743 research outputs found
Quantum Computation and Spin Physics
A brief review is given of the physical implementation of quantum computation
within spin systems or other two-state quantum systems. The importance of the
controlled-NOT or quantum XOR gate as the fundamental primitive operation of
quantum logic is emphasized. Recent developments in the use of quantum
entanglement to built error-robust quantum states, and the simplest protocol
for quantum error correction, are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, 3 eps figures, prepared for the Proceedings of the
Annual MMM Meeting, November, 1996, to be published in J. Appl. Phy
Quantum Circuits for Measuring Levin-Wen Operators
We construct quantum circuits for measuring the commuting set of vertex and
plaquette operators that appear in the Levin-Wen model for doubled Fibonacci
anyons. Such measurements can be viewed as syndrome measurements for the
quantum error-correcting code defined by the ground states of this model (the
Fibonacci code). We quantify the complexity of these circuits with gate counts
using different universal gate sets and find these measurements become
significantly easier to perform if n-qubit Toffoli gates with n = 3,4 and 5 can
be carried out directly. In addition to measurement circuits, we construct
simplified quantum circuits requiring only a few qubits that can be used to
verify that certain self-consistency conditions, including the pentagon
equation, are satisfied by the Fibonacci code.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures; published versio
Dispersive Qubit Measurement by Interferometry with Parametric Amplifiers
We perform a detailed analysis of how an amplified interferometer can be used
to enhance the quality of a dispersive qubit measurement, such as one performed
on a superconducting transmon qubit, using homodyne detection on an amplified
microwave signal. Our modeling makes a realistic assessment of what is possible
in current circuit-QED experiments; in particular, we take into account the
frequency-dependence of the qubit-induced phase shift for short microwaves
pulses. We compare the possible signal-to-noise ratios obtainable with
(single-mode) SU(1,1) interferometers with the current coherent measurement and
find a considerable reduction in measurement error probability in an
experimentally-accessible range of parameters
Testing for a pure state with local operations and classical communication
We examine the problem of using local operations and classical communication
(LOCC) to distinguish a known pure state from an unknown (possibly mixed)
state, bounding the error probability from above and below. We study the
asymptotic rate of detecting multiple copies of the pure state and show that,
if the overlap of the two states is great enough, then they can be
distinguished asymptotically as well with LOCC as with global measurements;
otherwise, the maximal Schmidt coefficient of the pure state is sufficient to
determine the asymptotic error rate.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Published version with small revisions and
expanded title
Qubit quantum-dot sensors: noise cancellation by coherent backaction, initial slips, and elliptical precession
We theoretically investigate the backaction of a sensor quantum dot with
strong local Coulomb repulsion on the transient dynamics of a qubit that is
probed capacitively. We show that the measurement backaction induced by the
noise of electron cotunneling through the sensor is surprisingly mitigated by
the recently identified coherent backaction [PRB 89, 195405] arising from
quantum fluctuations. This renormalization effect is missing in semiclassical
stochastic fluctuator models and typically also in Born-Markov approaches,
which try to avoid the calculation of the nonstationary, nonequilibrium state
of the qubit plus sensor. Technically, we integrate out the current-carrying
electrodes to obtain kinetic equations for the joint, nonequilibrium
detector-qubit dynamics. We show that the sensor-current response, level
renormalization, cotunneling, and leading non-Markovian corrections always
appear together and cannot be turned off individually in an experiment or
ignored theoretically. We analyze the backaction on the reduced qubit state -
capturing the full non-Markovian effects imposed by the sensor quantum dot on
the qubit - by applying a Liouville-space decomposition into quasistationary
and rapidly decaying modes. Importantly, the sensor cannot be eliminated
completely even in the simplest high-temperature, weak-measurement limit: The
qubit state experiences an initial slip that persists over many qubit cycles
and depends on the initial preparation of qubit plus sensor quantum dot. A
quantum-dot sensor can thus not be modeled as a 'black box' without accounting
for its dynamical variables. We furthermore find that the Bloch vector relaxes
(T1) along an axis that is not orthogonal to the plane in which the Bloch
vector dephases (T2), blurring the notions of T1 and T2 times. Finally, the
precessional motion of the Bloch vector is distorted into an ellipse in the
tilted dephasing plane.Comment: This is the version published in Phys. Rev.
Irrational mode locking in quasiperiodic systems
A model for ac-driven systems, based on the
Tang-Wiesenfeld-Bak-Coppersmith-Littlewood automaton for an elastic medium,
exhibits mode-locked steps with frequencies that are irrational multiples of
the drive frequency, when the pinning is spatially quasiperiodic. Detailed
numerical evidence is presented for the large-system-size convergence of such a
mode-locked step. The irrational mode locking is stable to small thermal noise
and weak disorder. Continuous time models with irrational mode locking and
possible experimental realizations are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; revision: 2 figures modified, reference
added, minor clarification
Quantum Computation and Spin Electronics
In this chapter we explore the connection between mesoscopic physics and
quantum computing. After giving a bibliography providing a general introduction
to the subject of quantum information processing, we review the various
approaches that are being considered for the experimental implementation of
quantum computing and quantum communication in atomic physics, quantum optics,
nuclear magnetic resonance, superconductivity, and, especially, normal-electron
solid state physics. We discuss five criteria for the realization of a quantum
computer and consider the implications that these criteria have for quantum
computation using the spin states of single-electron quantum dots. Finally, we
consider the transport of quantum information via the motion of individual
electrons in mesoscopic structures; specific transport and noise measurements
in coupled quantum dot geometries for detecting and characterizing
electron-state entanglement are analyzed.Comment: 28 pages RevTeX, 4 figures. To be published in "Quantum Mesoscopic
Phenomena and Mesoscopic Devices in Microelectronics," eds. I. O. Kulik and
R. Ellialtioglu (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Turkey, June 13-25, 1999
Understanding entanglement as resource: locally distinguishing unextendible product bases
It is known that the states in an unextendible product basis (UPB) cannot be
distinguished perfectly when the parties are restricted to local operations and
classical communication (LOCC). Previous discussions of such bases have left
open the following question: What entanglement resources are necessary and/or
sufficient for this task to be possible with LOCC? In this paper, I present
protocols which use entanglement more efficiently than teleportation to
distinguish certain classes of UPB's. The ideas underlying my approach to this
problem offer rather general insight into why entanglement is useful for such
tasks.Comment: Final, published version. Many revisions following very useful
suggestions of the referee have been added. In particular, Appendix A has
been completely rewritte
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