16 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Terhadap Status Morbiditas Balita Di Daerah Tertinggal 2008

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    Morbidity status of children under-five has related to some factors that is factors in mothers for pregnant or gives birth to with factors from baby/children under fives. Other influential factor towards children under-five well-being is place or environment. Children under five who live in disadvantaged region have unfavourable well-being status. In RPJMN 2004-2009 appointed 199 regencies as disadvantaged regions. The quantitatively region total remained as much as 44% from 457 regency/cities in Indonesia. The aim of analysis was to detect determinant factor influence with status morbiditas children under five at disadvantaged region. The method used Basic Health Research (RISKESDAS) data 2007 with sample total as much as 42.585 children under fives at disadvantaged region. Doing analysis univariat and Chi-square's bivariate. Ill children under five prevalensi's result at disadvantaged region as big as 58.1%, (58.3%), household drinking water use < 20 litres (58.5%), polluted water physical quality (60.1%), water processing before drunk not cooked (59.4%). There was also water indoor's of hazardous waste materials disposal in household (58.9%). The Biggest risk factor related to morbidity status children under five was low education level for head of household (OR 1,184), polluted drinking water physical quality (OR 1,100), level economic social poor household (OR 1,082), water processing before drunk was not cooked (OR 1,072), dangerous ingredient existence and toxic (B3 in household (indoor water pollution) as big as OR 1,072 all the it variable above statistically have a meaning (p<0,05). Environment factors such as good drinking water quality, drinking water processing must be cooked, and good parents education level and tall economy social level are very influential towards morbidity status children under-five at disadvantaged region


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    Masalah pemerataan dan peningkatan mutu pelayanan tidak terlepas dari peningkatan jangkauan dan perluasan pelayanan kesehatan, termasuk pembangunan kesehatan di daerah-daerah terpencil dan daerah perbatasan.Penyelenggaraan upaya pelayanan kesehatan di daerah terpencil termasuk perbatasan seringkah mengalami hambatan karena sulitnya medan. Tidak ada/kurangnya sarana transportasi, komunikasi, serta adanya ketergantungan pada musim menjadikan biaya operasional pelayanan kesehatan menjadi sangat mahal Di lain pihak pencapaian penyelenggaraan upaya kesehatan di daerah terpencil dirasakan relatif kecil sumbangannya terhadap pencapaian target cakupan program secara keseluruhan. Sehingga seringkah pembangunan kesehatan di daerah terpencil relatif tertinggal dibanding daerah lainnya


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    Various diseases like ARI, Diarrhea, TB, Malaria, Dengue Fever and even Toxoplasmosis remains a public health problem. Diarrhea and ARI are the major causes of infant and child mortality. All the disease problems are caused by the lack of community behavior and environment quality. Therefore, this study emphasizes to the behavior analysis and the reasons behind those behavior. This study was conducted in Sukabumi District, West Java Province as one of the areas of the highest infant mortality rate in Indonesia. This is a qualitative approach study by using ethnographic and survey method. The study was conducted in 47 sub-districts in the district. Data was collected by performing interview using structured questionnaire. Study respondents were the head of households with 3008 samples. Qualitative data was gathered from two sub-districts which were Pelabuhan Ratu and Cikidang Sub-districts. The study results showed that community behavior on environmental-based disease prevention such as diarrhea, ARI, TB,Malaria, Dengue Fever, Toxoplasmosis were quite good, even though their level of knowledge about the diseases were still poor. Community wrong perception about the disease causes, its transmission and prevention could be a problem. Keywords: Behavior, environmentally-based diseases, transmissio

    Jender Di Bidang Sosial Dan Kesehatan

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    Di dalam UUD 1945 pada Bab X yang mengatur tentang hak dan kewajiban Warga Negara tidak terdapat satu katapun yang membedakan antara pria dan wanita. Jadi secara hukum dapat dikatakan kedudukan antara pria dan wanita adalah sama, namun di dalam pelaksanaannya masih terdapat perbedaan. Kajian di bawah ini dimaksudkan untuk menggambarkan tentang kesetaraan jender terbatas pada bidang pendidikan, pekerjaan dan kesehatan termasuk akses ke pelayanan kesehatan dan untuk melihat seberapa jauh mitra sejajar telah dilaksanakan di Indonesia. Hasil analisis menunjukkan dari tahun 1990-1997 jumlah wanita yang sekolah di atas usia 5 tahun sedikit lebih rendah dibandingkan pria. Jumlah wanita yang menikah dalam usia yang sangat muda meningkat dengan tajam dan ditemukan paling tinggi di provinsi Jawa Timur. Dilihat dari akses ke pelayanan kesehatan tampak ada perbedaan rawat jalan antara wanita dan pria pada kelompok usia 15-49 tahun. Untuk rawat inap, persentase wanita yang rawat inap pada usia Balita dan lansia sedikit lebih tinggi dibandingkan pria. Dalam keikutsertaan KB tampak adanya kesenjangan yang makin melebar antara wanita dan pria


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    Pencarian pelayanan kesehatan dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang sosial budaya masyarakat. Untuk itu telah dilakukan suatu studi kualitatif di Kampung Naga, sebuah kampung yang terletak di pinggiran Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Jawa Barat, yang secara turun-temurun mempertahankan adat Sunda. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam dengan informan dan observasi.Pada masyarakat Kampung Naga dikenal 2 penyebab terjadinya sakit, yaitu kabadi dan sasalad. Konsep sakit ini mewarnai perilaku masyarakat dalam mencari pelayanan kesehatan. Dalam hal pengobatan terutama untuk pertolongan pertama mereka pergi ke tukang nyampe, yaitu dukun pengobat tradisional setempat. Walaupun demikian pengobatan modern bukan merupakan hal yang tabu, bahkan telah banyak digunakan masyarakat tersebut

    Advocate program for healthy traditional houses, Ume Kbubu, in a Timor community : preserving traditional behavior and promoting improved health outcomes

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    Families in the Timor society of Indonesia have customarily used traditional houses, called Ume Kbubu, for confinement practices of a newborn baby and the mother during the first 40 days after birth. The practice, known as Sei (smoke) tradition, involves retaining heat, which is believed to foster healing, inside the house by continuously burning a wood burning stove. Exacerbated by inadequate ventilation in the traditional house, this practice results in poor indoor air quality and negatively affects the health of the mother and baby. Preliminary findings from a baseline study conducted in 2009 identified high levels of indoor air pollution in Ume Kbubu where mothers practiced the Sei tradition. Many respondents expressed that they suffered from respiratory health problems during the practice. On the basis of those results, a follow-up study was conducted in 2011 to develop and test a communication-focused behavior change intervention that would foster conversion of traditional houses into healthy Ume Kbubu and promote changes to traditional practices for better health outcomes. The study suggests that redesigning an Ume Kbubu house could promote better air quality inside the house and involving the community in the health intervention program led to positive changes in the Sei practice (i.e., decreasing the Sei period's length from 40 days to 4 days on average and attempting to reduce household air pollution). The study resulted in several recommendations in relation to sustained transformation to improve health behaviors.10 page(s