104 research outputs found

    Interleukin-1?, Interleukin-6, and Antagonist Interleukin-1receptor as Memory Impairment Risk Factor in Complex Partial Epilepsy

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    Memory impairment is one of the most common adverse following epilepsy, particularly complex partial epilepsy. Cytokines physiologically play an important role in memory impairment by preventing long term potentiation process in hypocampus. Several literatures have mentioned that IL-1b, IL-6 and antagonist receptor IL-1Ra are crucial cytokines in complex partial epilepsy. This study aims to find out whether high level of IL-1b and IL-6 as well as low level of IL-1Ra might be risk factors of memory impairment in complex partial epilepsy patient. This was a case control study, enrolling 30 complex partial epilepsy patients with memory impairment as case group and 30 complex partial epilepsy patients without memory impairment as control group. In this study, it was obtained that the mean of IL-1? level in case group was significantly higher compared to the control (2.74 ± 4.36 vs. 0.42 ± 0.18 pg/ml, p = 0.007). The mean of IL-6 in case group was significantly higher compare to control (5.89 ± 6.32 vs. 2.34 ± 1.80 pg/ml, p = 0.006). The mean of IL-1Ra level of the case group was not significantly higher compared to the control (519.81 ± 262.64 vs. 413.28 ± 106.85, p = 0.767). By applying bivariate analysis, McNemar's test, we observed that IL-1? with cut off point 0.63 pg/ml and OR = 70 is a risk factor of memory impairment in complex partial epilepsy indicated by p = 0.001. Similar result was also gained for IL-6 with cut off point 2.87 pg/ml and OR = 4.57 as a risk factor of memory impairment in complex partial epilepsy indicated by p = 0.007. Meanwhile, IL- 1Ra with cut off point 471 pg/ml and OR = 0.727 was not as a risk factor of memory impairment in complex partial epilepsy indicated by p = 0.573. It can be concluded that the high level of IL-1B and IL-6 were the risk factors of memory impairment in complex partial epilepsy patients. High level 1L-1B patient was 70 times higher risk of becoming memory impaired. High IL-6 patients will have the risk nearly 5 times higher. The low level of IL-1Ra does not as a risk factor in epilepsy patients for having the following memory impairment

    Profil Industri Kerajinan Dulang dan Sumbangannya terhadap Pendapatan Total Rumah Tangga Petani di Desa Pengotan Kecamatan Bangli Kabupaten Bangli

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    Dulang Craft Industry Profile and the Contributions Against Total Household Income of Framer in Pengotan village of Bangli District of Bangli Regency Pengotan village is a village that became the center of handicraft industry of household, one types of handicraft that produced in this village is the dulang craft. Dulang is one of the means that used as offerings at Hinduism ceremony. In addition, the survival dulang industry this is also useful as a medium inpreserving local culture. The purpose of this study is to find out how much acceptance of farmer household is; to determine how the labor productivity and productivity costs such; and to find out how big the contribution of dulang industry to total household income of farmers. Data analysis method that used in this study is the formula of acceptance, the labor productivity and costs productivity and the percentage contribution of the craft. The results showed that, the handicraft industry is able to provide additional income to the total income of the household, the level of labor productivity and costs productivity dulang craft industry can be classified as an i productive industrial because it has more value than one, and dulang craft workmanship able to providing a substansial contribution to earning total farm households

    Fakor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan Buah Salak Bali (Salacca Zalacca Var. Ambonensi) oleh Rumah Tanggadi Kota Denpasar, Provinsi Bali

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    Factors that Affect to Demand of Salak Bali Fruit (Salacca Zalacca var. ambonensi)by Householdin Denpasar City,Bali Province This study aims to know factors that affectdemand quantity ofSalak Bali fruit and magnitude the elasticity of Salak Bali fruit\u27s demand in Denpasar City. Location of study was atBadung Market, Kreneng Market, Sanglah Market, and Satrya Market thathas been determinated purposively. Populationswas houshold which bought Salak Bali fruit attraditional markets. This study used accidental samplingtechnique.There were 40 samples which has been determined purposively. This study used thetransformed multiple regressionfunctionmodel. Independent variables are X1 (price of Salak Bali fruit), X2(price of orange), X3(price of apple), X4 (price of mango), X5 (quantity of household members), X6 (income of household), and dummy (there are religious celebrations/there aren\u27t any religious celebrations). The function model is LNY = 2,65 - 1,126 LNX1** - 1,360 LNX2** - 0,643 LNX3** + 0,892LNX4*+ 0,363LNX5**+ 0,590LNX6** + 0.129D**. Factors that affectdemand quantity of Salak Bali fruit are price of Salak Bali fruit, price of orange, price of apple, price of mango, quantity of household members, income household, and situasion.The price elasitcity is elastis, based on cross elasticity both orange and apple are complementary product, while mango is substitution product of Salak Bali fruit. The income elasticity shows that Salak Bali fruits is normal product

    Analisis Pendapatan Usahatani Padi Bersertifikat Organik (Kasus Kelompok Tani Gana Sari Kabupaten Badung)

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    Analysis of Certified Organic Rice Farming Income (Case Farmers Group of Gana Sari District of Badung) Gana Sari group is engaged in the development of organic rice and has organic certificate, necessary to study the analysis of certified organic rice farming income . This study conducted to determine the amount of income , the R / C ratio and application of Internal Control System ( ICS ) at the Farmer Group of Gana Sari. Determination respondents income analysis by cencus and key informants to determine the application of the ICS. The analysis is the farm income , R / C ratio , and descriptive analysis . The result showed an average cash reached Rp 19.293.373,52 and the total income reached Rp 16.023.633,71 per hectare per cropping season. The value of R / C ratio of the total cost was 2.41 and comparison of the cost is 3.38 . The indicates is the certified organic rice farming viable. ICS of gana sari group applied to entire process of culvation and infrastructure including warehouse or farmhouses. ICS carried inspector on all members of farmer and external oversight by LeSos. Suggested to farmers in order to maintain the rice farm is certified organic, farmer groups and ICS officials filed a related department in order to help the staff ICS purchasing, storage, and processing can carry out their duties. Training of the farmers also need to be done continuosly so that farmers consistent to maintain the certificate
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