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Review of Leonor Rossi and Patricia Vinagre e Silva Public Access to Documents in the EU
Experimental systematic uncertainties (and object reconstruction) on top physics, their correlations, comparison ATLAS vs CMS (vs Tevatron) and common agreements
The experimental systematic uncertainties associated to the reconstruction
and calibration of the objects appearing in top quark final states at the LHC
and Tevatron are discussed. The strategies followed in the ATLAS and CMS
experiments are compared in detail for the cases of the jet energy scale and
-tagging calibrations, where a categorisation of the associated uncertainty
sources as well as the corresponding correlations across experiments has been
proposed. The estimate of the non-prompt and fake lepton background to the top
quark leptonic channels is also discussed.Comment: Proceedings of Top2014 International Workshop on Top-Quark Physic
The Disappearance of the HMS Umbra
A sailor aboard the HMS Umbra has a strange run-in with an ominous fog that won\u27t lift. As the days drag by, the weather is the least of his problems
Homological Domination in Large Random Simplicial Complexes
In this paper we state the homological domination principle for random
multi-parameter simplicial complexes, claiming that the Betti number in one
specific dimension (which is explicitly determined by the probability
multi-parameter) significantly dominates the Betti numbers in all other
dimensions. We also state and discuss evidence for two interesting conjectures
which would imply a stronger version of the homological domination principle,
namely that generically homology of a random simplicial complex coincides with
that of a wedges of k-dimensional spheres. These two conjectures imply that
under an additional assumption (specified in the paper) a random simplicial
complex collapses to a k-dimensional complex homotopy equivalent to a wedge of
spheres of dimension k.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur
Beware of Courts Bearing Gifts: Transparency and the Court of Justice of the European Union
This article reconsiders the principle of transparency in the European Union (EU) legal order and takes as its focal point the contribution of the EU Courts as regards the presumptions of non-disclosure of EU documents. The aim is to investigate the role played by the judiciary in relation to a twofold question: How open can the Union’s decision-making be, and is it possible for citizens to participate in the decision-making process of EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies? The article argues that accountability deficits in the field of access to documents have been filled, to an extent, by the EU Courts’ imposition of boundaries on the broad derogations to the right of access to documents. But nevertheless, the article concludes that the establishment through the case law of general presumptions against openness has fundamentally weakened the standards of accountability. Rather regrettably, although the EU legislature set the default position to the widest access to documents, this has been reversed to non-disclosure by the EU judiciary as regards non-legislative documents
One-loop calculations in Supersymmetric Lattice QCD
We study the self energies of all particles which appear in a lattice
regularization of supersymmetric QCD (). We compute, perturbatively
to one-loop, the relevant two-point Green's functions using both the
dimensional and the lattice regularizations. Our lattice formulation employs
the Wilson fermion acrion for the gluino and quark fields. The gauge group that
we consider is while the number of colors, and the number of
flavors, , are kept as generic parameters. We have also searched for
relations among the propagators which are computed from our one-loop results.
We have obtained analytic expressions for the renormalization functions of the
quark field (), gluon field (), gluino field () and
squark field ().
We present here results from dimensional regularization, relegating to a
forthcoming publication our results along with a more complete list of
references. Part of the lattice study regards also the renormalization of quark
bilinear operators which, unlike the non-supersymmetric case, exhibit a rich
pattern of operator mixing at the quantum level.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure, XII Quark Confinement proceeding
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