89 research outputs found
L\u2019associazionismo sportivo in Italia: educazione e pratica agonistica
In Italy sport plays an important role in social and cultural life. Its educational function and that of sport associations are not obvious for different schools of thought. This paper assumes functional and operational definition of education, as transmission of knowledge and the opportunity of favoring social interactions. With the purpose of interpreting the ongoing situation, the paper treats the evolution of relationship between sport associations and political institutions in a historical perspective, and describes the current situation of Sport Promotion Agencies and not for profit Associations, and their asymmetrical distribution between North and South Italy. The educational purpose of Sports Associations actually shows lights and shadows. The lights regard the strong capability to bring people together during the practice of amateur or agonistic sport even though many shadows affect the possibility to express a fair judgment on actual capability to transmit high sport moral values
Cultivation as Taking Care of Plant Diversity and Global Commons: Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov\u2019s Legacy
Biodiversity and agrobiodiversity are global commons and hu- mans should well understand the necessity of managing natural and farm induced plant variability at world level. In the 1930s, Russian geneticist, botanist and geographer Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov carried out worldwide researches on plant variety, col- lecting and storing germplams of all world major crops. His vi- sion on world centers of origin of cultivated plants is outdated, but his scientific ideas on plant geographical diversity preceded the ongoing concerns for loss of plant variability. In fact, even today FAO considers areas originally individuated by Vavilov as global priority genetic reserve locations for wild relatives of 12 main food crops. Both storing and farming will assure so- cieties productive and conservative services, and studying the geographical diversity of plants is a strong necessity for assur- ing sustainability on a global scale
Wine terroir concept: some preceding in Arrigo Serpieri\u2019s agrarian zone
The paper aims at discussing the role played by the theory of business clusters in wine marketing and in particular it aims at discussing the \u201cterroir\u201d definition in wine economics in order to find some preceding roots within the Italian Arrigo Serpieri\u2019s thought, often considered a politician rather than a theory maker, but recently reconsidered and revalued (Becattini 2002) as a Master of research methodology. Wine terroir is quite a philosophical concept but it can give competitive advantages in wine marketing as it has the power to explain different prices of wines with similar organoleptic characteristics. After a brief discussion on literature about the concept of economic spatial analysis, the second section investigates the multisemantic shifts of the word \u201cterroir\u201d, focusing on the conspicuous idea that within any \u201cterroir\u201d are connected individuals involved in production, in social organization and in agricultural practices, all being oriented in valorising the area itself. The third section treats of some traditional explanations of spatial patterns of economy arguing that production is intrinsically a local fact and any production-site is an exclusive combination of natural and historical resources as well as cultural resources and social organization. The fourth section attempts to explain the Serpieri\u2019s theoretical viewpoint on the specificity of local development within an \u201cagrarian zone\u201d that can be considered as a general preceding of the \u201cterroir\u201d concept. The fifth section presents some theoretical application of special analysis on wine sector as updated wine marketing uses \u201cterroir\u201d as a differentiation tool aiming at dominating high-end and luxury goods market segments, facing competition of branded wines that have less cost and geographical restraints
Cultivating our Commons, Melding Two Complex Ideas
The purpose of studying jointly Commons and Cultivation is per se a challenging goal and it poses the necessity of dealing with different themes that appear to be close even though their vicinity is blurred by a certain ambiguity. This appears to be intrinsic, and not only because very diverse academic disciplines, based on different methodolo- gies, are involved. Both the terms have a practical use, namely in real life, but both of them open problems of theoretical interpretations and do strongly challenge scholars to distinguish the concept of complexity from that of complicatedness, especially when re- ferring to social and even natural systems. In a complicated system, individual elements can be isolated and studied as such, not finding any relational link among each other. In a complex system, the elements are more or less interrelated, and the core problem is properly that a singular element is intimately relational, and should be correctly studied considering this characteristic. In living and social systems, complexity does increase over time, yet not being fixed. It is also very clear that complexity and culture face reciprocally in a complex manner. In cultivating a commons, humans often produce a complex system of relations, involving private and public decisions, even up to originat- ing the discussion about power and democracy
International Journal of Anthropology
blind referee for agricultural, forestry, food production, ethics and rural developmen
Tourism in the Era of Anthropocene. Only Clumsy Solutions for a Wicked Problem
The tourism and travel industry can produce revenue and employment, giving humanity an opportunity for economic growth even after global crises. Due to its intrinsic force of recovery and development, it is time to rethink tourism to mitigate its impact and implement its sustainability in the era of the Anthropocene. This chapter aims to critically discuss the topic of sustainable tourism in the Anthropocene under the theoretical perspective proposed by the Cultural Theory, to interpret and give sense to policies which govern human mobility, focusing the attention on sustainable tourism. After resuming the concept of Anthropocene and the ongoing debate about its meaning, the chapter discusses sustainable tourism as a wicked problem and analyzes the eventuality to deal with the issue only by means of “clumsy solutions” and adopting fatiguing tools, such as stakeholders’ analysis, stakeholder involvement, and social network analysis
Stakeholder Analysis and S-LCA for the agri-food sector: are there elements of overlapping and complementarities?
INTRO, BACKGROUND AND AIMS. In recent years, increasing attention is paid to political actions and public interventions that are established as a result of a share owned by citizens of a nation, by the local population.
Social inclusion in decision-making has become a central element also in the preparation of rural development policies of the EU.
Similarly, increasing attention is paid to the development of products / services that are produced in compliance with the conditions and social welfare of workers included in the production process.
The Stakeholder Analysis (SA) is a method of investigation that, through the systematic collection of qualitative information and their The Stakeholder Analysis (SA) interpretation, allow to understand what are the interests that must be taken into account in the design of a policy, program or any other action, identify the key players and interact with them effectively. The SA allows us to understand the values, interests, aptitudes and aspirations of stakeholders favoring a dialogue between the parties more transparent and coherent. Social-LCA (S-LCA) assesses social and socio-economic impacts found along the life cycle (supply chain, including the use phase and Social-LCA (S-LCA) disposal) with generic and site specific data. It differs from other social impacts assessment techniques by its objects: products and services, and its scope: the entire life cycle. Social and socioeconomic aspects assessed in S-LCA are those that may directly affect stakeholders positively or negatively during the life cycle of a product. They may be linked to the behaviors of enterprises, to socio-economic processes, or to impacts on social capital. Depending on the scope of the study, indirect impacts on stakeholders may also be considered.
OBJECTIVES. The aim of this study is to identify elements of overlapping and complementarity between these SA and S-LCA; explore the possibilities of their use in combination, to improve the robustness of the results during the evaluation process and using the wine the possibilities of their use in combination, to improve the robustness of the results during the evaluation process and using the wine sector as a case study
La regione Marche: un modello di organizzazione sostenibile dello spazio turistico?
In molte regioni italiane si sono realizzati solidi modelli di crescita turistica, ben caratterizzati rispetto alle diversita\u300 territoriali, integrati nel sistema economico locale e paesaggistico. In alcune regioni, tuttavia, i tradizionali modelli economici hanno talora ostacolato la diffusione di specifiche forme di turismo sostenibili e integrate con i sistemi locali di produzione, originando spesso squilibri territoriali ed economici.
Il riconoscimento della multifunzionalita\u300 agricola, la crescita dell\u2019agriturismo e del turismo rurale, ad esempio, offrono l\u2019opportunita\u300 di sviluppare modelli turistici integrati e sostenibili, con migliore distribuzione delle funzioni spaziali e piu\u300 equilibrata diffusione dei benefici nel territorio in grado di contribuire al mantenimento della coesione sociale nelle zone meno ricche e non congestionate dalle presenze turistiche.
Un\u2019ipotesi da verificare e\u300 se quello rurale possa essere un modello di turismo sostenibile, adatto al riequilibrio e all\u2019integrazione economica e sociale tra territori congestionati e altri finora sostanzialmente esclusi dalla crescita turistica.
La configurazione multipolare dell\u2019organizzazione sociale, spaziale ed economica delle Marche, regione mosaico composta da una pluralita\u300 di forti identita\u300 sub-regionali e segnata da intensi e distinti localismi (dialettali, sociali, economici e culturali), oltretutto caratterizzata dall\u2019assenza di un unico polo di attrazione politico-economico centrale, dalla diffusione di centri urbani di piccola e media dimensione nonche\u301 dalla presenza di specifici distretti industriali, appare un campo di indagine fertile per valutare la sostenibilita\u300 di modelli innovativi di turismo e la loro integrazione con il resto dell\u2019economia.
Per verificare le ipotesi inerenti la regione Marche, sono stati raccolti dati riguardanti la distribuzione spaziale del turismo tradizionale, dell\u2019agriturismo, del turismo rurale, di quelli culturale e religioso. Particolare attenzione e\u300 stata posta alla distribuzione delle strutture ricettive e all\u2019indice di utilizzazione e di stagionalita\u300, alle specializzazioni territoriali, con riferimento anche alla diffusione delle certificazioni di sostenibilita\u300 turistica e di qualita\u300 ambientale (Bandiere Verdi, Blu, Arancioni) e paesaggistica (Borghi piu\u300 belli d\u2019Italia).
L\u2019indagine ha consentito di individuare nel modello a mosaico delle Marche un possibile percorso di integrazione economica sostenibile e di ipotizzare che le diverse forme di turismo legate alla frequentazione del territorio rurale sono un contributo effettivo al sostegno della coesione sociale e della sostenibilita\u300 ambientale, economica e territoriale. Questo anche allo scopo di alleviare l\u2019impatto dovuto alla crescente litoralizzazione turistica marchigiana e al riequilibrio economico tra zone costiere e zone interne, collinari e montane. Le opportunita\u300 che si aprono nella regione Marche per delineare un modello equilibrato di uso turistico del territorio coincidono temporalmente con la consapevolezza della necessita\u300 politica di orientare la struttura economica verso attivita\u300 non piu\u300 esclusivamente concentrate sui modelli tradizionali ma su modelli di sostenibilita\u300 turistica che dia l\u2019opportunita\u300 di limitare il diffondersi dell\u2019industrializzazione anche nelle aree interne, liberandole per la crescita del turismo ambientale e di quello culturale. La combinazione tra diffusione di nuo- ve tecnologie e diversificazione strategica dell\u2019uso dello spazio potra\u300 garantire lo sviluppo locale da altre e piu\u300 gravi crisi mondiali
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