2,500 research outputs found
Energetic disorder at the metal/organic semiconductor interface
The physics of organic semiconductors is dominated by the effects of
energetic disorder. We show that image forces reduce the electrostatic
component of the total energetic disorder near an interface with a metal
electrode. Typically, the variance of energetic disorder is dramatically
reduced at the first few layers of organic semiconductor molecules adjacent to
the metal electrode. Implications for charge injection into organic
semiconductors are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure
Accurate molecular energies by extrapolation of atomic energies using an analytic quantum mechanical model
Using a new analytic quantum mechanical method based on Slater's Xalpha
method, we show that a fairly accurate estimate of the total energy of a
molecule can be obtained from the exact energies of its constituent atoms. The
mean absolute error in the total energies thus determined for the G2 set of 56
molecules is about 16 kcal/mol, comparable to or better than some popular pure
and hybrid density functional models.Comment: 5 pages, REVTE
Distribution of averages in a correlated Gaussian medium as a tool for the estimation of the cluster distribution on size
Calculation of the distribution of the average value of a Gaussian random
field in a finite domain is carried out for different cases. The results of the
calculation demonstrate a strong dependence of the width of the distribution on
the spatial correlations of the field. Comparison with the simulation results
for the distribution of the size of the cluster indicates that the distribution
of an average field could serve as a useful tool for the estimation of the
asymptotic behavior of the distribution of the size of the clusters for "deep"
clusters where value of the field on each site is much greater than the rms
disorder.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, RevTe
Single molecule analysis of DNA wrapping and looping by a circular 14mer wheel of the bacteriophage 186 CI repressor
The lytic–lysogenic decision in bacteriophage 186 is governed by the 186 CI repressor protein in a unique way. The 186 CI is proposed to form a wheel-like oligomer that can mediate either wrapped or looped nucleoprotein complexes to provide the cooperative and competitive interactions needed for regulation. Although consistent with structural, biochemical and gene expression data, many aspects of this model are based on inference. Here, we use atomic force microscopy (AFM) to reveal the various predicted wrapped and looped species, and new ones, for CI regulation of lytic and lysogenic transcription. Automated AFM analysis showed CI particles of the predicted dimensions on the DNA, with CI multimerization favoured by DNA binding. Measurement of the length of the wrapped DNA segments indicated that CI may move on the DNA, wrapping or releasing DNA on either side of the wheel. Tethered particle motion experiments were consistent with wrapping and looping of DNA by CI in solution, where in contrast to λ repressor, the looped species were exceptionally stable. The CI regulatory system provides an intriguing comparison with that of nucleosomes, which share the ability to wrap and release similar sized segments of DNA.Haowei Wang, Ian B. Dodd, David D. Dunlap, Keith E. Shearwin, and Laura Finz
Evidence from K2 for rapid rotation in the descendant of an intermediate-mass star
Using patterns in the oscillation frequencies of a white dwarf observed by
K2, we have measured the fastest rotation rate, 1.13(02) hr, of any isolated
pulsating white dwarf known to date. Balmer-line fits to follow-up spectroscopy
from the SOAR telescope show that the star (SDSSJ0837+1856, EPIC 211914185) is
a 13,590(340) K, 0.87(03) solar-mass white dwarf. This is the highest mass
measured for any pulsating white dwarf with known rotation, suggesting a
possible link between high mass and fast rotation. If it is the product of
single-star evolution, its progenitor was a roughly 4.0 solar-mass
main-sequence B star; we know very little about the angular momentum evolution
of such intermediate-mass stars. We explore the possibility that this rapidly
rotating white dwarf is the byproduct of a binary merger, which we conclude is
unlikely given the pulsation periods observed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure, 1 table; accepted for publication in The
Astrophysical Journal Letter
On the role of a new type of correlated disorder in extended electronic states in the Thue-Morse lattice
A new type of correlated disorder is shown to be responsible for the
appearance of extended electronic states in one-dimensional aperiodic systems
like the Thue-Morse lattice. Our analysis leads to an understanding of the
underlying reason for the extended states in this system, for which only
numerical evidence is available in the literature so far. The present work also
sheds light on the restrictive conditions under which the extended states are
supported by this lattice.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX V2.09, 1 figure (available on request), to appear in
Physical Review Letter
Bloch oscillations, Zener tunneling and Wannier-Stark ladders in the time-domain
We present a time-domain analysis of carrier dynamics in a semiconductor
superlattice with two minibands. Integration of the density-matrix equations of
motion reveals a number of new features: (i) for certain values of the applied
static electric field strong interband transitions occur; (ii) in static fields
the complex time-dependence of the density-matrix displays a sequence of stable
plateaus in the low field regime, and (iii) for applied fields with a periodic
time-dependence the dynamic response can be understood in terms of the
quasienergy spectra.Comment: 4 pages, 6 PostScript figures available from [email protected], REVTEX
Frenkel Excitons in Random Systems With Correlated Gaussian Disorder
Optical absorption spectra of Frenkel excitons in random one-dimensional
systems are presented. Two models of inhomogeneous broadening, arising from a
Gaussian distribution of on-site energies, are considered. In one case the
on-site energies are uncorrelated variables whereas in the second model the
on-site energies are pairwise correlated (dimers). We observe a red shift and a
broadening of the absorption line on increasing the width of the Gaussian
distribution. In the two cases we find that the shift is the same, within our
numerical accuracy, whereas the broadening is larger when dimers are
introduced. The increase of the width of the Gaussian distribution leads to
larger differences between uncorrelated and correlated disordered models. We
suggest that this higher broadening is due to stronger scattering effects from
dimers.Comment: 9 pages, REVTeX 3.0, 3 ps figures. To appear in Physical Review
Localization Properties of Electronic States in Polaron Model of poly(dG)-poly(dC) and poly(dA)-poly(dT) DNA polymers
We numerically investigate localization properties of electronic states in a
static model of poly(dG)-poly(dC) and poly(dA)-poly(dT) DNA polymers with
realistic parameters obtained by quantum-chemical calculation. The randomness
in the on-site energies caused by the electron-phonon coupling are completely
correlated to the off-diagonal parts. In the single electron model, the effect
of the hydrogen-bond stretchings, the twist angles between the base pairs and
the finite system size effects on the energy dependence of the localization
length and on the Lyapunov exponent are given. The localization length is
reduced by the influence of the fluctuations in the hydrogen bond stretchings.
It is also shown that the helical twist angle affects the localization length
in the poly(dG)-poly(dC) DNA polymer more strongly than in the
poly(dA)-poly(dT) one. Furthermore, we show resonance structures in the energy
dependence of the localization length when the system size is relatively small.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
Time evolution of models described by one-dimensional discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation
The dynamics of models described by a one-dimensional discrete nonlinear
Schr\"odinger equation is studied. The nonlinearity in these models appears due
to the coupling of the electronic motion to optical oscillators which are
treated in adiabatic approximation. First, various sizes of nonlinear cluster
embedded in an infinite linear chain are considered. The initial excitation is
applied either at the end-site or at the middle-site of the cluster. In both
the cases we obtain two kinds of transition: (i) a cluster-trapping transition
and (ii) a self-trapping transition. The dynamics of the quasiparticle with the
end-site initial excitation are found to exhibit, (i) a sharp self-trapping
transition, (ii) an amplitude-transition in the site-probabilities and (iii)
propagating soliton-like waves in large clusters. Ballistic propagation is
observed in random nonlinear systems. The effect of nonlinear impurities on the
superdiffusive behavior of random-dimer model is also studied.Comment: 16 pages, REVTEX, 9 figures available upon request, To appear in
Physical Review
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