5 research outputs found

    Ex situ plant conservation initiative in developing country: Nepal as a case study

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    With the increased loss of plant biodiversity, the ex situ seed conservation has become of strategic importance. International treaties and conventions encourage more developed countries to cooperate in providing financial and other supports for the establishment and maintenance of ex situ conservation facilities in developing countries. In this regard, the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (Nepal) and the Ev-K2-CNR (Italy) set up the Himalayan Seed Bank, with the goal of establishing ex situ seed conservation facility of rare, endemic and endangered plants in Nepal. Here, we discuss the importance of training on seed curation, management and research for the seed bank operators in developing countries. Particular attention is given to the procedures for providing power supply and for optimizing seed longevity in dry storage. Finally, the importance of duplicates in high-standard international seed banks is also discussed

    Management and micro-scale landform determine the ground flora of secondary woodlands and their verges in the Tama Hills of Tokyo, Japan

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    We investigated the influence of management and micro-scale landform on the species composition and richness of ground flora in secondary woodlands and their verges next to paddy fields in the Tama Hills, Tokyo, Japan. Sites representing various micro-scale landforms and different management regimes were sampled. The results of Detrended Correspondence Analysis and Indicator Species Analysis showed that there was no significant difference between management regimes on species composition in head hollow sites. However, species composition was unique in other landform types having the same management regimes. Micro-scale landform units had less effect on species composition than management regime on crest slopes and side slopes of secondary woodlands. A large variation in species composition of verges, all on the lowermost side slopes, was found within sites, but the composition was different when compared with other sites. We recognized five habitat types associated with species composition that resulted from the combined effects of landform and management regimes. Among habitat types, the verges and the well-managed woodlands had high species richness. Management practices within woodlands have enhanced the species richness on crest slopes and side slopes. High beta diversity of ground flora could be due to the variation in micro-scale landform along soil moisture regimes. Intensive management involving clear-cutting on the lower side slopes (an ecotone of mesic and wet environments) accompanied by paddy cultivation on valley bottoms enhanced the diversity of herbaceous vegetation in the verges