17 research outputs found
Periodic orbits 1-5 of quadratic polynomials on a new coordinate plane
While iterating the quadratic polynomial f_{c}(x)=x^{2}+c the degree of the
iterates grows very rapidly, and therefore solving the equations corresponding
to periodic orbits becomes very difficult even for periodic orbits with a low
period. In this work we present a new iteration model by introducing a change
of variables into an (u,v)-plane, which changes situation drastically. As an
excellent example of this we can compare equations of orbits period four on
(x,c)- and (u,v)-planes. In the latter case, this equation is of degree two
with respect to u and it can be solved explicitly. In former case the
corresponding equation
((((x^{2}+c)^{2}+c)^{2}+c)^{2}+c-x)/((x^{2}+c)^{2}+c-x)=0 is of degree 12 and
it is thus much more difficult to solve
Systematic revision and cladistic analysis of the genus Metabilibitia Roewer, 1912 (Opiliones, Cosmetidae, Cosmetinae)
O gênero Metalibitia Roewer, 1912 é revisado pela primeira vez e uma análise cladística foi feita para testar seu monofiletismo e suas relações internas, além disso, a chave de identificação das espécies e a descrição de uma espécie nova são apresentadas. Uma nova classificação é proposta baseada nos resultados da análise cladística. São reconhecidas nove espécies válidas das 11 espécies nominais, sendo duas sinonímias propostas: Metalibitia maculata (Roewer, 1914) e Metalibitia arenosa (Mello-Leitão, 1939) em Metalibitia argentina (Sørensen, 1884) e uma nova espécie é descrita, Metalibitia/ sp. n. (localidade-tipo: município de Abunã, Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brasil). A matriz de dados utilizada na análise cladística possui dez espécies de Metalibitia e oito terminais como grupo externo, compreende 65 caracteres baseados na morfologia masculina, sendo 18 pertencentes às estruturas morfológicas externas presentes no escudo dorsal e tergitos livres, dos quais dois são caracteres referentes à coloração; 20 referentes à genitália masculina; 21 pertencentes às pernas; cinco pertencentes ao pedipalpo e um referente à quelícera. A análise resultou em duas árvores igualmente parcimoniosas com 198 passos (C.I.= 0,50; R.I.= 0,56), sendo aqui apresentada a árvore de consenso com 204 passos (C.I.= 0,49; R.I.= 0,54), cuja otimização aplicada foi ACCTRAN. Metalibitia constitui um grupo monofilético, sustentado por três sinapomorfias de genitália masculina não homoplásticas e não-ambíguas: espinhos apicais retos na placa ventral do pênis, presença de prolongamento membranoso na região lateral mediana da placa ventral do pênis e inserção da glande na região mediana da placa ventral. Há a formação de dois clados no gênero e dois subclados, estes diferenciados principalmente pela quantidade de tubérculos do trocanter IV.The genus Metalibitia Roewer, 1912 is revised for the first time and a cladistic analysis was performed to test its monophyletism and its internal relationships, a dicotomic key of species was presented and a new species was described. A new classification based on cladistic analysis is proposed. Nine species are considered as valid of the 11 nominal species currently recognized, being synonymyzed Metalibitia maculate (Roewer, 1914) and Metalibitia arenosa (Mello-Leitão, 1939) as Metalibitia argentina (Sørensen, 1884) and a new species is described (type-locality: Abunã, Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil). The cladistic analysis was performed with 10 species of Metalibitia and outgroup is composed of eight species. The character matrix comprises 65 morphological characters from males, being 18 belonging to external morphology features on dorsal scute and free tergites, including two features regarding to color, 20 to male genital, 21 to legs, 5 to pedipalp and one to chelicerae. The analysis resulted in two trees equally parsimonious with 198 steps (C.I.= 0.50; R.I.= 0.56), the strict consensus tree with 204 steps (C.I.= 0.49; R.I.= 0.54), and the ACCTRAN otimization was applied. Metalibitia is a monophyletic group, supported for three synapomorphies of the male genitalia non-homoplastics and unambiguous: straight apical setae on the ventral plate of the penis, membranous prolongation on region median lateral on ventral plate of the penis and insert of the penis glans on median region of the ventral plate. Two main groups and two subclades were obtained in genus, whose mainly separation is based on the tubercles of the trochanter IV
Metalibitia santaremis Roewer 1947
<i>Metalibitia santaremis</i> (Roewer, 1947) <p>(Figs: 2C; 3F; 6C, H; 8C, H; 12G–I)</p> <p> <i>Paralibitia santaremis</i> Roewer, 1947: 8 [desc], pl. 1, fig. 7</p> <p> <i>Metalibitia santaremis</i> Ringuelet, 1959: 425 [by implication] [cit]; Kury, 2003: 69 [cat]; Pinto-da-Rocha & Bonaldo, 2006: 158 [cit]</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> SMF RII 1491/13, ♂ holotype. Examined.</p> <p> <b>Type locality.</b> BRAZIL, <i>Pará State</i>, Santarém.</p> <p> <b>Geographical distribution (Fig. 14):</b> Limited to northern Brazil, states oF Pará (Santarém and Juruti) and Amazonas (Humaitá).</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Resembles <i>M. argentina</i> and <i>M. borellii</i> in having Free tergite III with one higher central tubercle (Figs 1 B, C; 2C) and tibia IV small-tuberculated (Figs 7 B, C; 8C); it is similar to <i>M. argentina</i> in having Femur IV with only small tubercles (Figs 5 B; 6C) (<i>M. borellii</i> has an apical tubercle on Femur IV, Fig. 5 C) and to <i>M. borellii</i> in having only one retrolateral tubercle on cheliceral bulla (Figs 1 C; 2C) (<i>M. argentina</i> has contiguous tubercles, Fig. 1 B). It diFFers From these species in having dorsal scutum shape elongate (Fig. 2 C) (<i>M. argentina</i> and <i>M. borellii</i> have Flattened bodies, Figs 1 B, C), only one prolateral tubercle on coxa II (Fig. 2 C) (<i>M. argentina</i> and <i>M. borellii</i> also have one retrolateral tubercle, Figs 1 B, C), trochanter IV with retrolateral small tubercles (Fig. 6 H) (<i>M. argentina</i> have agglomerated tubercles and <i>M. borellii</i> has one basal and one apical tubercle, Figs 5 F, G), convex distal border oF ventral plate oF penis (Fig. 12 I) (<i>M. argentina</i> and <i>M. borellii</i> have a concave border, Figs 11 C, F).</p> <p> <b>Redescription.</b> Male holotype (SMF 1491/13)</p> <p> <i>Measurements</i>: dorsal scutum, total length 4.35; dorsal scutum, total width 3.5; prosoma length 1.25; prosoma width 2.15; Femur I length 2.3; Femur II length 4.6; Femur III length 3.6; Femur IV length 4.85; pedipalpal Femur length 1.2 mm.</p> <p> <i>Coloration in ethanol:</i> Entirely pale brown.</p> <p> <i>Dorsum</i> (Fig. 2 C): Anterior margin oF dorsal scutum with median portion smooth, with two high rhomboid tubercles, near paracheliceral projections. Lateral margins oF dorsal scutum with rounded tubercles, near areas I– IV. Ocularium with shallow median depression, with 15 small tubercles. Posterior margin oF dorsal scutum with a row oF 18 tubercles. Free tergite I with row oF 20 tubercles, II with row oF 16 tubercles, III with row oF 12 tubercles, the central tubercle being the highest. Anal operculum with 39 rounded tubercles irregularly scattered. All tubercles oF posterior margin oF dorsal scutum, Free tergites and anal operculum have rounded apex.</p> <p> <i>Chelicera</i> (Fig. 2 C): Bulla with Four–Five tubercles on proximal margin, the last one on prolateral region. One apical retrolateral tubercle surrounded by smaller ones. Segment II with Five teeth; segment III with eight teeth, Four oF them larger.</p> <p> <i>Pedipalps</i> (MNRJ 8266) (Fig. 3 F): Trochanter with two united ventral setiFerous tubercles. Femur with Four dorsal basal setiFerous tubercles Fused at the base; prolateral row oF Five setiFerous tubercles From median region to apex; six ventral rounded tubercles, the three median ones the highest, and two ventroapical tubercles. Tibia with a rounded projection on prolateral apical region, dorsal and ventral setae, one tubercle on each lateral dorsoapical region, and one retrolateral apical spine. Tarsus triangular with dorsal setae, the retrolateral inner row with two apical macrosetae and one central row oF six macrosetae.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i> (Figs 2 C; 6C, H; 8C, H): Coxa I with one FalciForm prolateral tubercle reaching the apex oF coxa and one smaller retrobasal tubercle. Coxae II–III with one prolateral high tubercle. Coxa IV with apical region visible in dorsal view, tuberculated, with one dorsal proapical apophysis. Trochanter IV with seven retrolateral small tubercles on the middle and one higher apical tubercle. Femur IV straight, with small tubercles in rows. Patella IV tuberculated. Tibia IV elongated with setiFerous small tubercles. Tarsal Formula: 5 / 8 / 5 / 6.</p> <p> <i>Penis</i> (MNRJ 4602) (Figs: 12G–I): Truncus straight and wide. Ventral plate thick, narrower at the middle; lateral borders, distal margin and region between the lateral borders strongly convex, with Four pairs oF lateroventral small macrosetae (macrosetae E). Lateral membranous expansions weak, From glans base to subapical region oF ventral plate (only visible in lateral view). Six lateral long macrosetae, three apical pairs (group C), one pair displaced ventrally (group B), one pair on median region (group D) and one pair on proximal region (group A). Insertion oF glans on basal portion oF ventral plate. Glans wide, much narrower at stylus base. Stylus short, with small projections on apex.</p> <p>Female (MNRJ 8266).</p> <p> <i>Measurements:</i> (MNRJ 8266): dorsal scutum, total length 4.2; dorsal scutum, total width 3.5; prosoma length 1.2; prosoma width 2.0; Femur I length 2.2; Femur II length 5.0; Femur III length 3.7; Femur IV length 4.5; pedipalpal Femur length 1.0 mm.</p> <p> <i>Dorsum:</i> Anterior constriction oF scutum well-marked. Posterior margin oF dorsal scutum with a row oF 21 tubercles with rounded apex. Free tergite I with row oF 18 tubercles, II with row oF 17 tubercles, III with row oF 15 tubercles, all similar sized. Anal operculum with 23 rounded tubercles irregularly scattered. <i>Chelicera:</i> Bulla with six proximal rounded tubercles. <i>Pedipalps:</i> Femur with small projection on dorsobasal region with Five small tubercles and Four dorsoapical tubercles; ventral row oF seven tubercles. <i>Leg IV:</i> Entirely with small tubercles. Tarsal Formula: 5 / 8 / 5 / 6.</p> <p> <b>Variation.</b> Ocularium with 11–14 tubercles. The median tubercles oF Free tergite III can be Fused at base (three tubercles), these tubercles being the highest. <i>Measurements</i> ♂ (<i>n=3</i>): dorsal scutum, total length 8.7–9.2; dorsal scutum, total width 7.5–7.6; prosoma length 1.2–1.3; prosoma width 2.0–2.2; Femur I length 2.2–2.6; Femur II length 4.5–5.2; Femur III length 3.4–4.2; Femur IV length 4.4–5.5; pedipalpal Femur length 0.9–1.1 mm. <i>Measurements</i> ♀ (<i>n=3</i>): dorsal scutum, total length 3.9–4.0; dorsal scutum, total width 3.1–3.5; prosoma length 1.2–1.3; prosoma width 1.9–2.0; Femur I length 2.2–2.7; Femur II length 4.1–4.5; Femur III length 3.4–3.5; Femur IV length 3.8–4.5; pedipalpal Femur length 1.0. Tarsal Formula ♂ (n=3) 5/ 5– 10/ 5/ 5–6. Tarsal Formula ♀ (n=3) 5/ 5–8/ 5/ 6.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> BRAZIL. <i>Pará State</i>, Juruti, 02° 24’ 33”S 56° 26’ 10” W, 02–20. IX.2002, A. Bonaldo <i>et al</i>. leg., 1♂ (MPEG JUR- 01 370); <i>Amazonas State</i>, Humaitá, 07° 30' 22" S 63° 01' 15" W, 26.II.1976, U. Caramaschi leg., 32♂ 68♀ (MNRJ 8266), same loc., 17.I.1979, U. Caramaschi leg., 1♂ (MNRJ 4602).</p>Published as part of <i>Coronato-Ribeiro, Amanda & Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo, 2017, Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the genus Metalibitia Roewer, 1912 (Opiliones, Cosmetidae, Cosmetinae), pp. 201-242 in Zootaxa 4291 (2)</i> on pages 228-229, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4291.2.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/829489">http://zenodo.org/record/829489</a>
Metalibitia borellii Roewer 1925
<i>Metalibitia borellii</i> (Roewer, 1925) <p>(Figs 1 C; 3B; 5C, G; 7C, G; 11D–F)</p> <p> <i>Libitiola borellii</i> Roewer, 1925: 8 [desc], fig. 6; 1927: 611 [rdesc], fig. 41; 1938: 5 [cit]; B. Soares, 1945: 343 [cit]. <i>Metalibitia borellii</i>: Ringuelet, 1959: 420 [cit, rdesc, syst, “species inquirenda”]; Kury, 2003: 68 [cat]; Pinto-da Rocha & Hara, 2011: 3 [cit]</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> MZT, “type”. Not examined. SMF RII 121/3, ♂ ♀ paratypes. Examined. SMF 1409, paratype. Examined.</p> <p> <b>Type locality.</b> BOLIVIA, <i>Tarija Department</i>: Aguairenda, San Francisco and Caiza.</p> <p> <b>Geographical distribution (Fig. 14).</b> Restricted to western and southern regions oF Bolivia (Chaco and Tarija).</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Resembles <i>M. tibialis</i> in having one rounded retroapical tubercle on Femur IV (Figs 5 C, G; 6D, I); <i>M. argentina</i> in having Free tergite III central tubercle with rounded apex, larger than others (Figs 1 B, C) (<i>M. tibialis</i> has Free tergite III unarmed, see Fig. 2 D) and tibia IV unarmed (Figs 7 C, G) (<i>M. tibialis</i> has ventral apophyses, see Fig. 8 I). Distinguished From these species by cheliceral bulla having one retroapical tubercle (Fig. 1 C) (<i>M. argentina</i> and <i>M. tibialis</i> have two tubercles united at base, Figs 1 B; 2D), trochanter IV with two retroventral tubercles, one basal and one apical (Fig. 5 G) (<i>M. argentina</i> has a group oF Fused tubercles and <i>M. tibialis</i> has one high tubercle with rhomboid apex on apical region, Figs 5 F, 6I).</p> <p> <b>Redescription.</b> Male (MNRJ 1374)</p> <p> <i>Measurements</i> (SMF 121/ 3 paratype): dorsal scutum, total length 4.1; dorsal scutum, total width 4.05; prosoma length 1.3; prosoma width 2.25; Femur I length 1.75; Femur II length 3.2; Femur III length 2.75; Femur IV length 3.25; pedipalpal Femur length 0.85 mm.</p> <p> <i>Coloration in ethanol:</i> Entirely pale brown, legs slightly lighter than dorsal scutum.</p> <p> <i>Dorsum</i> (Fig. 1 C): Median region oF anterior margin oF dorsal scutum smooth with two high rhomboid tubercles Fused at the base, near paracheliceral projections. Ocularium with slight median depression, covered by small tubercles, especially on the posterior portion. Lateral margins oF dorsal scutum with rounded tubercles, From the ozopore up to scutal area IV. Median pair oF small spines on area IV with rounded apex. Posterior margin oF dorsal scutum with row oF 17 tubercles. Free tergite I with row oF 15 tubercles, II with row oF 12 tubercles, III with row oF nine tubercles, the median one highest, with rhomboid apex and directed dorsad. Anal operculum with 25 tubercles irregularly distributed. All tubercles oF posterior margin, Free tergites and anal operculum have rounded apex.</p> <p> <i>Chelicera</i> (Fig. 1 C): Bulla with Four tubercles with rounded apex on proximal margin, smaller tubercles on lateral borders, one single tubercle on proapical region. Segment II with Four teeth; segment III with Five minute teeth.</p> <p> <i>Pedipalps</i> (Fig. 3 B): Trochanter with two ventral tubercles. Femur with 10 median dorsal tubercles, six apical dorsal tubercles, and a row oF seven ventral tubercles with rounded apex (the three middle tubercles higher than the others in the same row). Tibia with small setiFerous tubercles, a rounded proapical projection, one tubercle on laterodorsoapical region, ventral lateral spines and one prolateral spine. Tarsus elongate, with Four ventral prolateral macrosetae and two ventral retrolateral macrosetae.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i> (Figs 1 C, 5C, G; 7C, G): Coxa I with one FalciForm prolateral tubercle reaching the apex oF coxa and one smaller basal retrolateral tubercle. Coxa II with prolateral tubercle with rhomboid apex directed towards apex oF the coxa and one smaller retrolateral apical rhomboid tubercle. Coxa III with one prolateral apical FalciForm tubercle. Coxa IV dorsally visible only at apex, tuberculate and with one dorsal proapical apophysis. Trochanter IV with one dorsal tubercle, two retroapical dorsal tubercles and retrolateral small tubercles, one retroventral basal tubercle, with the apex slightly curved upwards and one apical tubercle, with the apex slightly curved downwards. Femur IV curved and covered with small tubercles, high retroapical rhomboid tubercle, two ventral rows oF tubercles. Tibia IV covered with small tubercles, with two ventral rows oF small tubercles. Tarsal Formula: 5 / 6 / 5 / 6.</p> <p> <i>Penis</i> (Figs 11 D–F): Truncus enlarged at the base oF insertion oF ventral plate. Ventral plate elongated with wide U-cleFt at distal margin, two ventro-apical pairs oF macrosetae and two median-ventral pairs oF macrosetae E; two pairs oF apical macrosetae displaced laterally (group C). Two pairs oF small macrosetae on latero-median region (group D) and one proximal lateral pair (group B). Insertion oF glans on middle oF ventral plate. Glans short, with apical one third oF stylus narrower. Stylus long, with truncated apex.</p> <p>Female (SMF 121/3)</p> <p> <i>Measurements:</i> dorsal scutum, total length 3.95; dorsal scutum, total width 3.4; prosoma length 1.0; prosoma width 1.75; Femur I length 1.25; Femur II length 2.45; Femur III length 2.0; Femur IV length 2.75; pedipalpal Femur length 0.7 mm.</p> <p> <i>Dorsum:</i> Constriction between prosoma and opisthosoma oF dorsal scutum attenuated. Ocularium low, with shallow median depression. Posterior margin oF dorsal scutum with row oF 21 tubercles with pointed apices, one median pair oF tubercles highest. Free tergite I with 18 tubercles, II with 17 tubercles, III with 12–13 tubercles and without a larger median tubercle. <i>Legs:</i> Coxae with small tubercles, with pointed apices. Coxa IV with dorsoapical apophysis reduced. Trochanter IV without dorsal tubercle, entirely with small tubercles. Femur IV covered with small tubercles, without rounded retrolateral tubercle. Tibia with small tubercles, without ventral row oF small tubercles. Tarsal Formula: 5 / 6 / 5 / 6.</p> <p> <b>Variation.</b> Posterior margin oF dorsal scutum with two tubercles larger than others on their lateral sides. The retrolateral tubercle oF Femur can be less evident, trochanter IV can have retrolateral ventral tubercles straight, with pointed apex. <i>Measurements</i> ♂ (<i>n=4</i>): dorsal scutum, total length 3.4–4.1; dorsal scutum, total width 3.1–4.1; prosoma length 1.1–1.3; prosoma width 1.9–2.2; Femur I length 1.7; Femur II length 3.0–3.5; Femur III length 2.2– 2.9; Femur IV length 2.8–3.7; pedipalpal Femur length 0.8–1.0 mm. Measurements ♀ (<i>n=3</i>): dorsal scutum, total length 4.0–4.1; dorsal scutum, total width 3.3–3.6; prosoma length 1.1; prosoma width 1.9–2.0; Femur I length 1.4– 1.6; Femur II length 2.8–3.0; Femur III length 2.2–2.4; Femur IV length 2.8–3.0; pedipalpal Femur length 0.7–0.9 mm. Tarsal Formula ♂ (n=4): 4–5/ 5–7/ 5/ 5–6.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> BOLIVIA. <i>Santa Cruz</i>, without locality 17°00'51.1"S 68°49'58.8"W, without date, without leg., 1♂ (MNRJ 1374); <i>Tarija</i>, Entre Rios, Paraíso del Tordo, 21°35'54.7"S 64°08'58.2"W, 05.XII.2010, R. Pinto-da-Rocha, A. Benedetti, J. Ochoa & A. Sarabia leg., 3♂ 5♀ (MZSP 67949).</p>Published as part of <i>Coronato-Ribeiro, Amanda & Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo, 2017, Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the genus Metalibitia Roewer, 1912 (Opiliones, Cosmetidae, Cosmetinae), pp. 201-242 in Zootaxa 4291 (2)</i> on pages 217-218, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4291.2.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/829489">http://zenodo.org/record/829489</a>
Metalibitia argentina Sorensen 1884
<i>Metalibitia argentina</i> (Sørensen, 1884) <p>(Figs: 1B; 3A; 5B, F; 7B, F; 11A–C)</p> <p> <i>Cosmetus argentinus</i> Sørensen, 1884: 593 [desc]; Kury, 2003: 68 [cat].</p> <p> <i>Cosmetus Argentinus</i>: Sørensen, 1895: 1 [cit]; Moritz, 1971: 191 [cit]; Kury, 2003: 68 [cat].</p> <p> <i>Paralibitia argentina</i>: Roewer, 1912: 14 [cit]; 1923: 295 [rdesc]; 1927: 552 [cit]; Mello-Leitão, 1932: 90 [rdesc]; 1933: 109 [syst]; Moritz, 1971: 191 [cit]; Kury, 2003: 68 [cat].</p> <p> <i>Paralibitia maculata</i> Roewer, 1914: 130 [desc], fig. 15; 1923: 295 [rdesc], fig. 316; 1927: 552 [key]; Mello-Leitão, 1932: 90 [rdesc], fig. 58; Weidner, 1959: 128 [cit]; Kury, 2003: 69 [cat]. <b>New synonymy</b></p> <p> <i>Libitia (Messa) argentina</i>: Sørensen, 1932: 412 [syst]; Kury, 2003: 68 [cat].</p> <p> <i>Labrosa arenosa</i> Mello-Leitão, 1939: 294 [desc], fig. 17; Kury, 2003: 68 [cat] [syst]. <b>New synonymy</b></p> <p> <i>Metalibitia maculata</i>: Ringuelet, 1959: 425 [cit]; Kury 2003: 69 [cat]; Pinto-da- Rocha & Hara, 2011: 3 [cit].</p> <p> <i>Metalibitia argentina</i>: Ringuelet, 1959: 418 [rdesc, syst, cit], fig 60; Valentinis de Martínez, 1974: 6 [cit]; Kury, 2003: 68 [cat].</p> <p> <i>Metalibitia arenosa</i>: Kury, 2003: 68 [cat, syst].</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> <i>Cosmetus argentinus</i>: ZMUC, ZMB 8391 syntypes (Kury, 2003). Syntype ZMB 8391 examined From photo. <i>M. maculata</i>: ERPC holotype; ZMH, SMF RI, paratypes. Paratype ♂ SMF examined. <i>M. arenosa</i>: holotype ♂ with depository unknown.</p> <p> <b>Type locality.</b> <i>M. argentina</i>: ARGENTINA, <i>Buenos Aires Province</i>, San Nicolas, <i>Santa Fe Province</i>, “on the way to Villa Hernandaria ” [Hernandarias], and <i>Chaco Province</i>, near “ Baranjeras ” [Barranqueras] (Sørensen, 1884). <i>M. maculata</i>: PARAGUAY, <i>San Bernardino District</i>. <i>M. arenosa</i>: BRAZIL, <i>Mato Grosso do Sul State</i>, Salobra River (20°11'S 56°31'W, 215 m).</p> <p> <b>Geographical distribution (Fig. 14):</b> Studied localities are restricted to northeastern Argentina, provinces oF Chaco (Resistencia) and Buenos Aires (San Nicolas), western Paraguay (Rio Apa) and Department oF Cordillera (San Bernardino) and midwestern Brazil (Mato Grosso do Sul State).</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Resembles <i>M. brasiliensis</i> in having retrolateral tubercles on middle region oF trochanter IV (Figs 5 B, D, F, H) and <i>M. borellii</i> in having Free tergite III with central tubercle larger than the others (Figs 1 B, C); it recalls both species in having tibia IV unarmed (Figs 7 B–D). Distinguished From the reFerred species in having median tubercles on trochanter IV spaced (Figs 5 B, F) (in <i>M. brasiliensis</i> these tubercles are placed close to each other, Figs 5 D, H; <i>M. borellii</i> has one basal and one apical tubercle, Figs 5 C, G); also by central tubercles oF Free tergite III larger than the other ones (Fig. 1 B) (<i>M. brasiliensis</i> has similar sized tubercles, Fig. 1 D), and Femur IV unarmed (Figs 5 B, F) (<i>M. borellii</i> has an apical tubercle, Figs 5 C, G).</p> <p> <b>Redescription.</b> Male (MACN 4497)</p> <p> <i>Measurements:</i> dorsal scutum, total length 3.7; dorsal scutum, total width 3.9; prosoma length 1.4; prosoma width 2.2; Femur I length 1.7; Femur II length 2.8; Femur III length 2.5; Femur IV length 3.3; pedipalpal Femur length 0.8 mm.</p> <p> <i>Coloration in ethanol:</i> Entirely pale brown, legs slightly lighter than dorsal scutum.</p> <p> <i>Dorsum</i> (Fig. 1 B): Median region oF anterior margin oF dorsal scutum smooth, two high and truncated tubercles near paracheliceral projections. Lateral margin oF opisthosoma with rounded tubercles on areas I–IV. Domed ocularium (i.e., without a median depression), with ten small tubercles. Scutal area IV with a pair oF paramedian small spines with rhomboid apex. Posterior margin oF dorsal scutum with a row oF 18 tubercles. Free tergite I with row oF 17 tubercles, II with row oF 13 tubercles, III with row oF eight tubercles, the median one larger than the others and Formed by three joint tubercles. Anal operculum with 18 irregularly scatterd tubercles. All tubercles oF posterior margin, Free tergites and anal operculum with rounded apex.</p> <p> <i>Chelicera</i> (Fig. 1 B): Bulla with Five rounded tubercles on proximal margin, one probasal tubercle (on leFt side), small lateral tubercles and two prolateral apical tubercles Fused. Finger oF segment II with Four teeth, segment III with Five teeth.</p> <p> <i>Pedipalps</i> (Fig. 3 A): Trochanter with two apical ventral tubercles united at the base. Femur with 12 dorsal setiFerous tubercles; dorsal prolateral row oF Four setiFerous tubercles; ventral row oF Five setiFerous elongated tubercles, being the median two larger than the others; three setiFerous ventroapical tubercles. Tibia with small dorsal setiFerous tubercles, a small prolateral apical rounded projection, one dorsoapical tubercle on each side, one ventral prolateral spine and a row oF seven ventral retrolateral setae. Tarsus with dorsal and lateral setae, Five prolateral ventral setae, Four retrolateral ventral setae and 11 ventral setae.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i> (Figs 1 B; 5B, F; 7B, F): Coxa I with one prolateral basal long FalciForm tubercle (reaching the coxa apex) and one smaller basal retrolateral tubercle. Coxa II with prolateral tubercle with rhomboid apex directed towards apex oF the coxa and one tubercle with rounded apex, smaller than retrolateral one. Coxa III with one prolateral tubercle. Coxa IV visible in dorsal view, tuberculated, with one dorso-apical apophysis and three retroapical ventral tubercles. Trochanter IV with small retrolateral tubercles, Four retroventral tubercles (two apical united at their base) and one ventroapical tubercle. Femur IV curved and entirely granulous, with tubercles more concentrated on dorso-retrolateral region. Patella and tibia IV tuberculate, with long tubercles on dorsal side. Tarsal Formula: 5 / 7 / 5 / 6.</p> <p> <i>Penis</i> (Figs 11 A–C): Truncus with truncated enlargement at the junction with ventral plate. Ventral plate with gentle concavity on distal margin, with two pairs oF micro-spines on ventrodistal region and one pair oF macrosetae E in median-ventral region. Five pairs oF macrosetae on median region to distal region oF ventral plate, two subapical pairs (macrosetae C), one dorso-median pair (macrosetae D), one lateral pair (macrosetae B) and one dorsobasal pair (macrosetae A). The membranous projection extended on the basal halF oF ventral plate. Insertion oF glans dorsally on middle oF ventral plate. Glans wide, slightly Flattened dorso-ventrally; base oF stylus narrowed. Stylus narrow, long, with thin and smooth apex.</p> <p>Female (MACN 4496)</p> <p> <i>Measurements:</i> dorsal scutum, total length 3.5; dorsal scutum, total width 3.2; prosoma length 1.1; prosoma width 1.7; Femur I length 1.6; Femur II length 2.9; Femur III length 2.2; Femur IV length 2.7; pedipalpal Femur length 0.7 mm.</p> <p> <i>Dorsum:</i> Posterior margin oF dorsal scutum with a row oF 25 small tubercles, with rounded apex. Free tergite I with 22 tubercles, II with 16 tubercles, III with 10 similar sized tubercles. Anal operculum with 25 tubercles irregularly scattered. <i>Pedipalps:</i> Femur with dorsal proximal projection reaching the median region, Formed by small tubercles and Followed by three dorsoapical tubercles; ventral row oF six tubercles and two apicoventral tubercles. <i>Legs:</i> Coxae with small tubercles. Coxa IV with ventral region smooth. Trochanter IV smooth. Body entirely little tuberculated. Tarsal Formula: 5 / 7, 6 / 5 / 6.</p> <p> <b>Variation.</b> Cheliceral bulla oF males can have 4 to 6 proximal tubercles. Tarsus oF pedipalp can have six prolateral spines and two retrolateral spines. Coxa III can have small retrolateral tubercle united to coxa IV. The trochanter IV can have up to Five retrolateral tubercles and up to one apical tubercle, the tubercles may or may not be arranged in a row. The ventral plate oF penis may have two pairs oF dorsal median macrosetae (group D). <i>Measurements</i> ♂ (<i>n=4</i>): dorsal scutum, total length 3.5–3.8; dorsal scutum, total width 3.4–3.8; prosoma length 1.1–1.2; prosoma width 1.9–2.2; Femur I length 1.6–2.1; Femur II length 3.1–4.0; Femur III length 2.6–3.2; Femur IV length 2.9–3.4; pedipalpal Femur length 0.7–0.9 mm. Measurements ♀ (<i>n=3</i>): dorsal scutum, total length 3.3– 3.9; dorsal scutum, total width 3.2–3.4; prosoma length 1.0–1.1; prosoma width 1.7–1.9; Femur I length 1.7–2.3; Femur II length 3.2–3.5; Femur III length 2.5–2.7; Femur IV length 3.0–3.2; pedipalpal Femur length 0.8–0.9 mm.</p> <p> <b>Synonymic note:</b> <i>Metalibitia maculata</i> was described based on one male and is hereby synonymized with <i>M. argentina</i> based on morphological similarities: coxae I and II with retrolateral and prolateral tubercles, Free tergite III with median tubercles larger than the others, cheliceral bulla with two proapical tubercles Fused, trochanter IV with Four retroventral tubercles, the two apical Fused at their base, truncus oF penis with small enlargement at the junction with ventral plate, the latter with slight concavity on its distal margin, same number oF macrosetae groups A, B, C and E, glans elongated and wide. Variation in group D oF penis macrosetae was observed (unambiguous homoplastic synapomorphy, Fig. 15), may have two pairs oF dorso-median macrosetae. <i>M. arenosa</i> was described based on one male specimen and is here synonymized with <i>M. argentina</i> based on morphological similarities: presence oF a pair oF spines on area III, Free tergite III with median tubercle larger than others, absence oF subapical tubercle on Femur IV and trochanter IV with retrolateral tubercle, these Features are according to its original description (Mello-Leitão, 1939), because the type material is lost. Both synonymized species have a similar or near geographical distribution to <i>M. argentina</i>.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> ARGENTINA. <i>Chaco Province</i>, Resistencia, 27°27'06.3"S 58°59'14.2"W, XII.1944, Cranwell leg., 1♂ 2♀ (MACN 4496); same loc., 18/ 20.VI.1934, J.B. Daguerre leg., 3 ♂ (MACN 4497), same loc., 18.VIII.1955, J. B. Daguerre leg., 12♂ 24♀ (MACN 4499). PARAGUAY. Apa River, 22°06'21.2"S 56°30'30.9"W, no date, no leg., 2♂ (SMF 5856 /167); same loc., <i>Cordillera Departament</i>, San Bernardino, 25°18′38″S 57°17′46″W, no date, no leg., 1♂ (SMF 1075).</p>Published as part of <i>Coronato-Ribeiro, Amanda & Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo, 2017, Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the genus Metalibitia Roewer, 1912 (Opiliones, Cosmetidae, Cosmetinae), pp. 201-242 in Zootaxa 4291 (2)</i> on pages 213-217, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4291.2.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/829489">http://zenodo.org/record/829489</a>
Metalibitia tibialis Roewer 1925
<i>Metalibitia tibialis</i> (Roewer, 1925) <p>(Figs: 2D; 4B, E; 6D, I; 8D, I; 13A–C)</p> <p> <i>Libitiola tibialis</i> Roewer, 1925: 9 [desc], fig. 7; 1927: 612 [rdesc], fig. 42</p> <p> <i>Metalibitia tibialis:</i> Ringuelet, 1959: 423 [rdesc], fig. 62; H. Soares, 1966b: 127 [cit]; Soares & Soares, 1987: 2 [syst], figs. 8– 9; Kury, 2003: 69 [cat]; Pinto-da Rocha & Hara, 2011: 3 [cit]</p> <p> <i>Metalibitia oranensis</i> H. Soares, 1966b: 127 [desc], figs 2, 2a; Soares & Soares, 1987: 2 [cit]. Synonymy established by Soares & Soares, 1987.</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> <i>Libitiola tibialis</i>: MZT, ♂ “type”, not examined; SMF RII 122/4 2♂ paratype, examined. <i>M. oranensis</i>: HSPC (MNRJ) 69, ♂ holotype, examined; MZSP, paratype, not examined (lost).</p> <p> <b>Type locality.</b> <i>L. tibialis</i>: ARGENTINA, <i>Jujuy Province</i>, “ San Lorenzo ” (nowadays Libertador General San Martín). <i>M. oranensis</i>: ARGENTINA, <i>Salta Province</i>, Orán: Aguas Blancas.</p> <p> <b>Geographical distribution (Fig. 14).</b> Limited to southeast region oF Bolivia, Santa Cruz (Lagunillas), northwestern region oF Argentina, Jujuy Province (San Lorenzo) and Salta Province (Oran).</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Resembles <i>M. adunca</i> in having tibia IV with two apophyses with pointed apex on ventral region (Figs 7 E; 8I); <i>M. borellii</i> in having a row oF similar sized tubercles on Free tergite II (Fig. 1 C; 2D) (<i>M. adunca</i> has two rhomboid tubercles, Fig. 1 A), one rounded tubercle on retroapical region oF Femur IV (Figs 5 G; 6I) (<i>M. adunca</i> has one retroapical ventral row oF six tubercles, Followed by ventroapical apophyses, Fig. 5 E). DiFFers From these species in having two retroapical tubercles Fused at base on cheliceral bulla (Fig. 2 D) (<i>M. adunca</i> and <i>M. borellii</i> have only one tubercle, Figs 1 A, C), Free tergite III unarmed and inFlated, being higher than other tergites (Fig. 2 D) (<i>M. adunca</i> and <i>M. borellii</i> have all Free tergites with similar sized tubercles; <i>M. borellii</i> has a high central tubercle with rounded apex, Figs 1 A, C), trochanter IV with one tubercle with rhomboid apex on retroapical ventral region (Fig. 6 I) (<i>M. adunca</i> has one tubercle with pointed apex on retrobasal region; <i>M. borellii</i> has two tubercles with pointed apex,one on retrobasal region and the other on retroapical region, Figs 5 E, G).</p> <p> <b>Redescription.</b> Male (SMF 122/4)</p> <p> <i>Measurements</i> (SMF 122/ 4 paratype): dorsal scutum, total length 4.2; dorsal scutum, total width 4.0; prosoma length 1.25; prosoma width 2.0; Femur I length 1.75; Femur II length 3.25; Femur III length 2.55; Femur IV length 3.1; pedipalpal Femur length 1.0 mm.</p> <p> <i>Coloration in ethanol:</i> Entirely pale brown.</p> <p> <i>Dorsum</i> (Fig. 2 D): Median region oF anterior margin oF dorsal scutum smooth, with three rhomboid tubercles Fused at base, near paracheliceral projections. Lateral margins oF dorsal scutum with rounded tubercles near areas I–IV. Ocularium with a shallow median depression, with 13 small tubercles. All areas covered with small tubercles, lateral regions oF areas smooth. Posterior margin oF dorsal scutum with row oF 17 tubercles. Free tergite I with row oF 16 tubercles, II with row oF 14 tubercles, III inFlated and smooth. Anal operculum with 21 tubercles irregularly scattered and row oF 14 tubercles on ventral border. All tubercles oF posterior margin oF dorsal scutum, Free tergites and anal operculum with rounded apex.</p> <p> <i>Chelicera</i> (Fig. 2 D): Bulla with Five-Four rounded tubercles on basal margin, two–three retrolateral tubercles and two retroapical tubercles united at base. Segment II with Five teeth, segment III with three large teeth and two smaller ones.</p> <p> <i>Pedipalps</i> (MZSP 67951) (Figs 4 B, E): Trochanter with one apical ventral tubercle. Femur with seven dorsal median tubercles, 12 prolateral tubercles, median row oF six ventral tubercles, and two apical retrolateral tubercles. Patella dorsally tuberculated, lateral retangular projection on the distal halF. Tibia with setiFerous tubercles, one proapical tubercle and one retroapical tubercle, prolateral apical rounded projection, one prolateral ventral apical macrosetae, ventral macrosetae. Base oF tarsus wider than apex, one row oF macrosetae on retrolateral ventral border and six macrosetae on prolateral ventral border.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i> (Figs 2 D; 6D, I; 8D, I): Coxa I with one retrolateral basal tubercle smaller than prolateral one. Coxa II with prolateral tubercle with pointed apex pointing towards coxa apex and one smaller retrolateral tubercle with rounded apex. Coxa III with one long prolateral tubercle. Coxa IV visible only apically in dorsal view, tuberculated and with one dorsoapical apophysis. Trochanter IV with Four retroapical tubercles and lateral small tubercles, three ventrobasal retrolateral tubercles, one high rhomboid tubercle on ventroapical region, Followed by two smaller tubercles. Femur IV curved and covered with small tubercles, with dorsal prolateral row oF tubercles on its whole length, a large retroapical rhomboid tubercle, tubercles concentrated on the dorsal distal halF, two ventral rows oF tubercles with increasing size on distal portion, and three ventroapical tubercles. Tibia IV granulated, with dorsal tubercles concentrated in both lateral sides, with two retrolateral apophyses with pointed apex on ventral region, one retrobasal and one retromedian, interspersed by rhomboid tubercles, Followed by retroapical row oF tubercles; prolateral row oF tubercles, From base to apex. Tarsal Formula: 5 / 7 / 5 / 6.</p> <p> <i>Penis</i> (MZSP 67951) (Figs 13 A–C): Truncus enlarged at the base oF ventral plate. Ventral plate narrowed on its middle one third, with distal margin and lateroapical borders convex. Three pairs oF minute ventral macrosetae, two apical and one on median region (group E); dorsal region with Four pairs oF macrosetae on median region, two apical pairs (group C), one median pair (group D) and one basal pair, near lateral membranous extension (group A). Glans narrowed at the base oF stylus and with apex bent dorsad.</p> <p>Female (MZSP 67951)</p> <p> <i>Measurements:</i> dorsal scutum, total length 3.7; dorsal scutum, total width 3.25; prosoma length 1.2; prosoma width 1.8; Femur I length 1.5; Femur II length 2.2; Femur III length 2.2; Femur IV length 2.7; pedipalpal Femur length 0.8 mm.</p> <p> <i>Dorsum:</i> Ocularium with 17 tubercles. Posterior margin oF dorsal scutum with 22 tubercles. Free tergite I with 15 tubercles, median region smooth, II with 16 tubercles, III with 12 tubercles. Anal operculum with 31 tubercles. All tubercles with rounded apex. <i>Chelicera:</i> Bulla with Five basal tubercles. <i>Pedipalps:</i> Femur with one dorsal row with three tubercles, nine prolateral tubercles and three apical prolateral tubercles, ventral row oF seven tubercles. Two apical retrolateral tubercles. <i>Leg IV:</i> Trochanter with retrolateral small tubercles. Femur with small tubercles and apical small tubercle. Tibia with two retrolateral small apophyses. Tarsal Formula: 5 / 7 / 5 / 6.</p> <p> <b>Variation.</b> There can be two or three tubercles on the laterals oF dorsal scutum anterior margin, near paracheliceral projections (sample SMF 122/4). The dorsal tubercles oF bulla can vary in size and number, being 4– 5 tubercles (sample HSPC (MNRJ) 69); tibia IV may have only retrobasal apophyses (sample HSPC (MNRJ) 69), smaller than other specimen (sample SMF 122-4). <i>Measurements</i> ♂ (<i>n=3</i>): dorsal scutum, total length 3.5–8.3; dorsal scutum, total width 3.2–4.1; prosoma length 1.0–1.3; prosoma width 1.75–2.0; Femur I length 1.5–1.8; Femur II length 3.0–3.2; Femur III length 2.3–2.7; Femur IV length 2.5–3.0; pedipalpal Femur length 0.8–1.0 mm. <i>Measurements</i> ♀ (<i>n=3</i>): dorsal scutum, total length 3.7–4.0; dorsal scutum, total width 3.2–3.7; prosoma length 1.2; prosoma width 3.5–4.0; Femur I length 1.5–1.7; Femur II length 2.6–2.7; Femur III length 2.2–2.5; Femur IV length 2.8–3.0; pedipalpal Femur length 0.7–1.0 mm. Tarsal Formula ♂ (n=3) 5/ 6–7/ 5/ 5–6. Tarsal Formula ♀ (n=3) 5/ 7/ 5–6/ 6.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> BOLIVIA. <i>Santa Cruz Departament</i>, Lagunillas, 19°38'54.9"S 63°41'09"W, 04.XII.2010, R. Pinto-da-Rocha, A. Benedetti, J. Ochoa & A. Sarabia leg., 7♂ 14♀ (MZSP 67951).</p>Published as part of <i>Coronato-Ribeiro, Amanda & Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo, 2017, Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the genus Metalibitia Roewer, 1912 (Opiliones, Cosmetidae, Cosmetinae), pp. 201-242 in Zootaxa 4291 (2)</i> on pages 229-231, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4291.2.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/829489">http://zenodo.org/record/829489</a>
Metalibitia rosascostai Capocasale 1966
<i>Metalibitia rosascostai</i> Capocasale, 1966 <p>(Figs. 2 B; 3E; 6B, G; 8B, G; 12D–F)</p> <p> <i>Metalibitia rosascostai</i> Capocasale, 1966: 638 [desc], fig. 3; 1968: 68 [cit]; 2003: 3 [cit]; Capocasale & Gudynas, 1993: 2 [cit]; Kury, 2003: 69 [cat].</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> URMU: 0.21/A, Capocasale-Bruno col., ♂ holotype; URMU FCE-OPI 0 82 1♂ 8♀ paratypes, examined; URMU: 0.21/B 1 ♀ alotype. Not examined.</p> <p> <b>Type locality.</b> URUGUAY, <i>Departments Durazno/ Florida/ Treinta y Tres</i>, Cerro Chato.</p> <p> <b>Geographical distribution (Fig. 14):</b> Limited to southern region oF Brazil, in the state oF Rio Grande do Sul (Santa Maria) and Uruguay (Canelones, Montevideo, Rivera, Treinta y Tres, Florida and Durazno).</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Resembles <i>M. borellii</i> and <i>M. tibialis</i> in having a retroapical tubercle on Femur IV (Figs. 5 G; 6B, I). DiFFers From these species in having Free tergite III with row oF similar sized tubercles (Fig. 2 B) (<i>M. borellii</i> has one high central tubercle with rounded apex, Fig. 1 C, while <i>M. tibialis</i> has an enlarged tubercle on Free tergite III, Fig. 2 D), trochanter IV with Four large retrodorsal tubercles (Fig. 6 B) (<i>M. borellii</i> and <i>M. tibialis</i> have small retrodorsal tubercles, Figs 5 C; 6D), Five retroventral tubercles united at base, the distal tubercle being the highest and one retrolateral apical spiniForm tubercle (Fig. 6 G) (<i>M. borelli</i> has one retroproximal tubercle with apex directed dorsally and one retrodistal tubercle with base much larger than apex, Fig. 5 G; <i>M. tibialis</i> has only one retrodistal rhomboid tubercle, Fig. 6 I).</p> <p> <b>Redescription.</b> Male (FCE OP 321)</p> <p> <i>Measurements</i>: dorsal scutum, total length 4.3; dorsal scutum, total width 4.2; prosoma length 1.3; prosoma width 2.2; Femur I length 1.8; Femur II length 3.2; Femur III length 3.1; Femur IV length 3.2; pedipalpal Femur length 1.0 mm.</p> <p> <i>Coloration in ethanol:</i> Entirely brown.</p> <p> <i>Dorsum</i> (Fig. 2 B): Anterior margin oF dorsal scutum with median portion smooth, with two high tubercles with rhomboid apex near paracheliceral projections. Lateral margins oF dorsal scutum with rounded tubercles, near areas I–IV. Domed ocularium without median depression, with ten small tubercles. Posterior margin oF dorsal scutum with a row oF 11 tubercles, the central pair larger than the others. Free tergite I with row oF 10 tubercles, II with row oF nine tubercles, III with row oF six tubercles. Anal operculum with 13 rounded tubercles irregularly distributed. All tubercles oF posterior margin, Free tergites and anal operculum have rounded apex. Free tergites leave a smooth space on median region.</p> <p> <i>Chelicera</i> (Fig. 2 B): Bulla with one median retrolateral pair oF tubercles with Fused bases and one prolateral pair with the same shape, with two retroapical tubercles Fused at base. Segment II with Four teeth, segment III with three teeth.</p> <p> <i>Pedipalps</i> (Fig. 3 E): Trochanter with one high ventral tubercle. Femur with Five dorsomedian tubercles united, Five dorsoapical tubercles, ventral row oF six setiFerous, low and rounded tubercles (the three in the middle higher than lateral tubercles) and three ventral apical tubercles. Tibia with rounded proapical projection, one tubercle on each apical dorsal lateral and one prolateral apical ventral spine, dorsal setiFerous small tubercles, and setae on ventral borders. Tarsus with dorsal and lateral setae and row oF Five ventral macrosetae, Five ventral prolateral macrosetae and two ventral retrolateral macrosetae.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i> (Figs 2 B; 6B, G; 8B, G): Coxa I with one retrolateral basal tubercle, smaller than prolateral one. Coxa II with one prolateral tubercle, and one retrolateral apical tubercle with rhomboid apex. Coxa III with one long retrolateral tubercle. Coxa IV with only apex visible in dorsal view, tuberculated, with one dorsoapical prolateral apophysis and Four retroapical ventral tubercles. Trochanter IV with Four retrodorsal small tubercles, a row oF Five retroventral tubercles Fused at the base (the apical one being the highest), and one retroventral apical tubercle. Femur IV curved and small-tuberculated, with higher density oF small tubercles on prolateral, retrolateral and dorsoapical regions; one apical posterior tubercle with pointed apex, with three tubercles on base. Patella IV covered with small tubercles. Tibia IV dorsally tuberculated, with row oF 12 ventral small tubercles and retrolateral row oF seven tubercles with pointed apex. Tarsal Formula: 5 / 6 / 5 / 5.</p> <p> <i>Penis</i> (MZSP 16055) (Fig. 12 D–F): Truncus straight and continuous to ventral plate. Ventral plate wide with strong U-cleFt on distal margin, two–three macrosetae on ventroapical region; one pair oF minute macrosetae on median ventral region, the leFt pair more basally displaced than the right pair (group E). Dorsal side with two pairs oF small apical macrosetae (group C), one dorsal pair on median region oF ventral plate (group D), one basal pair oF macrosetae (group A). Glans narrower at stylus base. Stylus with truncated apex, bearing small Filaments. Female (FCE OP 321)</p> <p> <i>Measurements:</i> (paratype FCE OP 082): dorsal scutum, total length 4.2; dorsal scutum, total width 3.7; prosoma length 1.3; prosoma width 2.0; Femur I length 1.6; Femur II length 2.6; Femur III length 2.2; Femur IV length 2.5; pedipalpal Femur length 0.7 mm.</p> <p> <i>Dorsum:</i> Posterior margin oF dorsal scutum with row oF 16 tubercles with pointed apex, the median pair higher. Free tergite I with row oF 19 tubercles, II with row oF 14 tubercles, III with row oF 13 tubercles. The tubercles oF Free tergites have pointed apex and leave a smooth space on median region. <i>Chelicera:</i> Four basal rounded tubercles. <i>Pedipalps:</i> Femur with a row oF Four ventral tubercles and two retroapical tubercles. <i>Leg IV:</i> Trochanter granulated, with one retrolateral tubercle and one retroapical tubercle. Femur irregularly covered with small tubercles, without apical tubercle. Tibia granulated, without retrolateral tubercles. Tarsal Formula: 5 / 6–7 / 5 / 5.</p> <p> <b>Variation.</b> The retroventral tubercles oF trochanter IV can be Fused From base to apex. The ventral row oF oF tibia IV can have tubercles oF varying sizes and with more rounded apex. The ventral tubercles oF pedipalpal Femur can be united From base to median region. <i>Measurements</i> ♂ (<i>n=6</i>): dorsal scutum, total length 3.3–4.1; dorsal scutum, total width 3.4–3.8; prosoma length 1.1–1.3; prosoma width 1.9–2.2; Femur I length 1.4–1.6; Femur II length 2.3–3.0; Femur III length 2.2–2.5; Femur IV length 2.5–3.0; pedipalpal Femur length 0.6–0.9 mm. <i>Measurements</i> ♀ (<i>n=5</i>): dorsal scutum, total length 3.8–4.2; dorsal scutum, total width 3.3–3.8; prosoma length 1.1–1.3; prosoma width 1.8–1.9; Femur I length 1.1–1.6; Femur II length 2.3–2.7; Femur III length 2.0–2.2; Femur IV length 2.4–2.6; pedipalpal Femur length 0.6–0.8.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> BRAZIL. <i>Rio Grande do Sul State</i>: Santa Maria, 29°40'59.2"S 53°49'03.2"W, 20.II.1980, D. Link leg., 25♂ 35♀ (MCN 732). URUGUAY. <i>Montevideo Departament</i>, San Jose: Sierra Mahoma 34°04’45.8” S 56°53’39” W, 29.VIII.1965, F. Achaval leg., 2♂ 2♀ (MNRJ 5514); <i>Rivera Departament</i>, Sierra de la Aurora 31°02’60” S 55°42’60” W, 29.XI.1959, D. Robayma leg., 1♂ 1♀ (MNRJ 5515); <i>Treinta y Tres Departament</i>, 33° 14′ 0″ S 54° 23′ 0″ W, 19.XII.1960, no data, 2♂ 2♀ (MZSP 16055); Santa Clara de Olimar, 32°50'00" S 54° 54′ 29″ W, 14.XII.1960, F.H.C leg., 1 ♂ 26 ♀ (FCE 321); same loc., 10.II.1960, L. Zolessi leg., 7♂ 2♀ (FCE 077).</p>Published as part of <i>Coronato-Ribeiro, Amanda & Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo, 2017, Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the genus Metalibitia Roewer, 1912 (Opiliones, Cosmetidae, Cosmetinae), pp. 201-242 in Zootaxa 4291 (2)</i> on pages 224-228, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4291.2.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/829489">http://zenodo.org/record/829489</a>
Metalibitia Roewer 1912
<i>Metalibitia</i> Roewer, 1912 <p> <i>Cosmetus</i> [part]: Sørensen, 1884: 593, 594 [desc]; Kury, 2003: 39 [cat]</p> <p> <i>Metalibitia</i> Roewer, 1912: 12 [desc]; 1923: 294 [rdesc]; Mello-Leitão, 1923: 109 [cit]; Roewer, 1925: 2 [cit]; Mello-Leitão, 1926: 331 [key]; Roewer, 1927: 552 [cit]; Mello-Leitão, 1932: 56 [rdesc]; 1933: 108 [key]; 1935: 115 [cit]; Ringuelet, 1959: 151 [rdesc, syst, cit] [= <i>Paralibitia</i>, = <i>Libitiola</i>], 1963: 49 [key]; Soares & Soares, 1985: 4 [cit]; Kury, 2003: 68 [cat]; Kury <i>et.al.</i>, 2007: 332 [cit]; Pinto-da-Rocha & Hara, 2011: 9 [cit]; Kury & Villarreal, 2015: 11, 14, 23, 26, 29 [cit].</p> <p> <i>Paralibitia</i> Roewer, 1912: 13 [desc]; 1914: 130 [cit]; 1923: 295 [rdesc]; Mello-Leitão, 1926: 331 [key]; Roewer, 1927: 552 [key]; Mello-Leitão, 1932: 90 [rdesc, key]; 1933: 108 [key]; 1935: 115 [cit]; Kury, 2003: 68 [cat]. (type species <i>Cosmetus argentinus</i> Sørensen, 1884, by original designation). Synonymy established by Ringuelet (1959).</p> <p> <i>Libitiola</i> Roewer, 1925: 7 [desc]; 1927: 610 [rdesc]; Mello-Leitão, 1932: 55 [rdesc]; 1933: 109 [key]; 1935: 115 [cit]; Kury, 2003: 68 [cat] (type species <i>Libitiola borellii</i> Roewer, 1925, designated by Kury, 2003). Synonymy established by Ringuelet (1959).</p> <p> <i>Libitia</i> (<i>Messa</i>) [part]: Sørensen, 1932: 412 [desc]; Mello-Leitão, 1932: 50 [rdesc, key] 1933: 109 [cit]; Kury, 2003: 68 [cat].</p> <p> <i>Libitia</i> [part]: Sørensen, 1932: 412 [desc, key]; Kury, 2003: 68 [cat].</p> <p> <i>Labrosa</i> Mello-Leitão, 1939: 293 [desc]; Kury, 2003: 68 [cat] (type species <i>Labrosa arenosa</i> Mello-Leitão, 1939, by original designation). Synonymy established by Kury (2003).</p> <p> <b>Type species:</b> <i>Cosmetus paraguayensis</i> Sørensen, 1884, by original designation.</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> <i>Metalibitia</i> can be distinguished From the other cosmetid genera in having the glans penis inserted at the middle dorsal region oF ventral plate, a membranous extension on the middle lateral region oF the ventral plate oF the penis, all lateral macrosetae short (not exceeding the edge oF the ventral plate), apical macrosetae (MS C) straight on ventral plate, macrosetae E minute, microsetae Fields (Kury, 2016) lacking, elongated glans (exceeding the superior border oF ventral plate) and absence oF dorsal process on glans and caruncle on apex oF stylus. Other morphological characters may be used together to distinguish the genus From other cosmetid genera: dorsal scutum covered with small tubercles, shape oF dorsal scutum type gamma, pair oF granular tubercles in scutal areas I–III and pair oF spines on area IV, coxae I and II with one prolateral tubercle FalciForm, presence oF dorsal tubercle on trochanter IV.</p> <p> <b>Geographical distribution (Fig. 14).</b> ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires, Chaco, Córdoba, Jujuy, Salta, Santa Fe and Tucumán), BRAZIL (Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Rondônia, Rio Grande do Sul), BOLIVIA (Chaco, Santa Cruz, Tarija), PARAGUAY (Ñeembucú), and URUGUAY (Canelones, Durazno, Florida, Montevideo, Rivera, Treinta y Tres).</p> <p> The genus is distributed in the Neotropical region, occurring in seven ecoregions (World Wide Fund For Nature WWF, 2015a). In general, <i>Metalibitia</i> mainly occurs on open vegetation with little shrubs, climate with deFined seasonallity and generally warm and dry, with Few records in humid Forest. It is Found mostly in the vast region oF Cerrado/ Chaco /Pampas. It is very important to include inFormation on the plant and habitat that the specimen was captured on and to list this inFormation on the label, in order to Facilitate Further studies and identiFication oF the biomes related to the group distribution.</p> <p> The species <i>M. fuscomaculata</i> and <i>M. santaremis</i> are distributed in the northeast area oF Amazon rainForest (“tropical rainForest”: World Wide Fund For Nature WWF, 2015a), being characterized by little variation in annual temperature, high levels oF precipitation, semi-evergreen vegetation, large plant and animal diversity. However, in the exact locality oF these species occurrence, there are small patches oF cerrado, near the collecting site oF <i>M. abuna</i> <b>sp. n.</b> (southwestern Amazon); this ecorregion is characterized by a well-deFined seasonality (a rainy season, a dry season), plains oF grassland, bushes, open vegetation with a Few small trees (World Wide Fund For Nature WWF, 2015b). The species <i>M. adunca</i> and <i>M. borellii</i> occur in transitional areas between the Amazon rainForest, the Yungas, and the Cerrado. The species <i>M. borellii</i> reaches the Puna ecorregion, which is next to the Andes, and is characterized by high-altitude grassland, rainFall and intense sunlight (World Wide Fund For Nature WWF, 2015c). <i>Metalibitia tibialis</i> and <i>M. paraguayensis</i> are distributed on the Yungas ecoregion (tropical and subtropical montane rainForests, World Wide Fund For Nature WWF, 2015a), characterized by hot climate, large, seasonally dry and deciduous vegetation. <i>Metalibitia argentina</i>, <i>M. rosascostai</i>, <i>M. brasiliensis</i> (it reaches the borders oF the Atlantic Forest) and <i>M. paraguayensis</i> are distributed in the ecorregions oF cerrado/chaco/tropical pampas, dominated by grasslands, Few trees and moderate rainFall (World Wide Fund For Nature WWF, 2015d). The species <i>M. paraguayensis</i> reaches the temperate pampas, known as grasslands oF South America, recognized For being open plains, whithout trees or shrubs, well-deFined seasons and humid climate (World Wide Fund For Nature WWF, 2015e). The species is associated to Sierra de Córdoba, a region characterized by temperate climate, hot and dry, with variable rainFall and Flora similar to chaco, with small trees and alpine grasslands on top.</p> <p> Although some species were reported From other localities, they were not included in the map because we were unable to check the the correct identiFication. <i>Metalibitia borellii</i> was reported to Argentina (Salta: Tartagal; Jujuy: San Lorenzo) (Ringuelet, 1959). <i>Metalibitia paraguayensis</i> was reported by Capocasale (1968; 2003) and Simó <i>et. al.</i> (2014) to Uruguay. Acosta (2002) reported sites From Uruguay cited by Ringuelet (1959) and characterized this species as belonging to “Areas Mesopotámica, Pampásica and Yungas”. We could not Find samples oF this species From Uruguay but, as it occurs on the Argentinean border (Fig. 14), it is no unlikely it could occur in Uruguay. <i>Metalibitia tibialis</i> is reported to Argentina (Salta: Bajada Grande; Pocitos) by Ringuelet (1959), but again, these samples were not examined.</p>Published as part of <i>Coronato-Ribeiro, Amanda & Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo, 2017, Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the genus Metalibitia Roewer, 1912 (Opiliones, Cosmetidae, Cosmetinae), pp. 201-242 in Zootaxa 4291 (2)</i> on pages 203-204, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4291.2.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/829489">http://zenodo.org/record/829489</a>