45 research outputs found

    Knowledge Nodes: the Building Blocks of a Distributed Approach to Knowledge Management

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    Abstract: In this paper we criticise the objectivistic approach that underlies most current systems for Knowledge Management. We show that such an approach is incompatible with the very nature of what is to be managed (i.e., knowledge), and we argue that this may partially explain why most knowledge management systems are deserted by users. We propose a different approach - called distributed knowledge management - in which subjective and social (in a word, contextual) aspects of knowledge are seriously taken into account. Finally, we present a general technological architecture in which these ideas are implemented by introducing the concept of knowledge node

    Knowledge Nodes: the reification of organizational communities. A case study

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    In our work a new approach, the Distributed Knowledge Management (DKM) approach, is used and organizations are seen as constellations of communities, which \own" local knowledge and exchange it through meaning negotiation coordination processes. In order to reify communities within a DKM system, the concept of Knowledge Node (KN) is used and then applied in a case study: a complex Italian national firm, the Impresa Pizzarotti & C. S.p.A. All communities of practices are un-veiled and rei ed as KNs within a high level architecture of a DKM system. In this paper it is argued that, even if knowledge has to be organized and made useful to the whole organization, there are types of knowledge that must be managed in an autonomous way, and the DKM approach is a good system which to deal with coordination/negotiation processes

    A Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Distributed Knowledge Management.

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    Most of the knowledge management systems of complex organizations are based on technological architectures that are in contradiction with the social processes of knowledge creation. In particular, centralized architectures are adopted to manage a process that is intrinsically distributed. In this paper, assuming a Distributed approach to Knowledge Management (DKM), is proposed that technological and social architectures must be reciprocally consistent. Moreover, in the domain of Knowledge Management, technological architectures should be designed in order to support the interplay between two qualitatively different processes: the autonomous management of knowledge of individuals and groups - here called Knowledge Nodes (KNs) -, and the coordination required in order to exchange knowledge among them. Finally a peer to peer architecture to support knowledge exchange across distributed and autonomous KNs is presented

    Digital Job Crafting in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Phenomenon Through a Socio-Technical Lens

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    This paper offers a conceptual exploration into how Artificial Intelli- gence (AI) and Generative AI impact job crafting. Drawing from a comprehen- sive review of the existing literature, the analysis leverages established theoreti- cal frameworks on Digital Job Crafting. The study identified a range of organi- zational variables that influence how workers utilize AI and Generative AI tools in their work tasks. A conceptual model is proposed to describe job crafting prac- tices facilitated by AI

    Gamification solutions for software acceptance: a comparative study of requirements engineering and organizational behavior techniques.

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    Gamificationis a powerful paradigm and a set of best practices used to motivate people carrying out a variety of ICT–mediated tasks. Designing gamification solutions and applying them to a given ICT system is a complex and expensive process (in time, competences and money) as software engineers have to cope with heterogeneous stakeholder requirements on one hand, and Acceptance Requirements on the other, that together ensure effective user participation and a high level of system utilization. As such, gamification solutions require significant analysis and design as well as suitable supporting tools and techniques. In this work, we compare concepts, tools and techniques for gamification design drawn from Software Engineering and Human and Organizational Behaviors. We conduct a comparison by applying both techniques to the specific Meeting Scheduling exemplar used extensively in the Requirements Engineering literature