136 research outputs found
Complementary shifts in photoreceptor spectral tuning unlock the full adaptive potential of ultraviolet vision in birds
A massively parallel reporter assay reveals context-dependent activity of homeodomain binding sites in vivo
Partitioning of gene expression among zebrafsh photoreceptor subtypes
Abstract Vertebrate photoreceptors are categorized into two broad classes, rods and cones, responsible for dim- and bright-light vision, respectively. While many molecular features that distinguish rods and cones are known, gene expression differences among cone subtypes remain poorly understood. Teleost fishes are renowned for the diversity of their photoreceptor systems. Here, we used single-cell RNA-seq to profile adult photoreceptors in zebrafish, a teleost. We found that in addition to the four canonical zebrafish cone types, there exist subpopulations of green and red cones (previously shown to be located in the ventral retina) that express red-shifted opsin paralogs (opn1mw4 or opn1lw1) as well as a unique combination of cone phototransduction genes. Furthermore, the expression of many paralogous phototransduction genes is partitioned among cone subtypes, analogous to the partitioning of the phototransduction paralogs between rods and cones seen across vertebrates. The partitioned cone-gene pairs arose via the teleost-specific whole-genome duplication or later clade-specific gene duplications. We also discovered that cone subtypes express distinct transcriptional regulators, including many factors not previously implicated in photoreceptor development or differentiation. Overall, our work suggests that partitioning of paralogous gene expression via the action of differentially expressed transcriptional regulators enables diversification of cone subtypes in teleosts
Correction: A Hybrid Photoreceptor Expressing Both Rod and Cone Genes in a Mouse Model of Enhanced S-Cone Syndrome
A Hybrid Photoreceptor Expressing Both Rod and Cone Genes in a Mouse Model of Enhanced S-Cone Syndrome
Rod and cone photoreceptors subserve vision under dim and bright light conditions, respectively. The differences in their function are thought to stem from their different gene expression patterns, morphologies, and synaptic connectivities. In this study, we have examined the photoreceptor cells of the retinal degeneration 7 (rd7) mutant mouse, a model for the human enhanced S-cone syndrome (ESCS). This mutant carries a spontaneous deletion in the mouse ortholog of NR2E3, an orphan nuclear receptor transcription factor mutated in ESCS. Employing microarray and in situ hybridization analysis we have found that the rd7 retina contains a modestly increased number of S-opsin–expressing cells that ultrastructurally appear to be normal cones. Strikingly, the majority of the photoreceptors in the rd7 retina represent a morphologically hybrid cell type that expresses both rod- and cone-specific genes. In addition, in situ hybridization screening of genes shown to be up-regulated in the rd7 mutant retina by microarray identified ten new cone-specific or cone-enriched genes with a wide range of biochemical functions, including two genes specifically involved in glucose/glycogen metabolism. We suggest that the abnormal electroretinograms, slow retinal degeneration, and retinal dysmorphology seen in humans with ESCS may, in part, be attributable to the aberrant function of a hybrid photoreceptor cell type similar to that identified in this study. The functional diversity of the novel cone-specific genes identified here indicates molecular differences between rods and cones extending far beyond those previously discovered
Retinal horizontal cells lacking Rb1 sustain persistent DNA damage and survive as polyploid giant cells
The retinoblastoma tumor susceptibility gene, Rb1, is a key regulator of the cell cycle, and mutations in this gene have been found in many human cancers. Prior studies showed that retina-specific knockout of Rb1 in the mouse results in the formation of abnormally large horizontal cells, but the development, fate, and genomic status of these cells remain unknown. In this study, we conditionally inactivate Rb1 in early retinal progenitors and show that the loss of Rb1 leads to the rapid degeneration of most retinal cells except horizontal cells, which persist as giant cells with aberrant centrosome content, DNA damage, and polyploidy/aneuploidy. We observed inappropriate cell cycle entry of Rb1-deficient horizontal cells during the first postnatal weeks, which dropped off abruptly by P30. Despite extensive DNA damage in Rb1-deficient horizontal cells, these cells can still enter mitosis. Adult Rb1-deficient horizontal cells display elevated DNA content (5N–34N) that varied continuously, suggesting the presence of aneuploidy. We also found evidence of supernumerary and disoriented centrosomes in a rare population of mitotic cells in the mutant retinas. Overall our data demonstrate that horizontal cells are a remarkably robust cell type and can survive for months despite extensive DNA damage and elevated genome content
Avian photoreceptor patterns represent a disordered hyperuniform solution to a multiscale packing problem
Optimal spatial sampling of light rigorously requires that identical
photoreceptors be arranged in perfectly regular arrays in two dimensions.
Examples of such perfect arrays in nature include the compound eyes of insects
and the nearly crystalline photoreceptor patterns of some fish and reptiles.
Birds are highly visual animals with five different cone photoreceptor
subtypes, yet their photoreceptor patterns are not perfectly regular. By
analyzing the chicken cone photoreceptor system consisting of five different
cell types using a variety of sensitive microstructural descriptors, we find
that the disordered photoreceptor patterns are ``hyperuniform'' (exhibiting
vanishing infinite-wavelength density fluctuations), a property that had
heretofore been identified in a unique subset of physical systems, but had
never been observed in any living organism. Remarkably, the photoreceptor
patterns of both the total population and the individual cell types are
simultaneously hyperuniform. We term such patterns ``multi-hyperuniform''
because multiple distinct subsets of the overall point pattern are themselves
hyperuniform. We have devised a unique multiscale cell packing model in two
dimensions that suggests that photoreceptor types interact with both short- and
long-ranged repulsive forces and that the resultant competition between the
types gives rise to the aforementioned singular spatial features characterizing
the system, including multi-hyperuniformity.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figure
Hybrid mice reveal parent-of-origin and cis- and trans- regulatory effects in the retina
A fundamental challenge in genomics is to map DNA sequence variants onto changes in gene expression. Gene expression is regulated by cis-regulatory elements (CREs, i.e., enhancers, promoters, and silencers) and the trans factors (e.g., transcription factors) that act upon them. A powerful approach to dissecting cis and trans effects is to compare F1 hybrids with F0 homozygotes. Using this approach and taking advantage of the high frequency of polymorphisms in wild-derived inbred Cast/EiJ mice relative to the reference strain C57BL/6J, we conducted allele-specific mRNA-seq analysis in the adult mouse retina, a disease-relevant neural tissue. We found that cis effects account for the bulk of gene regulatory divergence in the retina. Many CREs contained functional (i.e., activating or silencing) cis-regulatory variants mapping onto altered expression of genes, including genes associated with retinal disease. By comparing our retinal data with previously published liver data, we found that most of the cis effects identified were tissue-specific. Lastly, by comparing reciprocal F1 hybrids, we identified evidence of imprinting in the retina for the first time. Our study provides a framework and resource for mapping cis-regulatory variants onto changes in gene expression, and underscores the importance of studying cis-regulatory variants in the context of retinal disease
Cis-regulatory basis of sister cell type divergence in the vertebrate retina
Multicellular organisms evolved via repeated functional divergence of transcriptionally related sister cell types, but the mechanisms underlying sister cell type divergence are not well understood. Here, we study a canonical pair of sister cell types, retinal photoreceptors and bipolar cells, to identify the ke
Avian Cone Photoreceptors Tile the Retina as Five Independent, Self-Organizing Mosaics
The avian retina possesses one of the most sophisticated cone photoreceptor systems among vertebrates. Birds have five types of cones including four single cones, which support tetrachromatic color vision and a double cone, which is thought to mediate achromatic motion perception. Despite this richness, very little is known about the spatial organization of avian cones and its adaptive significance. Here we show that the five cone types of the chicken independently tile the retina as highly ordered mosaics with a characteristic spacing between cones of the same type. Measures of topological order indicate that double cones are more highly ordered than single cones, possibly reflecting their posited role in motion detection. Although cones show spacing interactions that are cell type-specific, all cone types use the same density-dependent yardstick to measure intercone distance. We propose a simple developmental model that can account for these observations. We also show that a single parameter, the global regularity index, defines the regularity of all five cone mosaics. Lastly, we demonstrate similar cone distributions in three additional avian species, suggesting that these patterning principles are universal among birds. Since regular photoreceptor spacing is critical for uniform sampling of visual space, the cone mosaics of the avian retina represent an elegant example of the emergence of adaptive global patterning secondary to simple local interactions between individual photoreceptors. Our results indicate that the evolutionary pressures that gave rise to the avian retina's various adaptations for enhanced color discrimination also acted to fine-tune its spatial sampling of color and luminance
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