58,329 research outputs found
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Hybrid system of expert system and artificial neural networks for objective evaluation of product sensuous quality
Basic problems and the bottleneck of current approaches for objective assessment of product sensuous quality (PSQ) are discussed. As a solution, a new approach, an expert system (ES) based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) is proposed, in which the ES and ANNs co-operate in a superiority compensation way. T he knowledge base of the system can be effectively built and the evaluation of PSQ can be conducted on-line. As a case study, the new approach has been applied in leather handle test and it proves that the approach is capable of handling non-linear relationships among multiple measured PSQ parameters
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EU-China collaboration in design: research in Web-enabled collaborative design supported by the Asia-Link and Asia IT&C projects
The research of Web-enabled collaboration in total design supported by the European Union's Asia Link project [1] and Asia IT&C project is reported in this paper. The two projects both aim at enhancing research collaboration between the EU and China. The Virtual Research Institute (VRI) is described first, which is the platform for the collaboration for the Asia Link project and is established by utilizing the advanced Web techniques; and then, the framework for the collaboration and the Web techniques involved in the research are presented which represent the major research of the Asia IT&C project. The effective collaboration between the project partners and the impacts of the project outcome on the partnership are also discussed
Evolutionary optimization within an intelligent hybrid system for design integration
An intelligent hybrid approach has been developed to integrate various stages in total design, including formulation of product design specifications, conceptual design, detail design, and manufacture. The integration is achieved by blending multiple artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and CAD/CAE/CAM into a single environment. It has been applied into power transmission system design. In addition to knowledge-based systems and artificial neural networks, another AI technique, genetic algorithms (GAs), are involved in the approach. The GA is used to conduct optimization tasks: (1) searching the best combination of design parameters to obtain optimum design of gears, and (2) optimization of the architecture of the artificial neural networks used in the hybrid system. In this paper, after a brief overview of the intelligent hybrid system, the GA applications are described in detail
Network support for integrated design
A framework of network support for utilization of integrated design over the Internet has been developed. The techniques presented also applicable for Intranet/Extranet. The integrated design system was initially developed for local application in a single site. With the network support, geographically dispersed designers can collaborate a design task through out the total design process, quickly respond to clientsâ requests and enhance the design argilty. In this paper, after a brief introduction of the integrated design system, the network support framework is presented, followed by description of two key techniques involved: Java Saverlet approach for remotely executing a large program and online CAD collaboration
Enhancement of speed and efficiency of an Internet based gear design optimisation
An internet-based gear design optimisation program has been developed for geographically dispersed teams to collaborate over the internet. The optimisation program implements genetic algorithm. A novel methodology is presented that improves the speed of execution of the optimisation program by integrating artificial neural networks into the system. The paper also proposes a method that allows an improvement to the performance of the back propagation-learning algorithm. This is done by rescaling the output data patterns to lie slightly below and above the two extreme values of the full range neural activation function. Experimental tests show the reduction of execution time by approximately 50%, as well as an improvement in the training and generalisation errors and the rate of learning of the network
Non-damping oscillations at flaring loops
Context. QPPs are usually detected as spatial displacements of coronal loops
in imaging observations or as periodic shifts of line properties in
spectroscopic observations. They are often applied for remote diagnostics of
magnetic fields and plasma properties on the Sun. Aims. We combine imaging and
spectroscopic measurements of available space missions, and investigate the
properties of non-damping oscillations at flaring loops. Methods. We used the
IRIS to measure the spectrum over a narrow slit. The double-component Gaussian
fitting method was used to extract the line profile of Fe XXI 1354.08 A at "O
I" window. The quasi-periodicity of loop oscillations were identified in the
Fourier and wavelet spectra. Results. A periodicity at about 40 s is detected
in the line properties of Fe XXI, HXR emissions in GOES 1-8 A derivative, and
Fermi 26-50 keV. The Doppler velocity and line width oscillate in phase, while
a phase shift of about Pi/2 is detected between the Doppler velocity and peak
intensity. The amplitudes of Doppler velocity and line width oscillation are
about 2.2 km/s and 1.9 km/s, respectively, while peak intensity oscillate with
amplitude at about 3.6% of the background emission. Meanwhile, a quasi-period
of about 155 s is identified in the Doppler velocity and peak intensity of Fe
XXI, and AIA 131 A intensity. Conclusions. The oscillations at about 40 s are
not damped significantly during the observation, it might be linked to the
global kink modes of flaring loops. The periodicity at about 155 s is most
likely a signature of recurring downflows after chromospheric evaporation along
flaring loops. The magnetic field strengths of the flaring loops are estimated
to be about 120-170 G using the MHD seismology diagnostics, which are
consistent with the magnetic field modeling results using the flux rope
insertion method.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, accepted by A&
Understanding and Specifying Information Security Needs to Support the Delivery of High Quality Security Services
In this paper we present an approach for specifying and prioritizing information security requirements in organizations. It is important to prioritize security requirements since hundred per cent security is\ud
not achievable and the limited resources available should be directed to satisfy the most important ones. We propose to explicitly link security requirements with the organizationâs business vision, i.e. to provide business\ud
rationale for security requirements. The rationale is then used as a basis for comparing the importance of different security requirements.\ud
Furthermore we discuss how to integrate the aforementioned solution concepts into a service level management process for security services, which is an important step in IT Governance. We validate our approach by way of a focus group session
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Integration, management and communication of heterogeneous design resources with WWW technologies
Recently, advanced information technologies have opened new pos-sibilities for collaborative designs. In this paper, a Web-based collaborative de-sign environment is proposed, where heterogeneous design applications can be integrated with a common interface, managed dynamically for publishing and searching, and communicated with each other for integrated multi-objective de-sign. The CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) is employed as an implementation tool to enable integration and communication of design application programs; and the XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is used as a common data descriptive language for data exchange between heterogeneous applications and for resource description and recording. This paper also intro-duces the implementation of the system and the encapsulating issues of existing legacy applications. At last, an example of gear design based on the system is il-lustrated to identify the methods and procedure developed by this research
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Finite element modelling and load share analysis for involute worm gears with localised tooth contact
A new approach has been developed by the authors to estimate the load share of worm gear drives, and to calculate the instantaneous tooth meshing stiffness and loaded transmission errors. In the approach, the finite element (FE) modelling is based on the modified tooth geometry, which ensures that the worm gear teeth are in localized contact. The geometric modelling method for involute worm gears allows the tooth elastic deformation and tooth root stresses of worm gear drives under different load conditions to be investigated. On the basis of finite element analysis, the instantaneous meshing stiffness and loaded transmission errors are obtained and the load share is predicted. In comparison with existing methods, this approach applies loaded tooth contact analysis and provides more accurate load capacity rating of worm gear drives
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