14,954 research outputs found

    Ernesto Galarza: Mentor and Friend

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    Presentation to the SJSU CLFSA\u27s 14th Annual Dr. Galarza Scholarship Symposium, September 16, 1998.https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/josevilla_archive/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Lasting Legacy: Local activist Jose Villa was a driver for positive, lasting change

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    Published for local Metro Silicon Valley newspaper; authored by Gary Singh. August 1-7, 2018. Vol. 34 (21): 12.https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/josevilla_archive/1001/thumbnail.jp

    The genus of the configuration spaces for Artin groups of affine type

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    Let (W,S)(W,S) be a Coxeter system, SS finite, and let GWG_{W} be the associated Artin group. One has configuration spaces Y, YW,Y,\ Y_{W}, where GW=π1(YW),G_{W}=\pi_1(Y_{W}), and a natural WW-covering fW: Y→YW.f_{W}:\ Y\to Y_{W}. The Schwarz genus g(fW)g(f_{W}) is a natural topological invariant to consider. In this paper we generalize this result by computing the Schwarz genus for a class of Artin groups, which includes the affine-type Artin groups. Let K=K(W,S)K=K(W,S) be the simplicial scheme of all subsets J⊂SJ\subset S such that the parabolic group WJ W_J is finite. We introduce the class of groups for which dim(K)dim(K) equals the homological dimension of K,K, and we show that g(fW)g(f_{W}) is always the maximum possible for such class of groups. For affine Artin groups, such maximum reduces to the rank of the group. In general, it is given by dim(XW)+1,dim(X_{W})+1, where XW⊂YW X_{ W}\subset Y_{ W} is a well-known CWCW-complex which has the same homotopy type as YW. Y_{ W}.Comment: To appear in Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. App

    Log canonical thresholds of quasi-ordinary hypersurface singularities

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    The log canonical thresholds of irreducible quasi-ordinary hypersurface singularities are computed, using an explicit list of pole candidates for the motivic zeta function found by the last two authors
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