32 research outputs found
Cache-Attacks on the ARM TrustZone implementations of AES-256 and AES-256-GCM via GPU-based analysis
The ARM TrustZone is a security extension which is used in recent Samsung flagship smartphones to create a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) called a Secure World, which runs secure processes (Trustlets). The Samsung TEE includes cryptographic key storage and functions inside the Keymaster trustlet.
The secret key used by the Keymaster trustlet is derived by a hardware device and is inaccessible to the Android OS. However, the ARM32 AES implementation used by the Keymaster is vulnerable to side channel cache-attacks.
The Keymaster trustlet uses AES-256 in GCM mode, which makes mounting a cache attack against this target much harder. In this paper we show that it is possible to perform a successful cache attack against this AES implementation, in AES-256/GCM mode, using widely available hardware. Using a laptop\u27s GPU to parallelize the analysis, we are able to extract a raw AES-256 key with 7 minutes of measurements and under a minute of analysis time and an AES-256/GCM key with 40 minutes of measurements and 30 minutes of analysis
CacheZoom: How SGX Amplifies The Power of Cache Attacks
In modern computing environments, hardware resources are commonly shared, and
parallel computation is widely used. Parallel tasks can cause privacy and
security problems if proper isolation is not enforced. Intel proposed SGX to
create a trusted execution environment within the processor. SGX relies on the
hardware, and claims runtime protection even if the OS and other software
components are malicious. However, SGX disregards side-channel attacks. We
introduce a powerful cache side-channel attack that provides system adversaries
a high resolution channel. Our attack tool named CacheZoom is able to virtually
track all memory accesses of SGX enclaves with high spatial and temporal
precision. As proof of concept, we demonstrate AES key recovery attacks on
commonly used implementations including those that were believed to be
resistant in previous scenarios. Our results show that SGX cannot protect
critical data sensitive computations, and efficient AES key recovery is
possible in a practical environment. In contrast to previous works which
require hundreds of measurements, this is the first cache side-channel attack
on a real system that can recover AES keys with a minimal number of
measurements. We can successfully recover AES keys from T-Table based
implementations with as few as ten measurements.Comment: Accepted at Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
(CHES '17
A Tale of Three Signatures: practical attack of ECDSA with wNAF
One way of attacking ECDSA with wNAF implementation for the scalar multiplication is to perform a side-channel analysis to collect information, then use a lattice based method to recover the secret key. In this paper, we reinvestigate the construction of the lattice used in one of these methods, the Extended Hidden Number Problem (EHNP). We find the secret key with only 3 signatures, thus reaching the theoretical bound given by Fan, Wang and Cheng, whereas best previous methods required at least 4 signatures in practice. Our attack is more efficient than previous attacks, in particular compared to times reported by Fan et al. at CCS 2016 and for most cases, has better probability of success. To obtain such results, we perform a detailed analysis of the parameters used in the attack and introduce a preprocessing method which reduces by a factor up to 7 the overall time to recover the secret key for some parameters. We perform an error resilience analysis which has never been done before in the setup of EHNP. Our construction is still able to find the secret key with a small amount of erroneous traces, up to 2% of false digits, and 4% with a specific type of error. We also investigate Coppersmith's methods as a potential alternative to EHNP and explain why, to the best of our knowledge, EHNP goes beyond the limitations of Coppersmith's methods
Security Analysis of NIST CTR-DRBG
We study the security of CTR-DRBG, one of NIST\u27s recommended Pseudorandom Number Generator (PRNG) designs. Recently, Woodage and Shumow (Eurocrypt\u27 19), and then Cohney et al. (S&P\u27 20) point out some potential vulnerabilities in both NIST specification and common implementations of CTR-DRBG. While these researchers do suggest counter-measures, the security of the patched CTR-DRBG is still questionable. Our work fills this gap, proving that CTR-DRBG satisfies the robustness notion of Dodis et al. (CCS\u2713), the standard security goal for PRNGs
Medication knowledge, certainty, and risk of errors in health care: a cross-sectional study
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Medication errors are often involved in reported adverse events. Drug therapy, prescribed by physicians, is mostly carried out by nurses, who are expected to master all aspects of medication. Research has revealed the need for improved knowledge in drug dose calculation, and medication knowledge as a whole is poorly investigated. The purpose of this survey was to study registered nurses' medication knowledge, certainty and estimated risk of errors, and to explore factors associated with good results.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Nurses from hospitals and primary health care establishments were invited to carry out a multiple-choice test in pharmacology, drug management and drug dose calculations (score range 0-14). Self-estimated certainty in each answer was recorded, graded from 0 = very uncertain to 3 = very certain. Background characteristics and sense of coping were recorded. Risk of error was estimated by combining knowledge and certainty scores. The results are presented as mean (±SD).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two-hundred and three registered nurses participated (including 16 males), aged 42.0 (9.3) years with a working experience of 12.4 (9.2) years. Knowledge scores in pharmacology, drug management and drug dose calculations were 10.3 (1.6), 7.5 (1.6), and 11.2 (2.0), respectively, and certainty scores were 1.8 (0.4), 1.9 (0.5), and 2.0 (0.6), respectively. Fifteen percent of the total answers showed a high risk of error, with 25% in drug management. Independent factors associated with high medication knowledge were working in hospitals (p < 0.001), postgraduate specialization (p = 0.01) and completion of courses in drug management (p < 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Medication knowledge was found to be unsatisfactory among practicing nurses, with a significant risk for medication errors. The study revealed a need to improve the nurses' basic knowledge, especially when referring to drug management.</p
A Tale of Three Signatures: practical attack of ECDSA with wNAF
International audienceAttacking ECDSA with wNAF implementation for the scalar multiplication first requires some side channel analysis to collect information, then lattice based methods to recover the secret key. In this paper, we reinvestigate the construction of the lattice used in one of these methods, the Extended Hidden Number Problem (EHNP). We find the secret key with only 3 signatures, thus reaching a known theoretical bound, whereas best previous methods required at least 4 signatures in practice. Given a specifoc leakage model, our attack is more efficient than previous attacks, and for most cases, has better probability of success. To obtain such results, we perform a detailed analysis of the parameters used in the attack and introduce a preprocessing method which reduces by a factor up to 7 the total time to recover the secret key for some parameters. We perform an error resilience analysis which has never been done before in the setup of EHNP. Our construction find the secret key with a small amount of erroneous traces, up to 2% of false digits, and 4% with a specific type of error
Drive-by Key-Extraction Cache Attacks from Portable Code
We show how malicious web content can extract cryptographic secret keys from the user\u27s computer.
The attack uses portable scripting languages supported by modern browsers to induce contention for CPU cache resources, and thereby gleans information about the memory accesses of other programs running on the user\u27s computer. We show how this side-channel attack can be realized in both WebAssembly and PNaCl; how to attain very fine-grained measurements; and how to use these to extract ElGamal, ECDH and RSA decryption keys from various cryptographic libraries.
The attack does not rely on bugs in the browser\u27s nominal sandboxing mechanisms, or on fooling users. It applies even to locked-down platforms with strong confinement mechanisms and browser-only functionality, such as Chromebook devices.
Moreover, on browser-based platforms the attacked software too may be written in portable JavaScript; and we show that in this case even implementations of supposedly-secure constant-time algorithms, such as Curve25519\u27s, are vulnerable to our attack
Validation of Abstract Side-Channel Models for Computer Architectures
Observational models make tractable the analysis of information flow properties by providing an abstraction of side channels. We introduce a methodology and a tool, Scam-V, to validate observational models for modern computer architectures. We combine symbolic execution, relational analysis, and different program generation techniques to
generate experiments and validate the models. An experiment consists of a randomly generated program together with two inputs that are observationally equivalent according to the model under the test. Validation is done by checking indistinguishability of the two inputs on real hardware
by executing the program and analyzing the side channel. We have evaluated our framework by validating models that abstract the data-cache side channel of a Raspberry Pi 3 board with a processor implementing the ARMv8-A architecture. Our results show that Scam-V can identify bugs in the implementation of the models and generate test programs
which invalidate the models due to hidden microarchitectural behavior