4 research outputs found

    Graduate Recital: Micah Crouse, Tuba; Lu Witzig, Piano; April 21, 2024

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    Kemp Recital HallApril 21, 2024Sunday Afternoon1:30 p.m

    Ensemble Concerts: Wind Symphony, April 28, 2023

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    Center for the Performing ArtsApril 28, 2023Friday Evening8:00 p.m

    Which medications benefit patients with diastolic heart failure?

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    Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs), propranolol, statins, furosemide, and some angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) benefit patients. Medications that reduce mortality in diastolic heart failure include ACEIs (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C, 1 prospective cohort trial with matched controls), propranolol (SOR: B, 1 randomized controlled trial [RCT]), and statins (SOR: C, 1 prospective cohort trial). Furosemide improves symptoms of heart failure and quality of life (SOR: C, 1 RCT, using cohort data). ARBs show mixed results: candesartan decreases hospital admissions (SOR: B, 1 large RCT); losartan improves exercise duration and quality of life (SOR: B, 2 small RCTs); irbesartan doesn't improve heart failure symptoms or other outcomes (SOR: B, 1 large RCT)