using stakeholder and stewardship theories. The results demonstrated that the COVID-19 pandemic incurred negative impacts, i.e., a decreased business performance of LKMS of 8.4% on average for two years. Meanwhile, another finding exhibited an increase in social performance by 27%. Based on the data, we could argue that a decrease in LKMS business performance bred an increase in social performance
Hasil cek similarity "The crystal packing and slip plane analysis in mechanical properties improvement of mefenamic acid by cocrystallization with nicotinamide coformer"
Rheumatoid arthritis and the challenge of using nanoparticles for its treatment
Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common autoimmune disease that affects the joints. The cause of the disease is unknown, many studies proposed hypothesis about the etiology of rheumatoid arthritis. The clinical manifestations of arthritis are different in each patients. In addition, the development of the medication is still continue to achieve the most effective role with less side effect. Nanoparticles may be the answer to this problem, since they have been widely used to improve the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics of rheumatoid arthritis drugs. Using nanoparticles-tagged folate or PEG to deliver rheumatoid arthritis drugs may increase the specificity of the drugs to the target and consequently, may decrease the side effects of the drugs. The purpose of this review is to summarize the etiology, clinical manifestation and highlighting the use of nanoparticles in rheumatoid arthritis treatment
Rheumatoid arthritis and the challenge of using nanoparticles for its treatment
Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common autoimmune disease that affects the joints. The cause of the disease is unknown, many studies proposed hypothesis about the etiology of rheumatoid arthritis. The clinical manifestations of arthritis are different in each patients. In addition, the development of the medication is still continue to achieve the most effective role with less side effect. Nanoparticles may be the answer to this problem, since they have been widely used to improve the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics of rheumatoid arthritis drugs. Using nanoparticles-tagged folate or PEG to deliver rheumatoid arthritis drugs may increase the specificity of the drugs to the target and consequently, may decrease the side effects of the drugs. The purpose of this review is to summarize the etiology, clinical manifestation and highlighting the use of nanoparticles in rheumatoid arthritis treatment
<i>Clitoria ternatea</i> Increases Milk Production in Dairy Cows by Inhibiting Dopamine Receptor D2: A Computational Study
Dairy cow's milk is a primary commodity in various countries and increasing milk production in dairy cows is crucial. Clitoria ternatea has the potential to enhance milk production in dairy cows. This research aims to analyze C. ternatea's ability to induce milk production in dairy cows by targeting the DRD2 protein. The compounds within C. ternatea were screened for drug-likeness, toxicity, physicochemical properties, and membrane permeability parameters. The DRD2 protein in dairy cattle was modeled using homology modeling. The interaction stability between C. ternatea compounds and DRD2 was analyzed through molecular docking and dynamic using AutoDock Vina and Webgro. The study results revealed that among the 18 compounds, 5 passed the drug-likeness screening: citronellal, alpha-terpinolene, 15-methyxypaysine, allyl-crotyl-zinc, and 9,12-octadecadiynoic. These 5 compounds exhibited low toxicity and demonstrated easy penetration of lipid membranes. Molecular docking results indicated that citronellal and alpha-terpinolene had the lowest binding energy values and were bound to the inhibitor's side. Molecular dynamic simulations also confirmed the stability of the interaction between citronellal and alpha-terpinolene with DRD2. In conclusion, this research suggests that C. ternatea can potentially increase milk production in dairy cows by inhibiting the DRD2 protein, primarily through citronellal and alpha-terpinolene