11,021 research outputs found
On the extension of the Bethe-Weizsacker mass formula to light nuclei
Some general features of the Bethe-Weizsacker mass formula recently extended
to light nuclei have been explored. Though this formula improves fits to the
properties of light nuclei and it does seem to work well in delineating the
positions of all old and new magic numbers found in that region, yet it is not
well tuned for predicting finer details. The mass predictions have also been
found to be less accurate compared to those by the macroscopic-microscopic
calculations. It is concluded that such semi-empirical mass formulae can not be
a substitute for more fundamental mass formulae having its origin based upon
the basic nucleon-nucleon effective interaction.Comment: 3 page
Nuclear incompressibility using the density dependent M3Y effective interaction
A density dependent M3Y effective nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction which was
based on the G-matrix elements of the Reid-Elliott NN potential has been used
to determine the incompressibity of infinite nuclear matter. The nuclear
interaction potential obtained by folding in the density distribution functions
of two interacting nuclei with this density dependent M3Y effective interaction
had been shown earlier to provide excellent descriptions for medium and high
energy and heavy ion elastic scatterings as well as and heavy
cluster radioactivities. The density dependent parameters have been chosen to
reproduce the saturation energy per nucleon and the saturation density of spin
and isospin symmetric cold infinite nuclear matter. The result of such
calculations for nuclear incompressibility using the density dependent M3Y
effective interaction based on the G-matrix elements of Reid-Elliott NN
potential predicts a value of about 300 MeV for nuclear incompressibility.Comment: 4 Page
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