9,792 research outputs found
Capturing, using, and managing quality assurance knowledge for shuttle post-MECO flight design
Ascent initialization values used by the Shuttle's onboard computer for nominal and abort mission scenarios are verified by a six degrees of freedom computer simulation. The procedure that the Ascent Post Main Engine Cutoff (Post-MECO) group uses to perform quality assurance (QA) of the simulation is time consuming. Also, the QA data, checklists and associated rationale, though known by the group members, is not sufficiently documented, hindering transfer of knowledge and problem resolution. A new QA procedure which retains the current high level of integrity while reducing the time required to perform QA is needed to support the increasing Shuttle flight rate. Documenting the knowledge is also needed to increase its availability for training and problem resolution. To meet these needs, a knowledge capture process, embedded into the group activities, was initiated to verify the existing QA checks, define new ones, and document all rationale. The resulting checks were automated in a conventional software program to achieve the desired standardization, integrity, and time reduction. A prototype electronic knowledge base was developed with Macintosh's HyperCard to serve as a knowledge capture tool and data storage
SAO/NASA joint investigation of astronomical viewing quality at Mount Hopkins Observatory: 1969-1971
Quantitative measurements of the astronomical seeing conditions have been made with a stellar-image monitor system at the Mt. Hopkins Observatory in Arizona. The results of this joint SAO-NASA experiment indicate that for a 15-cm-diameter telescope, image motion is typically 1 arcsec or less and that intensity fluctuations due to scintillation have a coefficient of irradiance variance of less than 0.12 on the average. Correlations between seeing quality and local meteorological conditions were investigated. Local temperature fluctuations and temperature gradients were found to be indicators of image-motion conditions, while high-altitude-wind conditions were shown to be somewhat correlated with scintillation-spectrum bandwidth. The theoretical basis for the relationship of atmospheric turbulence to optical effects is discussed in some detail, along with a description of the equipment used in the experiment. General site-testing comments and applications of the seeing-test results are also included
Structure determination of disordered materials from diffraction data
We show that the information gained in spectroscopic experiments regarding
the number and distribution of atomic environments can be used as a valuable
constraint in the refinement of the atomic-scale structures of nanostructured
or amorphous materials from pair distribution function (PDF) data. We
illustrate the effectiveness of this approach for three paradigmatic disordered
systems: molecular C60, a-Si, and a-SiO2 . Much improved atomistic models are
attained in each case without any a-priori assumptions regarding coordination
number or local geometry. We propose that this approach may form the basis for
a generalised methodology for structure "solution" from PDF data applicable to
network, nanostructured and molecular systems alike.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, set out as for PR
Dynamics from diffraction
A model-independent approach for the extraction of detailed
lattice dynamical information from neutron powder diffraction data is described. The technique is based on a statistical analysis of atomistic configurations generated using reverse Monte Carlo structural refinement.
Phonon dispersion curves extracted in this way are shown to
reproduce many of the important features found in those determined independently using neutron triple-axis spectroscopy. The extent to which diffraction data are sensitive to lattice dynamics is explored in a
range of materials. The prospect that such detailed dynamical information might be accessible using comparatively facile experiments such as neutron
powder diffraction is incredibly valuable when studying systems for which established spectroscopic methods are prohibitive or
Policies to Protect Food Safety and Animal Health
Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries, Q16, Q17, Q18,
Emergence of long-range order in BaTiO3 from local symmetry-breaking distortions
By using a symmetry motivated basis to evaluate local distortions against
pair distribution function data (PDF), we show without prior bias, that the
off-centre Ti displacements in the archetypal ferroelectric BaTiO3 are zone
centred and rhombohedral-like in nature across its known ferroelectric and
paraelectric phases. With our newly-gained insight we construct a simple Monte
Carlo (MC) model which captures our main experimental findings and demonstrate
how the rich crystallographic phase diagram of BaTiO3 emerges from correlations
of local symmetry-breaking distortions alone. Our results strongly support the
order-disorder picture for these phase transitions, but can also be reconciled
with the soft-mode theory of BaTiO3 that is supported by some spectroscopic
techniques.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Planar laser-induced fluorescence imaging of Si and SiO during pulsed laser ablation of Si
Planar laser induced fluorescence has been used to acquire time sequence images of ground-state, neutral Si and SiO during laser ablation of an Si target in vacuum and in the presence of a background gas at a fluence of 3-4 J/cm^2. The SiO images, taken in air, strongly suggest that the observed SiO is created through reaction of silicon with oxygen at the contact front as the plume expands
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Resolution and Fidelity of Oxygen Isotopes as Paleotemperature Proxies in Bivalve Mollusk Shells: Models and Observations
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