139 research outputs found

    (Intuitionistic) Fuzzy Grade of a Hypergroupoid: A Survey of Some Recent Researches

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    This paper aims to present a short survey on two numerical functions determined by a hypergroupoid, called the fuzzy grade and the intuitionistic fuzzy grade of a hypergroupoid. It starts with the main construction of the sequences of join spaces and (intuitionistic) fuzzy sets associated with a hypergroupoid. After some computations of the above grades, we discuss some similarities and differences between the two grades for the complete hypergroups and for the i.p.s. hypergroups. We conclude with some open problems

    Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy index of hypergroupoids

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    In this work we introduce the concept of Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy index of a hypergroupoid based on the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy grade of a hypergroupoid. We calculate it for some particular hypergroups, making evident some of its special properties

    I vuoti urbani e le infrastrutture dismesse. un’occasione per la classificazione dei beni demaniali sul territorio

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    Marked by brownfield areas, the contemporary city looks like an untidy scenery, without boundaries, signed by buildings often no more useful for the original functional needs. Urban empty spaces penetrate into the neighbourhoods, without any formal logic, in a crescendo sometimes difficult to deal with. The process of starting from the classification of derelict  State assets, in the perspective of their valorisation, turns out as a description at the basis of the project. This issue opens a wide reflection, under both descriptive and planning points of view, though it is now in a dynamic evolution and therefore uncertain. Our methodology, based on the evaluation of specific characteristics and indicators, addresses us to possibilities of effective regeneration interventions, but that is not enough; subsequently multi-objectives analyses should be used in order to develop wider decision-making dialectics about regeneration, avoiding choices made case by case.Contrassegnata per vari motivi da aree dismesse, la "città" contemporanea si presenta come un palinsesto disordinato e senza limite, punteggiato da immobili che spesso non sono più utili alle esigenze funzionali originarie. I “vuoti urbani” si insinuano tra i quartieri, senza logica formale, in un crescendo cui non si sa porre rimedio. Partire dalla classificazione dei beni demaniali dismessi quale opportuno piedestallo per riflessioni sulla valorizzazione degli stessi, diventa descrizione che si pone come fondamento al progetto. La problematica trattata di per sé apre una ampia riflessione, sotto un profilo sia descrittivo che urbanistico, sebbene essa sia attualmente in dinamica evoluzione e pertanto incerta. La metodologia esposta, basata sulla valutazione di caratteristiche ed indicatori appositi, ci orienta sulle possibilità di intervento concreto di riqualificazione, ma da sola non basta, e successivamente bisognerà affiancare analisi multi obiettivo, per sviluppare una dialettica decisionale più ampia sul recupero, evitando scelte operate caso per caso

    Influence of Additive concentration in Soybean Oil on Rheological and tribological Beh

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    The rheology of vegetal oils, additivated or not and the factors that influence their viscosity have been studied by specialists, in order to introduce these oils as lubricants in green industries as agriculture, food processing, transportation and for complying with environmental and health regulations; the vegetal oils are also envisaged as an eco-friendly alternative to similar mineral and synthetic products. This study presents the influence of nature and concentration of additive in soybean oil on its rheological and tribological behavior, reflected by shear stress - shear rate, viscosity - temperature curves and by the wear scar diameter (WSD) after testing the formulated lubricants on a four- ball machine

    Symmetry in the Theory of Dependence Relations

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    Special Issue on Symmetry in Classical and Fuzzy Algebraic Hypercompositional Structures

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    Symmetry plays a fundamental role in our daily lives and in the study of the structure of different objects in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, architecture, arts, sociology, linguistics, etc [...

    The Reducibility Concept in General Hyperrings

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    By using three equivalence relations, we characterize the behaviour of the elements in a hypercompositional structure. With respect to a hyperoperation, some elements play specific roles: their hypercomposition with all the elements of the carrier set gives the same result; they belong to the same hypercomposition of elements; or they have both properties, being essentially indistinguishable. These equivalences were first defined for hypergroups, and here we extend and study them for general hyperrings—that is, structures endowed with two hyperoperations. We first present their general properties, we define the concept of reducibility, and then we focus on particular classes of hyperrings: the hyperrings of formal series, the hyperrings with P-hyperoperations, complete hyperrings, and (H,R)-hyperrings. Our main aim is to find conditions under which these hyperrings are reduced or not
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