318 research outputs found

    Citizens at the Center: A New Approach to Civic Engagement

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    Offers specific recommendations for giving citizens the tools they need to identify problems and develop solutions in their communities -- and warns against top-down solutions that require people to "plug into" existing programs or campaigns

    The Contract for College

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    Rising college costs, combined with major policy changes in financial aid, have made college less affordable for today's generation of young people. The Contract for College would unify the existing three strands of federal financial aid--grants, loans and work-study--into a coherent, guaranteed financial aid package for students

    Beyond Fundraising: What Does It Mean to Build a Culture of Philanthropy?

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    This paper is one of three reports commissioned by the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund to address chronic fundraising challenges highlighted in the 2013 UnderDeveloped report. That report, produced in partnership with CompassPoint, gave voice to widespread frustration and raised the question, what now? In response, the Haas, Jr. Fund engaged a group of creative and respected experts to help us explore potential solutions. The Resetting Development work group looked at the issues from different angles:What can we learn about the "culture of philanthropy" as a way of breaking the vicious cycle of underdevelopment?What can we learn from organizations that are beating the odds?What are the contours of the national landscape of training for development staff

    Deciding Together: Shifting Power and Resources Through Participatory Grantmaking

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    Funders are increasingly looking to engage the communities they serve in the grantmaking process, but there are few resources about how to do so. In this guide, we explore how funders can engage in participatory grantmaking and cede decision-making power about funding decisions to the very communities they aim to serve. Deciding Together: Shifting Power and Resources Through Participatory Grantmaking illustrates why and how funders around the world are engaging in this practice that is shifting traditional power dynamics in philanthropy. Created with input from a number of participatory grantmakers, the guide shares challenges, lessons learned, and best practices for engaging in inclusive grantmaking.

    Teaming Up For Advocacy: How To Effectively Use A Collaborative To Drive Change

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    This guide captures the wisdom of philanthropic leaders who have participated in multi-party advocacy collaboratives. It synthesizes information to dig deeper and understand the pain points and levers of success tied to funding advocacy and donor collaboratives. Examples have been anonymized to ensure candor and clarity, as well as to broaden the appeal and applicability of wisdom derived from a specific collaborative example. Each bite-sized chapter is intended to make this work easy to reference and share, and to read as a full body of work or in pieces as is helpful and relevant to your work

    Citizen-Centered Solutions: Lessons in Leveraging Public Participation from the Make It Your Own Awards

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    In 2007, the Case Foundation launched its first public grants program, the Make It Your Own Awards (MIYO), which challenged people from all walks of life to discuss what matters most to them, decide what kind of community they want, and take action together.With nearly 5,000 applicants and more than 15,000 voters, the program involved the public in nearly every aspect of decision-making, and used the latest web 2.0 tools to empower applicants to raise funds and supporters. Since the program officially ended in 2009, grantees have been working in their communities to implement their projects. But did they finish? And what did they learn? Equally important, what did we learn from this entire process? To find out, we commissioned Peter Levine, Ph.D., Peter Deitz, and Cynthia Gibson, Ph.D. to design and conduct this research. Of specific interest to us was whether the MIYO process, grants, and other benefits to the applicants had positive effects and, especially, had helped to support high-quality citizen-centered work that would not have occurred without the MIYO initiative. The data collected in this evaluation has also had the additional benefit of providing an unprecedented picture of citizen-centered efforts occurring in America -- information that had previously been difficult to obtain and that will be of considerable use to the field

    Evaluation of a digital diabetes prevention program adapted for the Medicaid population: Study design and methods for a non-randomized, controlled trial.

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    Previous studies have shown that lifestyle modification can successfully prevent or delay development of type 2 diabetes. This trial aimed to test if an underserved, low-income population would engage in a digital diabetes prevention program and successfully achieve lifestyle changes to reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes. Participants were recruited from three health care facilities serving low-income populations. The inclusion criteria were: a recent blood test indicating prediabetes, body mass index (BMI) \u3e 24 kg/

    Reproducibility of the NEPTUNE descriptor-based scoring system on whole-slide images and histologic and ultrastructural digital images

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    The multicenter Nephrotic Syndrome Study Network (NEPTUNE) digital pathology scoring system employs a novel and comprehensive methodology to document pathologic features from whole-slide images, immunofluorescence and ultrastructural digital images. To estimate inter- and intra-reader concordance of this descriptor-based approach, data from 12 pathologists (eight NEPTUNE and four non-NEPTUNE) with experience from training to 30 years were collected. A descriptor reference manual was generated and a webinar-based protocol for consensus/cross-training implemented. Intra-reader concordance for 51 glomerular descriptors was evaluated on jpeg images by seven NEPTUNE pathologists scoring 131 glomeruli three times (Tests I, II, and III), each test following a consensus webinar review. Inter-reader concordance of glomerular descriptors was evaluated in 315 glomeruli by all pathologists; interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (244 cases, whole-slide images) and four ultrastructural podocyte descriptors (178 cases, jpeg images) were evaluated once by six and five pathologists, respectively. Cohen’s kappa for inter-reader concordance for 48/51 glomerular descriptors with sufficient observations was moderate (0.40<kappa ≤0.60) for 17 and good (0.60<kappa ≤0.80) for 8, for 52% with moderate or better kappas. Clustering of glomerular descriptors based on similar pathologic features improved concordance. Concordance was independent of years of experience, and increased with webinar cross-training. Excellent concordance was achieved for interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy. Moderate-to-excellent concordance was achieved for all ultrastructural podocyte descriptors, with good-to-excellent concordance for descriptors commonly used in clinical practice, foot process effacement, and microvillous transformation. NEPTUNE digital pathology scoring system enables novel morphologic profiling of renal structures. For all histologic and ultrastructural descriptors tested with sufficient observations, moderate-to-excellent concordance was seen for 31/54 (57%). Descriptors not sufficiently represented will require further testing. This study proffers the NEPTUNE digital pathology scoring system as a model for standardization of renal biopsy interpretation extendable outside the NEPTUNE consortium, enabling international collaborations

    A distributed geospatial approach to describe community characteristics for multisite studies

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    Understanding place-based contributors to health requires geographically and culturally diverse study populations, but sharing location data is a significant challenge to multisite studies. Here, we describe a standardized and reproducible method to perform geospatial analyses for multisite studies. Using census tract-level information, we created software for geocoding and geospatial data linkage that was distributed to a consortium of birth cohorts located throughout the USA. Individual sites performed geospatial linkages and returned tract-level information for 8810 children to a central site for analyses. Our generalizable approach demonstrates the feasibility of geospatial analyses across study sites to promote collaborative translational research