509 research outputs found

    Identification of a novel vitispirane precursor in Riesling wine

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    Glycoconjugated forms of diastereoisomeric 1-(3-hydroxybutyl)-6,6-dimethyl-2-methylene-3-cyclohexen-1-ols have been identified as new natural vitispirane precursors in Riesling wine. Model degradation studies carried out with synthetic references of the precursors showed the easy formation of isomeric vitispiranes at pH conditions of wine. Based on these results a hypothetic pathway for vitispiranes in Riesling wine is proposed.Identifizierung eines neuen VitispiranvorlÀufers in RieslingweinZwei Diastereomere von 1-(3-Hydroxybutyl)-6,6-dimethyl-2-methylen-3-cyclohexen-1-ol wurden erstmals als Aglykone in Glykosidextrakten von Rieslingwein identifiziert. Modellreaktionen bei pH 3,2 lieferten die isomeren Vitispirane als Hauptabbauprodukte. Aufgrund dieser Ergebnisse wird ein erweitertes Modell zur Vitispiranbildung in Rieslingwein vorgestellt

    Cultivation and analysis of anthocyanin containing types of potatoes in organic farming regarding cultivability and additional health benefits

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    In a two year research project a representative spectrum of blue potato varieties were cultivated and tested in detail regarding disease infestation, yield potential and the influence of production systems (organic). Cultivation recommendations for blue potatoes could be deduced from this. Furthermore the varying anthocyanin content as well as the antioxidant capacity of the varieties used was analysed. Varieties with a particularly high content will undergo further tests to show the influence of the manner of preparation (boiling, steaming, frying) and determine their use for the processing industry. The combination of ecologically produced potatoes with „additional health benefits“ arouses the customers interest. The cultivation of high yield blue types can be an alternative to the cultivation of yellow fleshed high yield varieties in organic operating companies

    Biological effects of fast neutrons

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    Prikazan je razvojni put primjene brzih neutrona u terapiji. Opisana su bioloơka svojstva brzih neutrona koja uvjetuju njihovu kliničku primjenu. Istaknute su prednosti neutronskog zračenja pred konvencionalnim fotonskim i elektronskim zračenjima. Dani su izvori brzih neutrona koji se najčeơće upotrebljavaju u radioterapiji, kao i bitni fizički i bioloơki parametri tih neutrona. Navedena su do sada stečena klinička iskustva i perspektive primjene neutrona u radioterapiji.The paper is a review of the development of the therapeutic application of fast neutrons. Biological properties of fast neutrons are described in view of their clinical application and advantages of neutron radiation over conventional photon and electron radiation are emphasized. The fast-neutron sources most widely used in radiotherapy are described and their physical and biological parameters are discussed. The results of the clinical application of fast neutrons are given and further possibilites of such application indicated

    Antioxidants in white wine (cv. Riesling): I. Comparison of different testing methods for antioxidant activity

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    This paper provides a study on different testing methods for antioxidant activity. Four commonly used methods (LDL oxidation, TAS measurement, beta-carotene bleaching as well as a rapid screening test published by PRYOR et al. 1993) are compared on the basis of a set of model compounds. The differing results concerning the ranking order of the tested substances are discussed. Furthermore three methods which showed appropriate results were used in order to determine the antioxidant activity of Riesling wine fractions

    Structural analysis of the architecture and in situ localization of the main S-layer complex in Deinococcus radiodurans

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    Bacterial surface layers are paracrystalline assemblies of proteins that provide the first line of defense against environmental shocks. Here, we report the 3D structure, in situ localization, and orientation of the S-layer deinoxanthin-binding complex (SDBC), a hetero-oligomeric assembly of proteins that in Deinococcus radiodurans represents the main S-layer unit. The SDBC is resolved at 11-Å resolution by single-particle analysis, while its in situ localization is determined by cryo-electron crystallography on intact cell-wall fragments leading to a projection map at 4.5-Å resolution. The SDBC exhibits a triangular base with three comma-shaped pores, and a stalk departing orthogonally from the center of the base and oriented toward the intracellular space. Combining state-of-the-art techniques, results show the organization of this S-layer and its connection within the underlying membranes, demonstrating the potential for applications from nanotechnologies to medicine

    Nanopores: maltoporin channel as a sensor for maltodextrin and lambda-phage

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    BACKGROUND: To harvest nutrition from the outside bacteria e.g. E. coli developed in the outer cell wall a number of sophisticated channels called porins. One of them, maltoporin, is a passive specific channel for the maltodextrin uptake. This channel was also named LamB as the bacterial virus phage Lambda mis-uses this channel to recognise the bacteria. The first step is a reversible binding followed after a lag phase by DNA injection. To date little is known about the binding capacity and less on the DNA injection mechanism. To elucidate the mechanism and to show the sensitivity of our method we reconstituted maltoporin in planar lipid membranes. Application of an external transmembrane electric field causes an ion current across the channel. Maltoporin channel diameter is around a few Angstroem. At this size the ion current is extremely sensitive to any modification of the channels surface. Protein conformational changes, substrate binding etc will cause fluctuations reflecting the molecular interactions with the channel wall. The recent improvement in ion current fluctuation analysis allows now studying the interaction of solutes with the channel on a single molecular level. RESULTS: We could demonstrate the asymmetry of the bacterial phage Lambda binding to its natural receptor maltoporin. CONCLUSION: We suggest that this type of measurement can be used as a new type of biosensors

    Protein kinase C inhibitor and irradiation-induced apoptosis: Relevance of the cytochrome c-mediated caspase-9 death pathway

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    Caspases are a family of cysteine proteases that constitute the apoptotic cell death machinery, We report the importance of the cytochrome c-mediated caspase-9 death pathway for radiosensitization by the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors staurosporine (STP) and PKC-412. In our genetically defined tumor cells, treatment with low doses of STP or the conventional PKC-specific inhibitor PKC-412 in combination with irradiation (5 Gy) potently reduced viability, enhanced mitochondrial cytochrome c release into the cytosol, and specifically stimulated the initiator caspase-9. Whereas treatment with each agent alone had a minimal effect, combined treatment resulted in enhanced caspase-3 activation. This was prevented by broad-range and specific caspase-9 inhibitors and absent in caspase-9-deficient cells. The tumor suppressor p53 was required for apoptosis induction by combined treatment but was dispensable for dose-dependent STP-induced caspase activation. These results demonstrate the requirement for an intact caspase-9 pathway for apoptosis-based radiosensitization by PKC inhibitors and show that STP induces apoptosis independent of p53

    DNA replication initiation in Bacillus subtilis: Structural and functional characterization of the essential DnaA-DnaD interaction

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    © 2018 The Author(s). The homotetrameric DnaD protein is essential in low G+C content gram positive bacteria and is involved in replication initiation at oriC and re-start of collapsed replication forks. It interacts with the ubiquitously conserved bacterial master replication initiation protein DnaA at the oriC but structural and functional details of this interaction are lacking, thus contributing to our incomplete understanding of the molecular details that underpin replication initiation in bacteria. DnaD comprises N-terminal (DDBH1) and C-terminal (DDBH2) domains, with contradicting bacterial two-hybrid and yeast two-hybrid studies suggesting that either the former or the latter interact with DnaA, respectively. Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) we showed that both DDBH1 and DDBH2 interact with the N-terminal domain I of DnaA and studied the DDBH2 interaction in structural detail. We revealed two families of conformations for the DDBH2-DnaA domain I complex and showed that the DnaA-interaction patch of DnaD is distinct from the DNA-interaction patch, suggesting that DnaD can bind simultaneously DNA and DnaA. Using sensitive single-molecule FRET techniques we revealed that DnaD remodels DnaA-DNA filaments consistent with stretching and/or untwisting. Furthermore, the DNA binding activity of DnaD is redundant for this filament remodelling. This in turn suggests that DnaA and DnaD are working collaboratively in the oriC to locally melt the DNA duplex during replication initiation

    HLA-J, a Non-Pseudogene as a New Prognostic Marker for Therapy Response and Survival in Breast Cancer

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    The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes are cell-surface proteins, essential for immune cell interaction. HLA-G is known for their high immunosuppressive effect and its potential as predictive marker in breast cancer. However, nothing is known about the HLA-J and its immunosuppressive, prognostic and predictive features, as it is assumed to be a pseudogene by in silico sequence interpretation. HLA-J, ESR1, ERBB2, KRT5 and KRT20 mRNA expression were analysed in 29 fresh frozen breast cancer biopsies and their corresponding resectates obtained from patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT). mRNA was analysed with gene specific TaqMan-based Primer/Probe sets and normalized to Calmodulin 2. All breast cancer samples did express HLA-J and frequently increased HLA-J mRNA levels after NACT. HLA-J mRNA was significantly associated with overexpression of the ESR1 mRNA status (Spearman ρ 0,5679; p = 0.0090) and KRT5 mRNA (Spearman ρ 0,6121; p = 0.0041) in breast cancer core biopsies and dominated in luminal B subtype. Kaplan Meier analysis revealed that an increase of HLA-J mRNA expression after NACT had worse progression free survival (p = 0,0096), indicating a counterreaction of tumor tissues presumably to prevent elimination by enhanced immune infiltration induced by NACT. This counterreaction is associated with worse prognosis. To our knowledge this is the first study identifying HLA-J as a new predictive marker in breast cancer being involved in immune evasion mechanisms.Humane Leukozyten-Antigene (HLA) sind Proteine auf der ZelloberflĂ€che, die essenziell fĂŒr die Immunzellinteraktion sind. HLA-G ist fĂŒr seine hohe immunosuppressive Wirkung sowie als potenzieller prĂ€dikativer Marker fĂŒr Brustkrebs bekannt. Dagegen ist kaum etwas ĂŒber HLA-J und seine immunosuppressiven, prognostischen und prĂ€diktiven Eigenschaften bekannt, da es basierend auf In-silico-Sequenzanalysen als „Pseudogen“ interpretiert wurde. Die Expression von HLA-J, ESR1, ERBB2, KRT5 und KRT20 mRNA wurde in 29 frisch gefrorenen Brustkrebsbiopsien analysiert und mit den klinisch-pathologischen Daten von Patientinnen, welche mit neoadjuvanter Chemotherapie behandelt wurden, verglichen. Die mRNA-Expression wurde mit genspezifischen TaqMan-basierten Primer/Probe-Sets analysiert und auf Calmodulin 2 normalisiert. Alle Gewebeproben von Patientinnen mit Brustkrebs exprimierten HLA-J, und der HLA-J-mRNA-Spiegel war nach NACT oft erhöht. In den Brustkrebsstanzbiopsien war die HLA-J-mRNA-Expression signifikant mit der Überexpression von ESR1-mRNA (Spearmans ρ 0,5679; p = 0,0090) und KRT5-mRNA (Spearmans ρ 0,6121; p = 0,0041) assoziiert und dominierte im Luminal-B-Subtyp. Die Kaplan-Meier-Analyse zeigte, dass ein Anstieg der HLA-J-mRNA-Expression nach NACT mit einem schlechteren progressionsfreien Überleben einhergeht (p = 0,0096), womöglich als Gegenreaktion des Tumorgewebes, um eine Eliminierung durch tumorinfiltrierende Lymphozyten, welche durch eine NACT induziert wurden, zu verhindern. Diese Gegenreaktion ist mit einer schlechteren Prognose assoziiert. Soweit uns bekannt, handelt es sich hierbei um die erste Studie, die HLA-J als neuen prĂ€diktiven Marker im Brustkrebs identifiziert hat und möglicherweise zur Immunevasion beitrĂ€gt

    Kanamycin uptake into Escherichia coli is facilitated by OmpF and OmpC porin channels located in the outer membrane

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    Despite decades of therapeutic application of aminoglycosides, it is still a matter of debate if porins contribute to the translocation of the antibiotics across the bacterial outer membrane. Here, we quantified the uptake of kanamycin across the major porin channels OmpF and OmpC present in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. Our analysis revealed that, despite its relatively large size, about 10–20 kanamycin molecules per second permeate through OmpF and OmpC under a 10 ÎŒM concentration gradient, whereas OmpN does not allow the passage. Molecular simulations elucidate the uptake mechanism of kanamycin through these porins. Whole-cell studies with a defined set of E. coli porin mutants provide evidence that translocation of kanamycin via porins is relevant for antibiotic potency. The values are discussed with respect to other antibiotics
