98 research outputs found
Identification of Hidden Failures in Process Control Systems Based on the HMG Method
We will continue here the research work, the goal of which was to introduce the notion of nondeterministic aggregation operators and study their properties, even in relation to classification systems and the associated learning problem. Here we will concentrate mostly on the notion of the nondeterministic aggregation system and its relation with deterministic ones. We will also see how such a model extends a discretized version of a model of participatory learning with an arousal background mechanism
Computational problems of hierarchical aggregation of OWA operators
Proceedings Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (I.P.M.U.)Depto. de EstadÃstica e Investigación OperativaFac. de Ciencias MatemáticasTRUEpu
The computational problems of using OWA operators
In this paper we will analyze some computational problems related with the use of OWA operators as information aggregators. In particular we will concentrate on ordered hierarchical aggregations of OWA operators as defined in [4]
Recursive families of OWA operators
Introduces an alternative characterization of OWA operators by means of recursive definitions on their dimension. Some mathematical results are provided along with some examples concerning also a characterization of linguistic quantifiers by means of these recursive definitions of OWA operators
Non deterministic fuzzy classification systems
A wide research area in mathematics is devoted to the formalization what they call Decision
Making, either from a descriptive or a prescraptive point of view. This is justified because individual decisions appears sometimes as the only objective information we get about people, and one can argue that individ- ual decisions are the essential human fact. A human being is viewed
just as a decision maker. We should realize that a portion of the Decision Making researchers have a particular view about what a decision is. Decision Making in a Bayesian context
Aggregation Operators for Fuzzy Rationality Measures.
Fuzzy rationality measures represent a particular class of aggregation operators. Following the axiomatic approach developed in [1,3,4,5] rationality of fuzzy preferences may be seen as a fuzzy property of fuzzy preferences. Moreover, several rationality measures can be aggregated into a global rationality measure. We will see when and how this can be done. We will also comment upon the feasibility of their use in real life applications. Indeed, some of the rationality measures proposed, though intuitively (and axiomatically) sound, appear to be quite complex from a computational point of view
Hierarchies of intensity preference aggregations.
This paper deals with aggregation of fuzz; individual opinions into a single group opinion, based upon hierarchical intensity aggregation rules. Characterization theorems are given, and it is also shown that Montero's rationality and standard ethical conditions propagate under hierarchical aggregations
Decidability results for classes of purely universal formulae and quantifiers elimination in Set Theory
A general mechanism to extend decision algorithms to deal with additional predicates is described. The only conditions imposed on the predicates is stability with respect to some transitive relations
Aggregation Rules in Committee Procedures.
Very often, decision procedures in a committee compensate potential manipulations by taking into account the ordered profile of qualifications. It is therefore rejected the standard assumption of an underlying associative binary connective allowing the evaluation of arbitrary finite sequences of items by means of a one-by-one sequential process. In this paper we develop a mathematical approach for non-associative connectives allowing a sequential definition by means of binary fuzzy connectives. It will be then stressed that a connective rule should be understood as a consistent sequence of binary connective operators. Committees should previously decide about which connective rule they will be condidering, not just about a single operator
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