37 research outputs found
Literature and media : "The manuscript found in Saragossa" and transmediality
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie najistotniejszych aspektów dotyczących transmedialności
w kontekście literatury. Poruszę kwestię konwergencji mediów, interaktywności
i multimedialności przekazu. Na przykładzie powieści Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie pragnę
pokazać ewolucję tekstu kultury w opowieść transmedialną. Chciałabym omówić całe spektrum
transmedialnych odsłon tego najsłynniejszego dzieła Jana Potockiego. Skupię się na
przedstawieniu teatralnej, plastycznej, filmowej i hipertekstowej adaptacji tej powieści. Opiszę
także nowoczesny musical i innowacyjny spektakl rysunkowy oparty na Rękopisie znalezionym
w Saragossie. Zaprezentuję szereg medialnych inicjatyw i wydarzeń stworzonych w ramach
Jubileuszu Jana Potockiego w Łańcucie. Istotna będzie także kulturalna działalność Fundacji
New Era Art w Krakowie.The aim of the article is to present the most important aspects of transmediality in the context of
literature. I discuss the issue of convergence of media, interactivity and multimedia of the
message. My idea was to consider the evolution of the text of culture into a transmedia
storytelling based on the novel The Manuscript Found in Saragossa by Jan Potocki. The article
presents the entire spectrum of transmedial views of Jan Potocki’s most famous work. The focus
is on the presentation of the novel in the context of theatrical performance, art, film and hypertext
adaptation. I also describe a modern musical and an innovative drawing spectacle on the basis of
The Manuscript Found in Saragossa. What is more a number of media initiatives and events
created as part of Jan Potocki's Jubilee celebrations in Łańcut are shown, as well as the
significance of cultural activities of the New Era Art Foundation in Krakow
Statistical screening analysis of the chemical composition and kinetic study of phenol-formaldehyde resins synthesized in the presence of polyamines as co-catalysts
The physico-chemical and application properties of phenol-formaldehyde resins used in the production of laminated plastics depend on such factors as: type and amount of catalyst, formaldehyde-to-phenol mole ratio, temperature and time of the synthesis process. The special impact on the reaction mechanism and kinetics, e.g. on the formation of mono-, di- and trihydroxymethyl derivatives of phenol (PhOH) is a consequence of the type and amount of the catalyst. This paper presents the results of optimisation research of resol resin synthesis catalysed by trimethylamine (TEA) carried out according to 32 experimental design. The aim of the research was to determine the synthesis conditions under which it is possible to achieve products with reduced content of unconverted formaldehyde (CH2O), phenol and its hydroxymetyl derivatives, while maintaining the required physico-chemical properties. The process employing selected polyamines as well as TEA together with polyamine co-catalysts i.e. diethylenetriamine (DETA) and triethylenetetraa-mine (TETA) was also studied. The results were compared with those of the resins which were synthesised with the use of classic catalysts–ammonia (NH3) and triethylamine for which the content of CH2O, PhOH and its hydroxymethyl derivatives was respectively: NH3—5.13% and 46.27%, TEA—0.33% and 52.41%. In the case DETA was added, the content of phenol and its hydroxymethyl derivatives could be reduced by 52.49% in relation to the resin obtained with the use of TEA and by 46.19% in relation to the resin obtained with the use of ammonia. The formaldehyde content was reduced by 78.79% and 98.64%, respectively. When TETA was added as a co-catalyst, the content of phenol and its derivatives was reduced by 48.04% versus triethylamine-catalysed resin and by 41.15% versus ammonia-catalysed material. The reduction in formaldehyde content reached 84.85% and 99.03%, respectively. The results of kinetic study were also presented, the prediction accuracy of the proposed kinetic model is more than 98% for all the catalysts in the state variable space. Polyamine co-catalysts gave much higher rate constants (0.50 and 0.45 for TETA and DETA, respectively
Otrzymywanie żywic rezolowych z udziałem katalizatorów aminowych : kinetyka reakcji oraz modelowanie właściwości produktów
The subject of research of the doctoral thesis were the resol resins which are obtained in the
phenol-formaldehyde condensation process, in the presence of basic catalysts. The type and
amount of catalyst are decisive for the course of the reaction (mechanism and kinetics of
individual stages) and the structure of the obtained resin, and thus for its physico-chemical
and application properties. The motivation to carry out these research was the need to reduce
the content of harmful substances in phenol-formaldehyde resins (formaldehyde and phenol
and its mono- di- and trihydroxymethyl derivatives) emitted into the atmosphere during hightemperature
processing (drying, curing). The dissertation combines elements from the field of
basic research with the applied research related to the industrial production of phenolic resins.
The main aim of the presented work was to determine the effect of amine catalysts and
catalyst systems consisting of triethylamine (TEA) and another amine co-catalyst for the
course of resole resin synthesis and the possibility of reducing the unreacted formaldehyde,
phenol and hydroxymethylphenol content in the final product, to a minimum level, in which
the resin preserves the required application properties. So far not used in the synthesis of
resole resins amine catalysts differing in the amount of amine groups and their ordinariness,
the length of the carbon chain and its structure were selected for studies. Admixture of a
polyamine co-catalyst (TEA + diethylenetriamine and TEA + triethylenetetraamine ) in the
synthesis of resol resins made it possible to obtain the products with low contents of
unconverted substrates and hydroxymethyl derivates, with required physico-chemical and
application properties maintained at the same time. An important aspect of this work was
tracking changes in substrates concetntartions during syntheses in the presence of selected
amine catalysts and catalytic systems, which allowed to determine the reaction rate constatnts
and determine the dependence of changes in phenol and formaldehyde concentrations as a
function of time. Results of kinetic studies have already been used by engineers during design
(at the stage of creating heat balances and assumptions for reactors and cooling systems) of a
newly built resol resins plant at Pfleiderer Silekol sp. z o. o. After the plant has been started
up, the results of kinetic studies will enable the development of algorithms to control the
course of the resin synthesis process, allowing to obtain products with required and
reproducible properties
Ethics in the profession of a photojournalist
Artykuł zawiera przegląd najważniejszych zagadnień z zakresu etyki w pracy fotoreportera.
Autorka porusza zarówno kwestie związane z praktyką zawodową, jak i, z ideologią czy
moralnością. Opisane zostały kryteria wyznaczające decyzje etyczne, związane z obrazowanymi
sytuacjami i wizualizacją informacji w mediach. Ponadto autorka zadaje istotne pytania
dotyczące ukazywania śmierci, wojny i cierpienia w fotografii dziennikarskiej i dokumentalnej.The article contains an overview of the most important issues in the field of ethics in the work
of a photojournalist. The author discusses issues related to professional practice as well as
ideology or morality. The criteria describing ethical decisions related to the situations illustrated
and the visualization of information in the media have been described. In addition, the author
asks important questions about showing death, war and suffering in journalistic and
documentary photography
Białka oraz frakcje proteinowe osocza krwi sarny europejskiej Capreolus capreolus L.
The aim of the research was to investigate some selected biochemical blood
parameters in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.). The experiment covered 15 from 2
to 3-year-old bucks from Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship. The animals were shot
by individual hunters on the shooting grounds during the hunting season of
2008/2009 (in the accordance with the Journal of Laws No 48).
The material for the research was blood plasma obtained after centrifuging full,
nonhemolyzed blood. The blood was collected from the zygomatic vein directly to the
test tubes with EDTA and transported in cooling conditions to the laboratory. After
transporting the samples of blood to a certified analytical laboratory, the following
elements of the obtained blood plasma were examined: ceruloplasmin – using
turbidimetric method; transferrin – using immunoturbimetric method; troponin- using a
third generation assay on an Elecsys; total protein, albumin, globulin – using
spectrophotometric method and total iron – using colorimetric method. The results
were statistically analyzed, i.e. the correlation between the parameters was
measured by means of Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The analysis of the results
revealed a number of statistically significant relations between the parameters under
the investigation, especially among the compounds directly responsible for
metabolism of iron and copper. A statistically important positive correlation was
observed between ceruloplasmin and ferritin (r = 0.563; P≤0.05) and a negative one
between transferrin and troponin (r = -0.609; P≤0.05). Moreover, the content of
transferrin – an iron-binding protein – was 0.17 g/l, while the concentration of iron
was 58 μmol/l. The content of ceruloplasmin – a protein responsible for metabolism
of copper – was very low (0.036 g/l). The level of proteins in the blood plasma of the
animals under the research was approximately 72 g/l, with the share of albumins
about 46%. The albumin-globulin ratio was 0.86.Celem pracy było zbadanie wybranych parametrów biochemicznych krwi sarny
europejskiej (Capreolus capreolus L.). Badaniami objęto 15 (2÷3 letnich) kozłów z
regionu kujawsko-pomorskiego. Zwierzęta zostały odstrzelone przez indywidualnych
myśliwych polujących w obwodach łowieckich w sezonie łowieckim 2008/2009
(zgodnie z zapisem w Dz. U. Nr 48). Materiał do badań stanowiło osocze krwi
uzyskane po odwirowaniu pełnej, niezhemolizowanej krwi. Krew została pobrana z
żyły jarzmowej bezpośrednio do probówek z EDTA i w warunkach chłodniczych
przewieziona do laboratorium. Po przewiezieniu próbek krwi do certyfikowanego
laboratorium analitycznego, w pozyskanym osoczu oznaczono: ceruloplazminę –
metodą turbidymetryczną, transferynę – metodą immunoturbidymetryczną, troponinę
– przy użyciu testu trzeciej generacji (Elecsys); białko całkowite, albuminy, globuliny
– metodą spektrofotometryczną oraz żelazo całkowite – metodą kolorymetryczną.
Wyniki opracowano statystycznie tzn. do zbadania współzależności między cechami
zastosowano korelację Pearsona. Analiza wyników wykazała wiele istotnych
statystycznie zależności pomiędzy badanymi parametrami głównie w obrębie
związków bezpośrednio odpowiedzialnych za metabolizm żelaza i miedzi w
organizmie. Odnotowano dodatnią istotną statystycznie korelację pomiędzy
ceruloplazminą a ferrytyną (r = 0,563; P≤0,05) i ujemną pomiędzy transferyną i
troponiną (r = -0,609; P≤0,05). Ponadto zawartość transferryny-białka wiążącego
żelazo-kształtowała się na poziomie 0,17 g/l, natomiast poziom żelaza wynosił
58umol/l. Z kolei zawartość ceruloplazminy- białka odpowiedzialnego za metabolizm
miedzi-była na bardzo niskim poziomie (0,036 g/l). Poziom protein w osoczu
badanych zwierząt wynosił w przybliżeniu 72g/l, z czego albuminy stanowiły około
46%. Natomiast stosunek zawartości albumin do globulin wynosił 0.86
The first evidence of a host-to-parasite mitochondrial gene transfer in Orobanchaceae
Several parasitic plants are known to have acquired mitochondrial genes via a horizontal transfer from their hosts. However, mitochondrial gene transfer in this direction has not yet been found in the parasite-rich family Orobanchaceae. Based on a phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial atp6 gene in selected species of Orobanche s.l., we provide evidence of a host-to-parasite transfer of this gene in O. coerulescens, which is a Eurasiatic species that parasitises Artemisia (Asteraceae). We did not find the original Orobanche atp6 gene in this species, which suggests that it has been replaced by a gene that was acquired from Asteraceae. In addition, our data suggest the occurrence of a second HGT event in the atp6 sequence - from Asteraceae to Phelipanche. Our results support the view that the transfer of genetic material from hosts to parasites influences the mitochondrial genome evolution in the latter
Female versus male : Rumex thyrsiflorus Fingerh. under in vitro conditions : does sex influence in vitro morphogenesis?
Rumex thyrsiflorus Fingerh. is a dioecious plant with polymorphic sex chromosomes (XX in females, XY_{1}Y_{2} in males). This species is an interesting plant for study on the structure and function of sex chromosomes, the sex ratio, and is also a valuable source of bioactive constituents. A procedure for the micropropagation of R. thyrsiflorus from hypocotyl explants, which can be useful for analyses of sex-specific morphogenetic reactions under in vitro conditions, was developed. The molecular analysis, based on genetic sex markers, allowed the sex of explants to be determined in order to create male or female in vitro cultures. Regeneration primarily occurred via indirect adventitious shoot formation as well as via somatic embryogenesis, which was confirmed by histological and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses. The highest frequency of explants that revealed a morphogenetic response with the highest number of regenerated adventitious shoot buds (average 11.5 shoots per explant) was obtained on a Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2.27 \mu M thidiazuron (TDZ). Molecular analysis revealed a female-biased sex ratio under these conditions. The relationship between the sex of the explants and their morphogenetic potential was studied. The efficiency of morphogenesis varied between the two sexes and depended on the ratio of auxin and cytokinin in the medium. The germination pattern of male and female seeds under in vitro conditions was also analysed. No differences in germination time between male and female seeds and in terms of male and female seedling length were observed, which indicated that there was no competition between the sexes during seed germination when grown under uniform growth conditions
Blood plasma proteins and protein fractions in roe deer Capreolus capreolus L. Białka oraz frakcje proteinowe osocza krwi sarny europejskiej Capreolus capreolus L
Abstract The aim of the research was to investigate some selected biochemical blood parameters in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.). The experiment covered 15 from 2 to 3-year-old bucks from Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship. The animals were shot by individual hunters on the shooting grounds during the hunting season of 2008/2009 (in the accordance with the Journal of Laws No 48). The material for the research was blood plasma obtained after centrifuging full, nonhemolyzed blood. The blood was collected from the zygomatic vein directly to the test tubes with EDTA and transported in cooling conditions to the laboratory. After transporting the samples of blood to a certified analytical laboratory, the following elements of the obtained blood plasma were examined: ceruloplasmin -using turbidimetric method; transferrin -using immunoturbimetric method; troponin-using a third generation assay on an Elecsys; total protein, albumin, globulin -using spectrophotometric method and total iron -using colorimetric method. The results were statistically analyzed, i.e. the correlation between the parameters was measured by means of Pearson's correlation coefficient. The analysis of the results revealed a number of statistically significant relations between the parameters under the investigation, especially among the compounds directly responsible for metabolism of iron and copper. A statistically important positive correlation was observed between ceruloplasmin and ferritin (r = 0.563; P≤0.05) and a negative one between transferrin and troponin (r = -0.609; P≤0.05). Moreover, the content of transferrin -an iron-binding protein -was 0.17 g/l, while the concentration of iron was 58 μmol/l. The content of ceruloplasmin -a protein responsible for metabolism of copper -was very low (0.036 g/l). The level of proteins in the blood plasma of the animals under the research was approximately 72 g/l, with the share of albumins about 46%. The albumin-globulin ratio was 0.86. . Materiał do badań stanowiło osocze krwi uzyskane po odwirowaniu pełnej, niezhemolizowanej krwi. Krew została pobrana z żyły jarzmowej bezpośrednio do probówek z EDTA i w warunkach chłodniczych przewieziona do laboratorium. Po przewiezieniu próbek krwi do certyfikowanego laboratorium analitycznego, w pozyskanym osoczu oznaczono: ceruloplazminę -metodą turbidymetryczną, transferynę -metodą immunoturbidymetryczną, troponinę -przy użyciu testu trzeciej generacji (Elecsys); białko całkowite, albuminy, globuliny -metodą spektrofotometryczną oraz żelazo całkowite -metodą kolorymetryczną. Wyniki opracowano statystycznie tzn. do zbadania współzależności między cechami zastosowano korelację Pearsona. Analiza wyników wykazała wiele istotnych statystycznie zależności pomiędzy badanymi parametrami głównie w obrębie związków bezpośrednio odpowiedzialnych za metabolizm żelaza i miedzi w organizmie. Odnotowano dodatnią istotną statystycznie korelację pomiędzy ceruloplazminą a ferrytyną (r = 0,563; P≤0,05) i ujemną pomiędzy transferyną i troponiną (r = -0,609; P≤0,05). Ponadto zawartość transferryny-białka wiążącego żelazo-kształtowała się na poziomie 0,17 g/l, natomiast poziom żelaza wynosił 58umol/l. Z kolei zawartość ceruloplazminy-białka odpowiedzialnego za metabolizm miedzi-była na bardzo niskim poziomie (0,036 g/l). Poziom protein w osoczu badanych zwierząt wynosił w przybliżeniu 72g/l, z czego albuminy stanowiły około 46%. Natomiast stosunek zawartości albumin do globulin wynosił 0.86. Wyniki opracowano statystycznie tzn. do zbadania współzależności między cechami zastosowano korelację Pearsona. Analiza wyników wykazała wiele istotnych statystycznie zależności pomiędzy badanymi parametrami głównie w obrębie związków bezpośrednio odpowiedzialnych za metabolizm żelaza i miedzi w organizmie. Odnotowano dodatnią istotną statystycznie korelację pomiędzy ceruloplazminą a ferrytyną (r = 0,563; P≤0,05) i ujemną pomiędzy transferyną i troponiną (r = -0,609; P≤0,05). Ponadto zawartość transferryny-białka wiążącego żelazo-kształtowała się na poziomie 0,17 g/l, natomiast poziom żelaza wynosił 58umol/l. Z kolei zawartość ceruloplazminy-białka odpowiedzialnego za metabolizm miedzi-była na bardzo niskim poziomie (0,036 g/l). Poziom protein w osoczu badanych zwierząt wynosił w przybliżeniu 72g/l, z czego albuminy stanowiły około 46%. Natomiast stosunek zawartości albumin do globulin wynosił 0.86. Stężenie ferrytyny we krwi sarn kształtowała się na poziomie 0,37 ng/l, zaś zawartość troponiny wynosiła 0,043 ng/l. Nie ulega wątpliwości, że wszystkie poddane analizie parametry mają znaczący wpływ na ogólny stan zdrowia osobników z gatunku Capreolus capreolus L., a co za tym idzie mogą mieć wpływ na preferencje siedliskowe tych zwierząt
Influence of rearing system and sex on carcass traits and meat quality of broiler chickens
The trial was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of the rearing system and sex on live body weight, daily weight gain, carcass traits and meat quality of broiler chickens. Sixty 1-d-old Ross 308 chickens (males and females) were randomly divided, according to the sex, into 2 experimental groups based on rearing system: intensive system (IS; n = 30), birds reared till 42 d of age and semi-intensive system (SIS; n = 30), birds reared till 56 d of age. Compared with SIS group, IS group had higher (P < 0.01) daily weight gain, weight and yield of pectoral muscle (PM). Differently, SIS group had higher (P < 0.05) carcass weight and carcass yield. Males have usually a better performance than females. In comparison with IS, SIS exhibited a lower (P < 0.01) breast meat pH and higher (P < 0.01) lightness and yellowness values. Pectoral muscle from IS broiler chickens showed a greater (P < 0.01) fibre diameter and significantly higher shear force values than PM from SIS chicken. PM from IS chicken group had higher (P < 0.01) dry matter and protein content and slight fat content than PM from SIS chickens. The sex influence was not observed on physicochemical characteristics of PM in chickens reared in both system