50,859 research outputs found
The Cardy-Verlinde Formula and Charged Topological AdS Black Holes
We consider the brane universe in the bulk background of the charged
topological AdS black holes. The evolution of the brane universe is described
by the Friedmann equations for a flat or an open FRW-universe containing
radiation and stiff matter. We find that the temperature and entropy of the
dual CFT are simply expressed in terms of the Hubble parameter and its time
derivative, and the Friedmann equations coincide with thermodynamic formulas of
the dual CFT at the moment when the brane crosses the black hole horizon. We
obtain the generalized Cardy-Verlinde formula for the CFT with an R-charge, for
any values of the curvature parameter k in the Friedmann equations.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, references adde
Thermodynamic Geometry and Critical Behavior of Black Holes
Based on the observations that there exists an analogy between the
Reissner-Nordstr\"om-anti-de Sitter (RN-AdS) black holes and the van der
Waals-Maxwell liquid-gas system, in which a correspondence of variables is
, we study the Ruppeiner geometry, defined as
Hessian matrix of black hole entropy with respect to the internal energy (not
the mass) of black hole and electric potential (angular velocity), for the RN,
Kerr and RN-AdS black holes. It is found that the geometry is curved and the
scalar curvature goes to negative infinity at the Davies' phase transition
point for the RN and Kerr black holes.
Our result for the RN-AdS black holes is also in good agreement with the one
about phase transition and its critical behavior in the literature.Comment: Revtex, 18 pages including 4 figure
Improved Compressive Sensing Of Natural Scenes Using Localized Random Sampling
Compressive sensing (CS) theory demonstrates that by using uniformly-random sampling, rather than uniformly-spaced sampling, higher quality image reconstructions are often achievable. Considering that the structure of sampling protocols has such a profound impact on the quality of image reconstructions, we formulate a new sampling scheme motivated by physiological receptive field structure, localized random sampling, which yields significantly improved CS image reconstructions. For each set of localized image measurements, our sampling method first randomly selects an image pixel and then measures its nearby pixels with probability depending on their distance from the initially selected pixel. We compare the uniformly-random and localized random sampling methods over a large space of sampling parameters, and show that, for the optimal parameter choices, higher quality image reconstructions can be consistently obtained by using localized random sampling. In addition, we argue that the localized random CS optimal parameter choice is stable with respect to diverse natural images, and scales with the number of samples used for reconstruction. We expect that the localized random sampling protocol helps to explain the evolutionarily advantageous nature of receptive field structure in visual systems and suggests several future research areas in CS theory and its application to brain imaging
Efficient Image Processing Via Compressive Sensing Of Integrate-And-Fire Neuronal Network Dynamics
Integrate-and-fire (I&F) neuronal networks are ubiquitous in diverse image processing applications, including image segmentation and visual perception. While conventional I&F network image processing requires the number of nodes composing the network to be equal to the number of image pixels driving the network, we determine whether I&F dynamics can accurately transmit image information when there are significantly fewer nodes than network input-signal components. Although compressive sensing (CS) theory facilitates the recovery of images using very few samples through linear signal processing, it does not address whether similar signal recovery techniques facilitate reconstructions through measurement of the nonlinear dynamics of an I&F network. In this paper, we present a new framework for recovering sparse inputs of nonlinear neuronal networks via compressive sensing. By recovering both one-dimensional inputs and two-dimensional images, resembling natural stimuli, we demonstrate that input information can be well-preserved through nonlinear I&F network dynamics even when the number of network-output measurements is significantly smaller than the number of input-signal components. This work suggests an important extension of CS theory potentially useful in improving the processing of medical or natural images through I&F network dynamics and understanding the transmission of stimulus information across the visual system
Adaptive Thresholding for Sparse Covariance Matrix Estimation
In this paper we consider estimation of sparse covariance matrices and
propose a thresholding procedure which is adaptive to the variability of
individual entries. The estimators are fully data driven and enjoy excellent
performance both theoretically and numerically. It is shown that the estimators
adaptively achieve the optimal rate of convergence over a large class of sparse
covariance matrices under the spectral norm. In contrast, the commonly used
universal thresholding estimators are shown to be sub-optimal over the same
parameter spaces. Support recovery is also discussed. The adaptive thresholding
estimators are easy to implement. Numerical performance of the estimators is
studied using both simulated and real data. Simulation results show that the
adaptive thresholding estimators uniformly outperform the universal
thresholding estimators. The method is also illustrated in an analysis on a
dataset from a small round blue-cell tumors microarray experiment. A supplement
to this paper which contains additional technical proofs is available online.Comment: To appear in Journal of the American Statistical Associatio
Uncertainty quantification for radio interferometric imaging: II. MAP estimation
Uncertainty quantification is a critical missing component in radio
interferometric imaging that will only become increasingly important as the
big-data era of radio interferometry emerges. Statistical sampling approaches
to perform Bayesian inference, like Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling,
can in principle recover the full posterior distribution of the image, from
which uncertainties can then be quantified. However, for massive data sizes,
like those anticipated from the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), it will be
difficult if not impossible to apply any MCMC technique due to its inherent
computational cost. We formulate Bayesian inference problems with
sparsity-promoting priors (motivated by compressive sensing), for which we
recover maximum a posteriori (MAP) point estimators of radio interferometric
images by convex optimisation. Exploiting recent developments in the theory of
probability concentration, we quantify uncertainties by post-processing the
recovered MAP estimate. Three strategies to quantify uncertainties are
developed: (i) highest posterior density credible regions; (ii) local credible
intervals (cf. error bars) for individual pixels and superpixels; and (iii)
hypothesis testing of image structure. These forms of uncertainty
quantification provide rich information for analysing radio interferometric
observations in a statistically robust manner. Our MAP-based methods are
approximately times faster computationally than state-of-the-art MCMC
methods and, in addition, support highly distributed and parallelised
algorithmic structures. For the first time, our MAP-based techniques provide a
means of quantifying uncertainties for radio interferometric imaging for
realistic data volumes and practical use, and scale to the emerging big-data
era of radio astronomy.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, see companion article in this arXiv listin
Atomistic Simulations of Flash Memory Materials Based on Chalcogenide Glasses
In this chapter, by using ab-initio molecular dynamics, we introduce the
latest simulation results on two materials for flash memory devices: Ge2Sb2Te5
and Ge-Se-Cu-Ag. This chapter is a review of our previous work including some
of our published figures and text in Cai et al. (2010) and Prasai & Drabold
(2011) and also includes several new results.Comment: 24 pages, 20 figures. This is a chapter submitted for the book under
the working title "Flash Memory" (to be published by Intech ISBN
Taming computational complexity: efficient and parallel SimRank optimizations on undirected graphs
SimRank has been considered as one of the promising link-based ranking algorithms to evaluate similarities of web documents in many modern search engines. In this paper, we investigate the optimization problem of SimRank similarity computation on undirected web graphs. We first present a novel algorithm to estimate the SimRank between vertices in O(n3+ Kn2) time, where n is the number of vertices, and K is the number of iterations. In comparison, the most efficient implementation of SimRank algorithm in [1] takes O(K n3 ) time in the worst case. To efficiently handle large-scale computations, we also propose a parallel implementation of the SimRank algorithm on multiple processors. The experimental evaluations on both synthetic and real-life data sets demonstrate the better computational time and parallel efficiency of our proposed techniques
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