188 research outputs found

    Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 38.

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    A new case of 13q12.2q13.1 microdeletion syndrome contributes to phenotype delineation.

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    A recently described genetic disorder has been associated with 13q12.3 microdeletion spanning three genes, namely, KATNAL1, LINC00426, and HMGB1. Here, we report a new case with similar clinical features that we have followed from birth to 5 years old. The child carried a complex rearrangement with a double translocation: 46,XX,t(7;13)(p15;q14),t(11;15)(q23;q22). Array-CGH identified a de novo microdeletion at 13q12.2q13.1 spanning 3–3.4 Mb and overlapping 13q12.3 critical region. Clinical features resembling those reported in the literature confirm the existence of a distinct 13q12.3 microdeletion syndrome and provide further evidence that is useful to characterize its phenotypic expression during the 5 years of development

    Heterozygous deletion of KLHL1/ATX8OS at the SCA8 locus is unlikely associated with cerebellar impairment in humans

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    Spinocerebellar ataxia type 8 (SCA8) (MIM 608768) is a dominantly inherited ataxia typically occurring in adulthood, with onset of the disease that may range from age 1 to 65 years. Common initial symptoms are scanning dysarthria with a characteristic drawn-out slowness of speech and gait instability. Some individuals present with nystagmus, dysmetric saccades and, occasionally ophthalmoplegia. Hyperreflexia and extensor plantar responses are present in some severely affected individuals. Life span is typically not shortened

    A New Case of 13q12.2q13.1 Microdeletion Syndrome Contributes to Phenotype Delineation

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    A recently described genetic disorder has been associated with 13q12.3 microdeletion spanning three genes, namely, KATNAL1, LINC00426, and HMGB1. Here, we report a new case with similar clinical features that we have followed from birth to 5 years old. The child carried a complex rearrangement with a double translocation: 46,XX,t(7;13)(p15;q14),t(11;15)(q23;q22). Array-CGH identified a de novo microdeletion at 13q12.2q13.1 spanning 3–3.4 Mb and overlapping 13q12.3 critical region. Clinical features resembling those reported in the literature confirm the existence of a distinct 13q12.3 microdeletion syndrome and provide further evidence that is useful to characterize its phenotypic expression during the 5 years of development

    Contribution to the ecology of the Italian hare (Lepus corsicanus)

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    the italian hare (Lepus corsicanus) is endemic to Central-Southern Italy and Sicily, classified as vulnerable due to habitat alterations, low density and fragmented populations and ecological competition with the sympatric european hare (Lepus europaeus). Despite this status, only few and local studies have explored its ecological features. We provided some key traits of the ecological niche of the italian hare as well as its potential distribution in the italian peninsula. All data derived from genetically validated presences. We generated a habitat suitability model using maximum entropy distribution model for the italian hare and its main competitor, the european hare. the dietary habits were obtained for the italian hare with DnA metabarcoding and High-throughput Sequencing on faecal pellets. The most relevant environmental variables affecting the potential distribution of the italian hare are shared with the european hare, suggesting a potential competition. the variation in the observed altitudinal distribution is statistically significant between the two species.The diet of the Italian hare all year around includes 344 plant taxa accounted by 62 families. The Fagaceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Rosaceae and Solanaceae (counts > 20,000) represented the 90.22% of the total diet. Fabaceae (60.70%) and Fagaceae (67.47%) were the most abundant plant items occurring in the Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter diets, respectively. the Spring/Summer diet showed richness (N = 266) and diversity index values (Shannon: 2.329, Evenness: 0.03858, Equitability: 0.4169) higher than the Autumn/Winter diet (N = 199, Shannon: 1.818, Evenness: 0.03096, Equitability: 0.3435). Our contribution adds important information to broaden the knowledge on the environmental (spatial and trophic) requirements of the Italian hare, representing effective support for fitting management actions in conservation planning