20 research outputs found
A Land Use Puzzle: Piecing Together How Forests, Croplands, and Residential Neighborhoods Interact with Climate
Seasonal, biogeochemical, and microbial response of soils to simultaneous warming and nitrogen additions
Climate warming and nitrogen deposition are global environmental threats that could alter soil microbial communities and the biogeochemical processes they perform. Few studies have examined interactive effects of elevated temperatures and nitrogen inputs. Many studies have also not considered the role that season plays in mediating the response of soils to warming and nitrogen. Finally, most research has not linked changes in the soil microbial community with ecosystem-scale dynamics. One objective of this dissertation was to examine season-specific microbial and biogeochemical responses to simultaneous warming and nitrogen additions. Another aim was to investigate whether warming and nitrogen can restructure microbial communities in such a way as to alter ecosystem processes. The research occurred at the Soil Warming x Nitrogen Addition study at the Harvard Forest, and included four treatments: control, warming, warming x nitrogen, and nitrogen additions. Soil respiration and nitrogen mineralization were measured continuously for two years. During winter, spring, summer, and fall of a single year, labile carbon, enzyme activity, microbial biomass, and microbial community structure were quantified. Finally, a wood decomposition study was conducted at the field site to examine changes in both wood decay and the fungi performing the decay. Results indicated season-specific responses of soil respiration, nitrogen mineralization, and microbial biomass to the experimental manipulations. Soil respiration and nitrogen mineralization increased with warming and nitrogen additions, even during winter. Soil respiration in the warming treatment also displayed heightened temperature sensitivity during winter months. By contrast, microbial biomass declined with warming and nitrogen and this decline primarily occurred in autumn. Where warming x nitrogen occurred together, warming appeared to moderate the negative effect of nitrogen additions on soil respiration and microbial biomass. Regarding the decomposition experiment, nitrogen additions suppressed wood decay while warming had no effect. The combination of warming x nitrogen was synergistic, accelerating wood decay beyond either treatment on its own. Lower decay rates in fertilized plots were not associated with a concomitant change in the structure of the fungal community colonizing the wood. Overall, the findings suggest that anthropogenic stressors and seasonal changes can interact to affect soil microbial communities and biogeochemical cycles
Seasonal dynamics of soil respiration and nitrogen mineralization in chronically warmed and fertilized soils
Although numerous studies have examined the individual effects of increased temperatures and N deposition on soil biogeochemical cycling, few have considered how these disturbances interact to impact soil C and N dynamics. Likewise, many have not assessed season-specific responses to warming and N inputs despite seasonal variability in soil processes. We studied interactions among season, warming, and N additions on soil respiration and N mineralization at the Soil Warming Ă Nitrogen Addition Study at the Harvard Forest. Of particular interest were wintertime fluxes of C and N typically excluded from investigations of soils and global change. Soils were warmed to 5°C above ambient, and N was applied at a rate of 5 g mâ2 yâ1. Soil respiration and N mineralization were sampled over two years between 2007 and 2009 and showed strong seasonal patterns that mirrored changes in soil temperature. Winter fluxes of C and N contributed between 2 and 17% to the total annual flux. Net N mineralization increased in response to the experimental manipulations across all seasons, and was 8% higher in fertilized plots and 83% higher in warmed plots over the duration of the study. Soil respiration showed a more season-specific response. Nitrogen additions enhanced soil respiration by 14%, but this increase was significant only in summer and fall. Likewise, warming increased soil respiration by 44% over the whole study period, but the effect of warming was most pronounced in spring and fall. The only interaction between warming Ă N additions took place in autumn, when N availability likely diminished the positive effect of warming on soil respiration. Our results suggest that winter measurements of C and N are necessary to accurately describe winter biogeochemical processes. In addition, season-specific responses to the experimental treatments suggest that some components of the belowground community may be more susceptible to warming and N additions than others. Seasonal changes in the abiotic environment may have also interacted with the experimental manipulations to evoke biogeochemical responses at certain times of year
Bringing an Equity Lens to EOS Research: Report of workshop findings and outcomes
On April 25, 2023 the JEDI-EOS group sponsored a workshop entitled Bringing an Equity Lens to EOS Research at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) in the Piscataqua Room at the Holloway Commons. The stated goal of the workshop was to synthesize and coordinate UNHâs efforts on geoscience topics impacting the health and well-being of under-served communities locally and regionally. The workshop welcomed approximately 35 participants primarily from the University of New Hampshire, but with representation from the NH Conservation Law Foundation, US Geological Survey, and NH Department of Environmental Services. A keynote address was provided by Dr. Daniel Faber from the Northeastern Environmental Justice Research Collaborative. The workshop entailed several session topics with ample time for discussion. At the conclusion of the workshop, participants were requested to provide a summary of their learning and opinions of important topics and 23 participants, including some members of the organizing committee, provided feedback that is summarized below. Many topics discussed throughout the day resonated with most of the participants, with many participants communicating that key factors that can enable more inclusive and equitable research outcomes include:
Centering communities: Research in geoscience topics should reflect the needs and ideals of potentially affected communities.
Boundary spanning: Researchers must leverage the existing roles of boundary spanners to interact successfully with communities.
Institutional change: The timelines, incentives, and funding cycles of academic research should be reinvented to align with the needs of communities.
Though these factors are identified as pre-requisites for furthering the academyâs commitment to equitable research, there remain significant unknowns in the proper path forward to achieving the ideals they represent
From a Shorter Winter Season to More Storm Damage: New Hampshire Outdoor Recreation Providers Feel Climate Impacts Far More than Visitors
In this brief, the authors examine to what extent outdoor recreation providers and visitors in New Hampshire are impacted by annual climatic conditions representative of long-term trends, specifically, through the 2024â2028 New Hampshire Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). For the first time, the New Hampshire SCORP included an investigation of climate-related impacts on outdoor recreation from the perspective of both visitors and providers.
The findings of the study uncovered notable disparities in how New Hampshireâs outdoor recreation providers and visitors perceive climate conditionsâ impact on outdoor recreation, particularly in the categories of âwinterâ and âextreme weather.â Understanding the perspectives of both providers and visitors is critical to outdoor recreation planning because of outdoor recreationâs contributions to the state economy and the role it plays in incentivizing people to live in New Hampshire
Management intensive grazing on New England dairy farms enhances soil nitrogen stocks and elevates soil nitrous oxide emissions without increasing soil carbon
Management intensive grazing (MIG), also known as rotational grazing or multi-paddock grazing, is purported to sequester carbon (C) in soils compared to other agricultural management systems. Prior research examining the potential for MIG to enhance soil C has been inconclusive, and past investigations have not addressed whether higher nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions may accompany increases in soil C stocks. Here we examined linkages among MIG, soil C accumulation, and N2O emissions in cool-season, organic pastures of the northeastern United States. We found that pastures under MIG increased soil C concentrations by 11% from 0â15 cm depth but that soil C stocks at all sampled depths did not differ between hayed and grazed fields. We observed a divergent response in soil N to MIG, where both N concentrations and stocks significantly increased and the soil C:N ratio significantly decreased in rotationally grazed pastures. Our results also demonstrated that during the second year of the study, N2O emissions were on average 33% higher in grazed fields and compared to hayed fields. These elevated N2O fluxes in MIG fields may have offset any soil C gains achieved under MIG, as demonstrated by similar climate forcing values (as CO2-equivalents) for hayed and grazed pastures over a 100-year time horizon. The significant variation we detected among farms in soil C and N stocks, soil microbial activity, plant biomass production, and soil greenhouse gas emissions demonstrates that MIG does not have uniform effects across the landscape. Overall, our study demonstrates that care should be taken when promoting management practices that may have unintended climate consequences
A longer vernal window: The role of winter coldness and snowpack in driving spring thresholds and lags
Climate change is altering the timing and duration of the vernal window, a period that marks the end of winter and the start of the growing season when rapid transitions in ecosystem energy, water, nutrient, and carbon dynamics take place. Research on this period typically captures only a portion of the ecosystem in transition and focuses largely on the dates by which the system wakes up. Previous work has not addressed lags between transitions that represent delays in energy, water, nutrient, and carbon flows. The objectives of this study were to establish the sequence of physical and biogeochemical transitions and lags during the vernal window period and to understand how climate change may alter them. We synthesized observations from a statewide sensor network in New Hampshire, USA, that concurrently monitored climate, snow, soils, and streams over a three-year period and supplemented these observations with climate reanalysis data, snow data assimilation model output, and satellite spectral data. We found that some of the transitions that occurred within the vernal window were sequential, with air temperatures warming prior to snow melt, which preceded forest canopy closure. Other transitions were simultaneous with one another and had zero-length lags, such as snowpack disappearance, rapid soil warming, and peak stream discharge. We modeled lags as a function of both winter coldness and snow depth, both of which are expected to decline with climate change. Warmer winters with less snow resulted in longer lags and a more protracted vernal window. This lengthening of individual lags and of the entire vernal window carries important consequences for the thermodynamics and biogeochemistry of ecosystems, both during the winter-to-spring transition and throughout the rest of the year
Influence of forest-to-silvopasture conversion and drought on components of evapotranspiration
The northeastern U.S. is projected to experience more frequent short-term (1-2 month) droughts interspersed among larger precipitation events. Agroforestry practices such as silvopasture may mitigate these impacts of climate change while maintaining economic benefits of both agricultural and forestry practices. This study evaluated the effects of forest-to-silvopasture (i.e., 50% thinning) conversion on the components of evapotranspiration (transpiration, rainfall interception, and soil evaporation) during the growing season of 2016. The study coincided with a late-summer drought throughout the northeastern U.S., which allowed us to also evaluate the effects of forest-to-silvopasture conversion on drought responses of multiple tree species, including Pinus strobus, Tsuga canadensis, and Quercus rubra. In the reference forest and silvopasture, we observed declining soil moisture and tree water use during the drought for all three tree species. However, the decline in P. strobus water use in response to declining soil moisture in the silvopasture was not as steep as compared with the reference forest, resulting in greater water use in the silvopasture for this species. In contrast, we did not detect different water-use responses between forest and silvopasture in T. canadensis or Q. rubra. This suggests that forest-to-silvopasture conversion via thinning can alleviate drought stress for P. strobus and that this species may be more sensitive to moisture stress when competition for water is high in denser stands. Evapotranspiration was 35% lower in the silvopasture compared with the reference forest, primarily a result of lower transpiration and rainfall interception. While soil evaporation was greater in the silvopasture, this was not enough to offset the considerably lower transpiration and interception. We observed greater radial tree growth 1-3 years following conversion in the silvopasture as compared with the reference forest for T. canadensis and Q. rubra, but not for P. strobus. Overall, our results suggest that forest conversion to silvopasture (in lieu of clearcutting for new pasture) may mitigate the impacts of agricultural land use intensification and climate change on ecosystem services, especially in terms of sustaining hydrologic regulation functions. Further study is required to determine the generality of these results and whether these benefits extend beyond the first few years post-conversion
Minerals in the rhizosphere: overlooked mediators of soil nitrogen availability to plants and microbes
Despite decades of research progress, ecologists are still debating which pools and fluxes provide nitrogen (N) to plants and soil microbes across different ecosystems. Depolymerization of soil organic N is recognized as the rate-limiting step in the production of bioavailable N, and it is generally assumed that detrital N is the main source. However, in many mineral soils, detrital polymers constitute a minor fraction of total soil organic N. The majority of organic N is associated with clay-sized particles where physicochemical interactions may limit the accessibility of N-containing compounds. Although mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) has historically been considered a critical, but relatively passive, reservoir of soil N, a growing body of research now points to the dynamic nature of mineral-organic associations and their potential for destabilization. Here we synthesize evidence from biogeoscience and soil ecology to demonstrate how MAOM is an important, yet overlooked, mediator of bioavailable N, especially in the rhizosphere. We highlight several biochemical strategies that enable plants and microbes to disrupt mineral-organic interactions and access MAOM. In particular, root-deposited low-molecular-weight exudates may enhance the mobilization and solubilization of MAOM, increasing its bioavailability. However, the competitive balance between the possible fates of N monomersâbound to mineral surfaces versus dissolved and available for assimilationâwill depend on the specific interaction between mineral properties, soil solution, mineral-bound organic matter, and microbes. Building off our emerging understanding of MAOM as a source of bioavailable N, we propose a revision of the Schimel and Bennett (Ecology 85:591â602, 2004) model (which emphasizes N depolymerization), by incorporating MAOM as a potential proximal mediator of bioavailable N
Initial soil conditions outweigh management in a cool-season dairy farm\u27s carbon sequestration potential
Pastures and rangelands are a dominant portion of global agricultural land and have the potential to sequester carbon (C) in soils, mitigating climate change. Management intensive grazing (MIG), or high density grazing with rotations through paddocks with long rest periods, has been highlighted as a method of enhancing soil C in pastures by increasing forage production. However, few studies have examined the soil C storage potential of pastures under MIG in the northeastern United States, where the dairy industry comprises a large portion of agricultural use and the regional agricultural economy. Here we present a 12-year study conducted in this region using a combination of field data and the denitrification and decomposition (DNDCv9.5) model to analyze changes in soil C and nitrogen (N) over time, and the climate impacts as they relate to soil carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes. Field measurements showed: (1) increases in soil C in grazed fields under MIG (P = 0.03) with no significant increase in hayed fields (P = 0.55); and (2) that the change in soil C was negatively correlated to initial soil C content (P = 0.006). Modeled simulations also showed fields that started with relatively less soil C had significant gains in C over the course of the study, with no significant change in fields with higher initial levels of soil C. Sensitivity analyses showed the physiochemical status of soils (i.e., soil C and clay content) had greater influence over C storage than the intensity of grazing. More extensive grazing methods showed very little change in soil C storage or CO2 and N2O fluxes with modeled continuous grazing trending towards declines in soil C. Our study highlights the importance of considering both initial system conditions as well as management when analyzing the potential for long-term soil C storage