6 research outputs found

    Efecto de los extractos hidro-etan贸licos de canela (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) y cola de caballo (Equisetum arvense L.) sobre la incidencia y severidad de Botrytis cinerea en fresa

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    The effect of application of three dosages (5, 10 and 15 mL/L) and two frequencies (each 6 and 8 days) of ethanoicextracts obtained from cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) and common horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) onincidence and severity of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) on strawberry crop (Fragaria ananassa cv. Albion) was evaluated. Experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with factorial arrangement 2 x 3 x 2 + 1, with three replications. Lower incidence and severity percentage in flower and fruit (10.24 and 24.43%, respectively) were observed afterapplication of cinnamon extract at 15 mL/L at 6 days interval. Similarly, lower fruit severity (11.86%) was observed withthe same treatment. In general, reduction in B. cinerea incidence and severity was lower when common horsetail extractwas used, compared to cinnamon extracts. According to our results, using of cinnamon hydro-ethanoic extracts could beconsidered as sustainable alternative for grey mold management in strawberry crops.Se evalu贸 el efecto de la aplicaci贸n de tres dosis (5, 10 y 15 mL/L) y dos frecuencias (cada 6 y 8 d铆as) de extractosetan贸licos obtenidos de canela (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) y cola de caballo (Equisetum arvense L.) sobre laincidencia y severidad de la pudrici贸n gris (Botrytis cinerea) en el cultivo de fresa (Fragaria ananassa cv. Albi贸n). Elexperimento fue conducido en un dise帽o de bloques al azar con arreglo factorial de 2 x 3 x 2 + 1, con tres repeticiones.Los menores porcentajes de incidencia en flores y frutos (10.24 y 24.43%, respectivamente) fueron observados con laaplicaci贸n del extracto de canela con una dosis de 15 mL/L y una frecuencia de aplicaci贸n de 6 d铆as. De manera similar,la menor severidad en frutos (11.86%) fue observada con el mismo tratamiento. En general la reducci贸n de la incidenciay severidad de B. cinerea con la aplicaci贸n de extracto de cola de caballo fue inferior a los observados con el uso delextracto de canela. De acuerdo con los resultados, el uso de extractos hidro-etan贸licos de canela podr铆a ser consideradauna alternativa sustentable para el manejo de la pudrici贸n gris en cultivos de fresa

    Eficiencia del uso de plantas insecticidas en el control del gorgojo del ma铆z, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    The maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais, is an economic important pest in stored grains, thus alternative and safe methods of control are required. In this study, the effect of plant powders on mortality of the maize weevil, final weight of corn kernels, number of perforated corn kernel, and weight of waste material were evaluated in laboratory conditions. Powder obtained from four plant species [Ruta graveolens (ruda), Urtica dioica (ortiga), Ambrosia arborescens (marco) y Buddleja globosa (matico)] was evaluated used at 5% w/w and then compared to a conventional insecticide (Malathion used as positive control) and to a negative control, to which no application was made. For this purpose, 150 g of kernels were used and infested with 20 adult weevils, which were treated with 7.5 g of the respective plant powder. Experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design. The ruda and marco caused percentage of mortality on the maize weevil of 53.35 and 41.65%, respectively, suggesting that these plant species could be used in combination with other management strategies in stored grains. However, studies dealing with effect of different concentrations are required in order to optimize their use.El gorgojo del ma铆z, Sitophilus zeamais, es una plaga de importancia econ贸mica en granos almacenados por lo que se requieren m茅todos de control alternativos y seguros. En el presente estudio se evalu贸 el efecto de polvos vegetales sobre la mortalidad del gorgojo del ma铆z, el peso final de los granos de ma铆z, n煤mero de granos perforados, peso del material de desecho bajo condiciones de laboratorio. Se evaluaron los polvos obtenidos de cuatro especies de plantas [Ruta graveolens (ruda), Urtica dioica (ortiga), Ambrosia arborescens (marco) y Buddleja globosa (matico)] al 5% p/p y fueron comparadas con el uso de un insecticida convencional (Malathion usado como control positivo) y con un control negativo, al cual no se le hizo ning煤n tipo de aplicaci贸n. Para ello fueron usados 150 g de granos de ma铆z e infestados con 20 gorgojos adultos, los cuales fueron tratados con 7,5 g del polvo vegetal respectivo. El ensayo fue conducido en un dise帽o completamente aleatorizado. La ruda y el marco provocaron porcentajes de mortalidad sobre el gorgojo del ma铆z de 53,35 y 41,65%, respectivamente, lo cual sugiere que estas especies de planta podr铆an ser usadas en combinaci贸n con otras estrategias de manejo en granos almacenados. Sin embargo, se requieren hacer estudios que eval煤en el efecto de diferentes concentraciones de modo a optimizar su uso

    Caracterizaci贸n morf贸liga y molecular de Nematodos fitoparas铆ticos asociados con tomate ri帽贸n (Solanum lycopersicum L.): estrategias de control en Meloidogyne sp.

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    RESUMEN Los nematodos agalladores de ra铆ces del g茅nero Meloidogyne est谩n ampliamente distribuidos a nivel mundial y son considerados los fitopat贸genos m谩s importantes debido a su impacto impacto en cultivos de importancia econ贸mica. En el presente estudio se evaluaron las variaciones morfom茅tricas de poblaciones de Meloidogyne sp. colectadas en diferentes localidades de las provincias de Cotopaxi y Tungurahua. Adicionalmente se evalu贸 el efecto de diferentes dosis (1, 2 y 3%) de aceites esenciales de Nicotiana glauca, Ricinus comunis y Brassica carinata para el control de Meloidogyne spp. Se us贸 un testigo negativo (tween) y uno positivo (nematicida Nakar 1,5 ml/L). Los muestreos fueron hechos fincas sembradas con tomate ri帽贸n en El Tambo, Cunchibamba, Quillan Loma e Izamba (Provincia de Tungurahua) y en Patain, Rumipamba, Salache, y Santa Ana (Provincia de Cotopaxi). La extracci贸n de los nematodos fue hecha mediante el uso del embudo de Baermann. Los datos mosrfom茅tricos fueron sometidos a un an谩lisis de Componentes Principales (ACP) para determinar las variaciones interpoblacionales. Se observ贸 una amplia variaci贸n de las variables morfom茅tricas en los juveniles (J2) de las diferentes poblaciones de Meloidogyne sp. Colectadas en Cotopaxi, principalmente en cuanto a la longitud del cuerpo, ancho en la parte media, longitud del estilete y b, mientras que en las poblaciones colectadas en Tungurahua las poblaciones mostraron m谩s similitud entre ellas. El An谩lisis de Componentes Principales explico hasta un 80,7% de la variaci贸n al considerar los tres primeros ejes e indic贸 que las variables longitud de la cola, longitud del es贸fago y ancho en la parte media del cuerpo tuvieron los mayores pesos para explicar esta variaci贸n. La tasa de mortalidad producida por los diferentes aceites increment贸 con el aumento de la dosis y tiempo de exposici贸n, con los mejores resultados cuando se us贸 aceite de N. glauca a dosis de 2 y 3%, seguido del aceite de B. carinata. Basados en la efectividad de estos aceites esenciales, estos podr铆an ser incorporados en programas de manejo de poblaciones de Meloidogyne, sin embargo se sugiere realizar estudios de campo para validar los resultados en condiciones de laboratorio. En el presente estudio no se ha trabajado la caracterizaci贸n molecular por motivo que no se tiene los equipos y limitaci贸n de tiempo para la estandarizaci贸n de la metodolog铆a.TesisABSTRACT Root root-knot nematodes belonging to the genus Meloidogyne are widely distributed worldwide and they are considered the most important phytopathogens due to their impact on economic importance crops. In the present study, morphometric variations of populations of Meloidogyne sp. collected in different localities from provinces of Cotopaxi and Tungurahua. Additionally, the effect of different doses (1, 2 and 3%) of essential oils of Nicotiana glauca, Ricinus comunis and Brassica carinata for the control of Meloidogyne spp was evaluated. A negative control (tween) and a positive control (Nakar nematicide 1.5 ml/L) were used. Samplings were made in farms planted with tomato in El Tambo, Cunchibamba, Quillan Loma and Izamba (Province of Tungurahua) and in Patain, Rumipamba, Salache, and Santa Ana (Province of Cotopaxi). The extraction of the nematodes was done by using the Baermann funnel. The morphometric data were subjected to a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to determine the interpopulation variations. A wide variation of the morphometric variables was observed in the juveniles (J2) of the different populations of Meloidogyne sp. collected in Cotopaxi, mainly regarding the length of the body, width in the middle part, length of the stylet and b, while in the populations collected in Tungurahua the populations showed to be similar between them. The Principal Components Analysis explained up to 80.7% of the variation when considering the first three axes and indicated that the variables tail length, esophagus length and width in the middle part of the body had the highest weights to explain this variation. The mortality rate produced by the essential oils increased with the increase of the dose and time of exposure, with the best results when N. glauca oil was used at doses of 2 and 3%, followed by the oil of B. carinata. Based on the effectiveness of thes two essential oils, they could be incorporated into pest management programs against Meloidogyne population, however, field studies are suggested to validate the results under laboratory conditions. In this study molecular characterization was not made due to lack of equipments and time to standardization of the methodology

    Effect of hydro-ethanolic extracts of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) and common horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) on incidence and severity of Botrytis cinerea on strawberry

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    The effect of application of three dosages (5, 10 and 15 mL/L) and two frequencies (each 6 and 8 days) of ethanoic extracts obtained from cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) and common horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) on incidence and severity of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) on strawberry crop (Fragaria ananassa cv. Albion) was evaluated. Experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with factorial arrangement 2 x 3 x 2 + 1, with three replications. Lower incidence and severity percentage in flower and fruit (10.24 and 24.43%, respectively) were observed after application of cinnamon extract at 15 mL/L at 6 days interval. Similarly, lower fruit severity (11.86%) was observed with the same treatment. In general, reduction in B. cinerea incidence and severity was lower when common horsetail extract was used, compared to cinnamon extracts. According to our results, using of cinnamon hydro-ethanoic extracts could be considered as sustainable alternative for grey mold management in strawberry crops


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    The inappropriate use of agrochemicals and technologies in farming systems can cause an accelerated deterioration of agricultural and soil pollution. Thus, agriculture and livestock are becoming an environmental problem in the world, which implies the need to assess the efficiency of agricultural production systems related to sustainability. The traditional peasant system is apparently unsustainable, while farm with an integral production approach have better opportunities for development over time as they tend to sustainability. This type of farms incorporate productive alternatives that improve as a whole, the system and the livelihood of the peasants. The trends towards sustainability of farms are mainly due to a better land use. As well as, implementing systems adapted to each soil and production type to ensure profitability and persistence, achieving the highest possible agricultural productivity. The urgency to produce food for a growing population is almost a paradigm that reinforces the imperative for maximum yield per unit area, and creates a vision of the rural world aimed at increasing profit at the expense of the attributes and core values of livelihood in rural areas. It can be concluded that the integrated farming articulate various subsystems, which working together could allow higher sustainability of agricultural production practices, environmentally friendly, safeguarding the food sovereignty of the population and improving the quality of life of farmer