251 research outputs found

    Traditional houses in the South-Western Iberian Peninsula: Themes for a cross-border comparative typological study

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    [EN] Up until the 13th century, the South-western Iberian Peninsula shared the same cultural and political conditions under the rule of garb-Al-Andaluz. The administrative separation of this territory between two different kingdoms led to deep changes in the culture and daily life on either side of the border, which may have reflected on housing structures. Did the 13th-century border between Spain and Portugal trigger divergent paths in housing types? Or has the previous common background prevailed in shaping house models in the territory around the Guadiana Valley? This paper proposes a set of themes to begin a cross-border study on the traditional house, its changes and continuities. The research is based on in loco architectonic surveys of common houses in the Algarve, Alentejo (Portugal) and Andalusia (Spain). The buildings are analysed as regard their spatial organizations, constructive techniques and urban implantation allowing some themes of change and continuity to emerge. This then allows comparisons between the types of traditional houses in these border regions, their common characteristics, differences and evolution paths. It is noticeable that, given how the South-western Iberia represents the same territorial unit in terms of climate and orography, and – until the 13th century – shared the same historical context, the urban similarities were profound. It is therefore almost surprising how divergent the housing evolution between the two sides would become. The study of housing architecture is of particular relevance to the history of people as the variations reflect how the habits and customs of societies. Especially in societies sharing the same starting point, it shows how habits and customs may diverge after separation into two different administrative entities.The research is part of the IAPH (Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico) project “Sistema de Innovación para el Patrimonio de la Andalucía Rural”, ref. PY20_00298, co-funded by ERDF 2014-2020, and of CEAACP project UIDB/00281/2020 funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia – Portugal.Costa Rosado, A.; Gómez-Martinez, V.; Costa, M.; Pérez-Cano, MT. (2022). Traditional houses in the South-Western Iberian Peninsula: Themes for a cross-border comparative typological study. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 71-78. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.14497717

    State of emergency, an opportunity for digitalization: the situation of municipal archives in southern Spain and Portugal

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    La situación de confinamiento producida por la pandemia del virus COVID-19 ha transformado instantáneamente el mundo de la enseñanza y la investigación, obligando a la realización virtual de todas sus actividades. Ante la imposibilidad de salir de casa, ha quedado en evidencia la necesidad de adaptación de bibliotecas, archivos y otras instituciones al mundo digital. Esta aportación aprovecha el escenario actual para analizar los avances y los déficits en la digitalización y disponibilidad de documentos online por parte de los archivos municipales en el Sur de España y Portugal. A partir del estudio de estos casos se debaten las ventajas que incorpora este nuevo modo de registro y consultaThe COVID-19 induced confinement has instantaneously changed the worlds of teaching and research, by forcing all activities to be performed online. Facing the prohibition of leaving our homes, it became clear the need for libraries, archives and other research related institutions to adapt to the digital age. This input to the debate takes the current scenario to analyse the state of documents digitalisation and online availability in municipal archives in Southern Spain and Portugal, its strengths and shortcomings. The advantages of this new method for registering and searching documents are also discussed


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    Atualmente, os conflitos armados internos (guerras civis) são mais recorrentes que o conflito direto entre Estados, assim, o presente trabalho tem como objeto analisar a aplicabilidade das normas e princípios de Direito Internacional dos Conflitos Armados para limitação aos meios e métodos de combate e proteção às vítimas, aos conflitos armados não internacionais. Este estudo, descritivo e exploratório, por meio dos métodos bibliográfico e documental, analisa de que maneira as normas e princípios de Direito Internacional dos Conflitos Armados são (ou deveriam ser) aplicadas a esse tipo de conflito e apontar alternativas jurídicas tendentes a preencher eventuais lacunas normativas sobre este tipo de conflito armado

    Barracks from modern age iberian wars (1650-1750) heritage value, contemporary use and social housing

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    The present paper studies 18th century military garrisons built in border villages of Portuguese Alentejo during the instability period that began with the Restoration War (1640-1668) between Portugal and Spain. Besides presenting their constructive types and materiality, the research focus on the heritage value of these barracks, especially given their urban context inside small peripheral towns’ historical centres under threat of desertification. Three cases are compared in order to determine which contemporary use better favours heritage conservation of the barracks modular structures

    La casa del vecino: Tipos y evolución en la arquitectura doméstica tradicional del Guadiana portugués

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    La arquitectura doméstica refleja, mejor que ninguna otra, la cultura de un lugar, las costumbres, las vivencias de sus gentes. Se rige por las directrices de su territorio, los terrenos, los materiales, los condicionantes climáticos y por eso, ni puede ser estudiada fuera de su contexto, ni el paisaje de un lugar se explica sin su arquitectura vernácula. Pero ¿y cuándo de un mismo territorio físico resultan modelos dispares? Este artículo revisa la casa tradicional del Alentejo portugués, concretamente, el margen izquierdo del Guadiana, a través de levantamientos in loco y el estudio de documentación de archivo. Se presenta como caso de estudio la ciudad de Moura, donde el análisis de 143 casos ha permitido establecer una línea de evolución de la vivienda y definir varias categorías de tipos de casa tradicional. Se presentan estos tipos, sus materialidades, las técnicas constructivas de la región y una similitud transfronteriza. Si por el mismo contexto histórico y territorial, las afinidades de ocupación territorial y urbana entre el Guadiana portugués y la Baja Extremadura/Sierra de Aracena resultan casi obvias, resultarán más sorprendentes las diferencias que experimentará la evolución de la vivienda entre los dos márgenes del Guadiana

    Identity construction of the european medium sized city through themonasticism repercussions in Écija

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    The monasticism appeared during the dawn of Christianity has made a major contribution to Europe's culture and identity. The spread of Christian faith throughout the continent was achieved not only through a new morality and religion but also through art and convent architecture. The Middle Ages were the peak of this monastic production. Orders such as Cistercians or Dominicans would appear mainly in France and Italy spreading their rules and ways of life to the whole continent. It is a phenomenon that transcends borders, kingdoms and geographical elements, bringing together many people under the same identity.The flag of the Latin cross waved in the European Middle Ages. However, the reality in southern Iberian Peninsula was different. Al-Andalus stood as a bastion of Islam in Europe long before the appearance of the Ottoman Empire. At the end of the Middle Ages, the Kingdom of Castile began to occupy territories held by the Muslim Kingdom of Granada. The need to Christianisethe new conquered lands would call a multitude of monastic orders settled in Europe to focus their attention on the new Kingdom of Seville. The main cities such as Seville, Cordoba, etc. would be the most coveted for the new foundations. Nevertheless, Écija is located in the Guadalquivir river valley in a difficult position on the border with the Kingdom of Granada. In the 14th Century, Écija had close to 10,000 inhabitants, which, at the time, was a large number. A city which was an attraction point for Christian Communities, which according to their origin, 31% came from Italy, 22% from France, 37% from Spain and 10% from Jerusalem. The study of Écija shows the crossing of continental relationships through monasticism. How could the influence of Christianity manage to cover an entire continent to the most remote place? We could find the keys to understand the urban construction of western monasticism through the main average conventual cities in Andalusia

    O prédio de rendimento Joanino

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    O prédio de rendimento, enquanto edifício construído de raiz para alojar diferentes famílias sob regime de aluguer, teve particular desenvolvimento em Lisboa na primeira metade do século XVIII. A Lisboa joanina poderá mesmo ter constituído o espaço de experimentação da habitação multifamiliar urbana que preparou o caminho para a sistematização operada pelo prédio de rendimento pombalino. Nesse contexto geográfico e cronológico destaca-se o edifício corrente de três/quatro pisos e dois fogos por piso, invenção da Idade Moderna que constitui o tema central do presente artigo

    Wine cultural landscape and vernacular typologies in southwestern Iberia: three case studies in Alentejo and Andalusia

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    In the Mediterranean scenery of the south-western Iberian Peninsula, vineyards and wine-making have consistently been key pieces of the man-made cultural landscape, influencing urban design and even housing. This paper compares wine production influence in the cities of Borba, in Portuguese Alentejo, Jerez de la Frontera and Bollullos Par del Condado, in Spanish Andalusia, throughout the spheres of territorial organization, urban layout, presence of production buildings inside urban areas, and winemaker and wineworker housing. The study is based on architectonic surveys of building types: wineries, dwellings and houses with integrated wine production on both sides of the Guadiana River. The information gathered in surveys is complemented with data from historical documents, such as transaction records from the 16th to the 19th centuries. The research analyses cycles of prosperity for the three case studies – which are often coincident and related, within the frame of pre-industrial global trade – and the effects of those in winery and housing typologies. Across the studied area, vernacular winery types adhere to the same two categories, or typological lines, of building: the domestic winery and the autonomous building. Wine related architecture is still a key asset in these cities' material and cultural heritage, as it provides scale and uniqueness to the urban and rural ensembles, despite the fact that wineproduction has been removed from cities’ centres to outer industrial wineries. The memory of wine-induced prosperity is imprinted on the cities’ physical realities, giving meaning to their collective memories and proving to be an asset to future development

    O emprego de aeronaves remotamente pilotadas (drones) em conflitos armados internacionais à luz do direito internacional humanitário

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    A tecnologia altera as características dos conflitos modernos e coloca novos desafios ao direito internacional humanitário, assim, o presente trabalho tem como objeto analisar se o emprego, em conflitos armados internacionais, de Aeronaves Remotamente Pilotadas (ARP) é compatível com as normas e princípios estabelecidos pelo Direito Internacional Humanitário para limitação aos meios e métodos de combate e proteção às vítimas. Para tanto, analisa-se a natureza jurídica de combatente dos operadores dos ARP, apesar de seu distanciamento em relação ao teatro de operações, em que medida o emprego destes veículos poderia propiciar um maior respeito aos princípios do Direito de Genebra, como o da distinção, e quais são os problemas humanitários decorrentes da guerra travada à distância. Para contemplar a estrutura da pesquisa, efetuou-se pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, tendo como bases as convenções de Genebra e os seus princípios. Será exploratória, na medida em que leva em consideração os objetivos elaborados e sobre a utilização de ARP em conflitos internacionais

    The Determination of Cannabinoids in Urine Samples Using Microextraction by Packed Sorbent and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

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    Cannabis is the most consumed illicit drug worldwide, and its legal status is a source of concern. This study proposes a rapid procedure for the simultaneous quantification of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 11-hydroxy-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (11-OH-THC), 11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-COOH), cannabidiol (CBD), and cannabinol (CBN) in urine samples. Microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) was used to pre-concentrate the analytes, which were detected by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The procedure was previously optimized, and the final conditions were: conditioning with 50 µL methanol and 50 µL of water, sample load with two draw–eject cycles, and washing with 310 µL of 0.1% formic acid in water with 5% isopropanol; the elution was made with 35 µL of 0.1% ammonium hydroxide in methanol. This fast extraction procedure allowed quantification in the ranges of 1–400 ng/mL for THC and CBD, 5–400 ng/mL for CBN and 11-OH-THC, and 10–400 ng/mL for THC-COOH with coefficients of determination higher than 0.99. The limits of quantification and detection were between 1 and 10 ng/mL using 0.25 mL of sample. The extraction efficiencies varied between 26 and 85%. This analytical method is the first allowing the for determination of cannabinoids in urine samples using MEPS, a fast, simple, and low-cost alternative to conventional techniquesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio