469 research outputs found

    Boolean decomposition for AIG optimization

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    Restructuring techniques for And-Inverter Graphs (AIG), such as rewriting and refactoring, are powerful, scalable and fast, achieving highly optimized AIGs after few iterations. However, these techniques are biased by the original AIG structure and limited by single output optimizations. This paper investigates AIG optimization for area, exploring how far Boolean methods can reduce AIG nodes through local optimization.Boolean division is applied for multi-output functions using two-literal divisors and Boolean decomposition is introduced as a method for AIG optimization. Multi-output blocks are extracted from the AIG and optimized, achieving a further AIG node reduction of 7.76% on average for ITC99 and MCNC benchmarks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Division with speculation of quotient digits

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    The speed of SRT-type dividers is mainly determined by the complexity of the quotient-digit selection, so that implementations are limited to low-radix stages. A scheme is presented in which the quotient-digit is speculated and, when this speculation is incorrect, a rollback or a partial advance is performed. This results in a division operation with a shorter cycle time and a variable number of cycles. Several designs have been realized, and a radix-64 implementation that is 30% faster than the fastest conventional implementation (radix-8) at an increase of about 45% in area per quotient bit has been obtained. A radix-16 implementation that is about 10% faster than the radix-8 conventional one, with the additional advantage of requiring about 25% less area per quotient bit, is also shownPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Optimizing CMOS circuits for low power using transistor reordering

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    This paper addresses the optimization of a circuit for low power using transistor reordering. The optimization algorithm relies on a stochastic model of a static CMOS gate that includes the power internal nodes of the gate. This power consumption depends on the switching activity and the equilibrium probabilities of the inputs of the gate. The model allows an exploration of the different configurations of a gate that are obtained by recording its transistors. Thus, the best configuration of each gate is selected and the overall power consumption of the circuit is reduced.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    On the realization of reactive systems

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    A new notion of realization of reactive systems is defined. Realization is defined as a relation between the states of two transition systems, the specification and the implementation, in which events are classified as input, output or internal. This new definition attempts to model the correct interaction between a system and its environment. The differences with other definitions of refinement and realization are discussed.Postprint (published version

    Under-the-cell routing to improve manufacturability

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    The progressive miniaturization of technology and the unequal scalability of the BEOL and FEOL layers aggravate the routing congestion problem and have a negative impact on manufacturability. Standard cells are designed in a way that they can be treated as black boxes during physical design. However, this abstraction often prevents an efficient use of its internal free resources. This paper proposes an effective approach for using internal routing resources without sacrificing modularity. By using cell generation tools for regular layouts, libraries are enriched with cell instances that have lateral pins and allow under-the-cell connections between adjacent cells, thus reducing pin count, via count and routing congestion. An approach to generate cells with regular layouts and lateral pins is proposed. Additionally, algorithms to maximize the impact of under-the-cell routing are presented. The proposed techniques are integrated in an industrial design flow. Experimental results show a significant reduction of design rule check violations with negligible impact on timing.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Synthesis of all-digital delay lines

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThe synthesis of delay lines (DLs) is a core task during the generation of matched delays, ring oscillator clocks or delay monitors. The main figure of merit of a DL is the fidelity to track variability. Unfortunately, complex systems have a great diversity of timing paths that exhibit different sensitivities to static and dynamic variations. Designing DLs that capture this diversity is an ardous task. This paper proposes an algorithmic approach for the synthesis of DLs that can be integrated in a conventional design flow. The algorithm uses heuristics to perform a combinatorial search in a vast space of solutions that combine different types of gates and wire lengths. The synthesized DLs are (1) all digital, i.e., built of conventional standard cells, (2) accurate in tracking variability and (3) configurable at runtime. Experimental results with a commercial standard cell library confirm the quality of the DLs that only exhibit delay mismatches of about 1% on average over all PVT corners.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    L'Empúries imaginada: músics, erudits i lletraferits

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    Comentari de l'òpera Emporium i per què no va ser del gust d'Eugeni d'Ors, ni en el fons ni en la forma. Com que, de fet, es tracta de la fortuna d'Empúries abans del Noucentisme, també es fa un repàs dels estira-i-arronsa entre erudits sobre la conveniència de practicar excavacions en el jaciment d'Empúries abans que Josep Puig i Cadafalch hi comencés els treballs sistemàticsThis paper offers a commentary on the libretto of the opera Emporium, raising the question of Eugeni d'Ors' profound dislike of this piece, both in its meaning and form. Then, the future management of the archaeological site of Emporion before the Noucentisme is to be discussed. In particular, the arguments made by some scholars on whether or not beginning a long-term plan of excavations and, finally, Josep Puig i Cadafalch's decision to go ahead on his own, will be considered in detail as well

    A hierarchical mathematical model for automatic pipelining and allocation using elastic systems

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    The advent of FPGA-based accelerators has encouraged the use of high-level synthesis (HLS) for rapid prototyping and design space exploration. In this context, design optimization at behavioral level becomes a critical task for the delivery of high-quality solutions. Time elasticity opens a new avenue of optimizations that can be applied after HLS and before logic synthesis, proposing new sequential transformations that expand beyond classical retiming and enlarge the register-transfer level (RTL) exploration space. This paper proposes a mathematical model for RTL transformations that exploit elasticity to select the best implementation for each functional unit and add pipeline registers to increase performance. Two simple examples are used to validate the effectiveness and potential benefits of the model.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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