7,334 research outputs found

    A Massive Bipolar Outflow and a Dusty Torus with Large Grains in the Pre-Planetary Nebula IRAS 22036+5306

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    We report high angular-resolution (~1") CO J=3--2 interferometric mapping, using the Submillimeter Array (SMA), of IRAS22036+5306 (I22036), a bipolar pre-planetary nebula (PPN) with knotty jets discovered in our HST SNAPshot survey of young PPNs. In addition, we have obtained supporting lower-resolution (~10") CO and 13CO J=1-0 observations with the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) interferometer, as well as optical long-slit echelle spectra at the Palomar Observatory. The CO J=3-2 observations show the presence of a very fast (~220 km/s), highly collimated, massive (0.03 Msun) bipolar outflow with a very large scalar momentum (about 10^{39} g cm s^{-1}), and the characteristic spatio-kinematic structure of bow-shocks at the tips of this outflow. The Halpha line shows an absorption feature blue-shifted from the systemic velocity by ~100 km/s, which most likely arises in neutral interface material between the fast outflow and the dense walls of the bipolar lobes at low latitudes. The fast outflow in I22036, as in most PPNs, cannot be driven by radiation pressure. We find an unresolved source of submillimeter (and millimeter-wave) continuum emission in I22036, implying a very substantial mass (0.02-0.04 Msun) of large (radius >~1 mm), cold (< ~50 K) dust grains associated with I22036's toroidal waist. We also find that the 13C/12C ratio in I22036 is very high (0.16), close to the maximum value achieved in equilibrium CNO-nucleosynthesis (0.33). The combination of the high circumstellar mass (i.e., in the extended dust shell and the torus) and the high 13C/12C ratio in I22036 provides strong support for this object having evolved from a massive (>~4 Msun) progenitor in which hot-bottom-burning has occurred.Comment: to be published in the Astrophysical Journal, 2006, Dec 20, vol 653 23 Pages Text + 8 figures (4 Color

    Water vapor and silicon monoxide maser observations in the protoplanetary nebula OH 231.8+4

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    OH 231.8+4.2 is a well studied preplanetary nebula (pPN) around a binary stellar system that shows a remarkable bipolar outflow. To study the structure and kinematics of the inner 10-80 AU nebular regions we performed high-resolution observations of the H2_2O 61,6_{1,6}--52,3_{2,3} and 28^{28}SiO vv=2, JJ=1--0 maser emissions with the Very Long Baseline Array. The absolute position of both emission distributions were recovered using the phase referencing technique, and accurately registered in HST optical images. H2_2O maser clumps are found to be distributed in two areas of 20 mas in size spatially displaced by ∼\sim60 milli-arcseconds along an axis oriented nearly north-south. SiO masers are tentatively found to be placed between the two H2_2O maser emitting regions, probably indicating the position of the Mira component of the system. The SiO maser emission traces an inner equatorial component with a diameter of 12 AU, probably a disk rotating around the M-type star. Outwards, we detect in the H2_2O data a pair of polar caps, separated by 80 AU. We believe that the inner regions of the nebula probably have been altered by the presence of the companion, leading to an equator-to-pole density contrast that may explain the lack of H2_2O masers and strong SiO maser emission in the denser, equatorial regions.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, A&A accepte

    A pilot search for mm-wavelength recombination lines from emerging ionized winds in pre-planetary nebulae candidates

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    We report the results from a pilot search for radio recombination line (RRL) emission at millimeter wavelengths in a small sample of pre-planetary nebulae (pPNe) and young PNe (yPNe) with emerging central ionized regions. Observations of the H30\alpha, H31a, H39a, H41a, H48b, H49b, H51b, and H55g lines at 1 and 3mm have been performed with the IRAM 30 m radio telescope. These lines are excellent probes of the dense inner (<~150 au) and heavily obscured regions of these objects, where the yet unknown agents for PN-shaping originate. We detected mm-RRLs in three objects: CRL 618, MWC 922, and M 2-9. For CRL 618, the only pPN with previous published detections of H41a, H35a, and H30a emission, we find significant changes in the line profiles indicating that current observations are probing regions of the ionized wind with larger expansion velocities and mass-loss rate than ~29 years ago. In the case of MWC 922, we observe a drastic transition from single-peaked profiles at 3mm to double-peaked profiles at 1mm, which is consistent with maser amplification of the highest frequency lines; the observed line profiles are compatible with rotation and expansion of the ionized gas, probably arranged in a disk+wind system around a ~5-10 Msun central mass. In M 2-9, the mm-RRL emission appears to be tracing a recent mass outburst by one of the stars of the central binary system. We present the results from non-LTE line and continuum radiative transfer models, which enables us to constrain the structure, kinematics, and physical conditions (electron temperature and density) of the ionized cores of our sample. (abridged). We deduce mass-loss rates of ~1e-6-1e-7 Msun/yr, which are significantly higher than the values adopted by stellar evolution models currently in use and would result in a transition from the asymptotic giant branch to the PN phase faster than hitherto assumed.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics. 28 pages, including figure

    Further ALMA observations and detailed modeling of the Red Rectangle

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    We present new high-quality ALMA observations of the Red Rectangle (a well known post-AGB object) in C17O J=6-5 and H13CN J=4-3 line emission and results from a new reduction of already published 13CO J=3-2 data. A detailed model fitting of all the molecular line data, including previous maps and single-dish spectra, was performed using a sophisticated code. These observations and the corresponding modeling allowed us to deepen the analysis of the nebular properties. We also stress the uncertainties in the model fitting. We confirm the presence of a rotating equatorial disk and an outflow, which is mainly formed of gas leaving the disk. The mass of the disk is ~ 0.01 Mo, and that of the CO-rich outflow is ~ 10 times smaller. High temperatures of ~ 100 K are derived for most components. From comparison of the mass values, we roughly estimate the lifetime of the rotating disk, which is found to be of about 10000 yr. Taking data of a few other post-AGB composite nebulae into account, we find that the lifetimes of disks around post-AGB stars typically range between 5000 and more than 20000 yr. The angular momentum of the disk is found to be high, ~ 9 Mo AU km/s, which is comparable to that of the stellar system at present. Our observations of H13CN show a particularly wide velocity dispersion and indicate that this molecule is only abundant in the inner Keplerian disk, at ~ 60 AU from the stellar system. We suggest that HCN is formed in a dense photodissociation region (PDR) due to the UV excess known to be produced by the stellar system, following chemical mechanisms that are well established for interstellar medium PDRs and disks orbiting young stars. We further suggest that this UV excess could lead to the efficient formation and excitation of PAHs and other C-bearing macromolecules, whose emission is very intense in the optical counterpart.Comment: Astronomy & Astrohysics, in press; 17 pages, 18 figures, 1 tabl

    Adaptive Optics Imaging of IRAS 18276-1431: a bipolar pre-planetary nebula with circumstellar "searchlight beams" and "arcs"

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    We present high-angular resolution images of the post-AGB nebula IRAS18276-1431 (also known as OH17.7-2.0) obtained with the Keck II Adaptive Optics (AO) system in its Natural Guide Star (NGS) mode in the Kp, Lp, and Ms near-infrared bands. We also present supporting optical F606W and F814W HST images as well as interferometric observations of the 12CO(J=1-0), 13CO(J=1-0), and 2.6mm continuum emission with OVRO. The envelope of IRAS18276-1431 displays a clear bipolar morphology in our optical and NIR images with two lobes separated by a dark waist and surrounded by a faint 4.5"x3.4" halo. Our Kp-band image reveals two pairs of radial ``searchlight beams'' emerging from the nebula center and several intersecting, arc-like features. From our CO data we derive a mass of M>0.38[D/3kpc]^2 Msun and an expansion velocity v_exp=17km/s for the molecular envelope. The density in the halo follows a radial power-law proportional to r^-3, which is consistent with a mass-loss rate increasing with time. Analysis of the NIR colors indicates the presence of a compact central source of ~300-500K dust illuminating the nebula in addition to the central star. Modeling of the thermal IR suggests a two-shell structure in the dust envelope: 1) an outer shell with inner and outer radius R_in~1.6E16cm and R_out>~1.25E17cm, dust temperature T_d~105-50K, and a mean mass-loss rate of Mdot~1E-3Msun/yr; and 2) an inner shell with R_in~6.3E14cm, T_dust~500-105K, and Mdot~3E-5Msun/yr. An additional population of big dust grains (radius a>~0.4mm) with T_dust=150-20K and mass M_dust=(0.16-1.6)E-3 [D/3kpc]^2 Msun can account for the observed sub-mm and mm flux excess. The mass of the envelope enclosed within R_out=1.25E17cm derived from SED modeling is ~1[D/3kpc]^2 Msun.Comment: 46 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ. Figures 12 & 13 in low resolution. Full resolution versions are available upon request to the first autho

    Kinematic Adaptations of Forward And Backward Walking on Land and in Water

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    The aim of this study was to compare sagittal plane lower limb kinematics during walking on land and submerged to the hip in water. Eight healthy adults (age 22.1 ± 1.1 years, body height 174.8 ± 7.1 cm, body mass 63.4 ± 6.2 kg) were asked to cover a distance of 10 m at comfortable speed with controlled step frequency, walking forward or backward. Sagittal plane lower limb kinematics were obtained from three dimensional video analysis to compare spatiotemporal gait parameters and joint angles at selected events using two-way repeated measures ANOVA. Key findings were a reduced walking speed, stride length, step length and a support phase in water, and step length asymmetry was higher compared to the land condition (p<0.05). At initial contact, knees and hips were more flexed during walking forward in water, whilst, ankles were more dorsiflexed during walking backward in water. At final stance, knees and ankles were more flexed during forward walking, whilst the hip was more flexed during backward walking. These results show how walking in water differs from walking on land, and provide valuable insights into the development and prescription of rehabilitation and training programs
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