197 research outputs found
El consumo de alcohol en la adolescencia
La adolescencia es una etapa de la vida donde se produce un continuo desarrollo madurativo
tanto a nivel físico como psicológico. Por ello, el fenómeno social tan extendido en la actualidad
de consumir bebidas alcohólicas mediante el modelo de Binge Drinking entre los jóvenes, tiene
graves consecuencias sobre la salud y el desarrollo personal de este colectivo tan vulnerable.
Este patrón de consumo de riesgo y todas las posteriores consecuencias negativas que se
desarrollan, se han establecido como un problema sociosanitario en nuestro país, el cual está
constatado por diferentes encuestas y estudios que arrojan datos alarmantes.
Por esta razón, es crucialmente importante que se realicen estrategias de prevención sobre el
consumo de esta droga legal tan aceptada socialmente, planteándose como un reto
multidisciplinar a nivel social, político y sanitario.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Farmaci
A concern-oriented sustainability approach
Sustainability and sustainable development has become a concern worldwide, hence introduced in roadmaps and strategies of public and private organizations. This trend has not been neglected by the computer science community, who is increasingly considering sustainability as a first class entity in software development. To properly address sustainability, its various dimensions need to be reasoned about and their impact on each other and on other system concerns studied from the very early stages of software development. To this purpose, we present a concern-oriented requirements approach that allows both, modeling sustainability concepts and their relationships, and managing conflicting situations triggered by impacts among sustainability dimensions or between those and other system concerns. To tackle the complexity of conflict management, a rigorous trade-off analysis technique based on multi-criteria decision making methods is used to rank, stakeholders and effects between concerns' responsibilies. We use a real project to validate our proposal, discuss the results obtained and synthesize major points that require further research
Modeling the impact of UAVs in sustainability
This work has been supported by Junta de Extremadura (according to the Order 129/2015 of the 2nd of June) and NOVA LINCS Research Laboratory (Ref. UID/CEC/04516/2013).In the last few years, sustainability has become one of the priority lines for many companies and organizations, especially public administrations. This trend has been even more evident in some regions where the preservation of natural resources is of utmost importance, not only from an environmental perspective, but also from an economic one. In this context, technology has become one of the key factors to achieve sustainability goals. An example of these technologies are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) which are being used more and more with sustainability purposes. However, although some efforts have been made to propose software approaches to model sustainability, some examples that model the impact of technology on sustainability are still needed. This paper presents an instance of a sustainability metamodel for the UAVs domain. This model allows to specify the impact of UAV-based processes on sustainability, and also to identify potential limitations that may hinder its applicability. Finally, the paper provides some suggestions to complete the metamodel based on the instantiation process
Low cost digital fabrication approach for thumb orthoses
[EN] Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to describe a novel design workflow for the digital fabrication of custom- made orthoses (CMIO). It is intended to provide an easier process for clinical practitioners and orthotic technicians alike. It further functions to reduce the dependency of the operators' abilities and skills.
Design/methodology/approach - The technical assessment covers low-cost three-dimensional (3D) scanning, free computer-aided design (CAD) software, and desktop 3D printing and acetone vapour finishing. To analyse its viability, a cost comparison was carried out between the proposed workflow and the traditional CMIO manufacture method.
Findings - The results show that the proposed workflow is a technically feasible and cost-effective solution to improve upon the traditional process of design and manufacture of custom- made static trapeziometacarpal (TMC) orthoses. Further studies are needed for ensuring a clinically feasible approach and for estimating the efficacy of the method for the recovery process in patients.
Social implications - The feasibility of the process increases the impact of the study, as the great accessibility to this type of 3D printers makes the digital fabrication method easier to be adopted by operators.
Originality/value - Although some research has been conducted on digital fabrication of CMIO, few studies have investigated the use of desktop 3D printing in any systematic way. This study provides a first step in the exploration of a new design workflow using low-cost digital fabrication tools combined with non-manual finishing.Fernandez-Vicente, M.; Escario Chust, A.; Conejero Rodilla, A. (2017). Low cost digital fabrication approach for thumb orthoses. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 23(6):1020-1031. doi:10.1108/RPJ-12-2015-0187S1020103123
The effect of salt fusion processing variables on structural, physicochemical and biological properties of poly(glycerol sebacate) scaffolds
"This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials on SEP 21 2020, available online: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00914037.2019.1636247"[EN] Poly(glycerol sebacate), PGS, is a biodegradable elastomer recently proposed in the form of scaffolds for cardiac, vascular, cartilage or neural applications. In the present work, several processing variables for the fabrication of PGS scaffolds by the salt fusion method were systematically studied, namely the pre-polymer/porogen ratio, the salt particles average size, use of tetrahydrofuran to dissolve the pre-polymer for its injection in the porogen template, and the curing pressure. The effect of these variables on their structural, mechanical and biological properties was assessed to select those leading to optimal ones in terms of their potential performance in tissue engineering applications.The authors acknowledge Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad through DPI2015-65401-C3-2-R project. The authors acknowledge the assistance and advice of the Electron Microscopy Service of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain).Vilariño, G.; Muñoz-Santa, A.; Conejero-Garcia, Á.; Vallés Lluch, A. (2020). The effect of salt fusion processing variables on structural, physicochemical and biological properties of poly(glycerol sebacate) scaffolds. International Journal of Polymeric Materials. 69(14):938-945. https://doi.org/10.1080/00914037.2019.1636247S9389456914Fung, Y.-C. (1993). Bioviscoelastic Solids. Biomechanics, 242-320. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-2257-4_7Chiang, B., Kim, Y. C., Doty, A. C., Grossniklaus, H. E., Schwendeman, S. P., & Prausnitz, M. R. (2016). Sustained reduction of intraocular pressure by supraciliary delivery of brimonidine-loaded poly(lactic acid) microspheres for the treatment of glaucoma. Journal of Controlled Release, 228, 48-57. doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2016.02.041Appuhamillage, G. A., Reagan, J. C., Khorsandi, S., Davidson, J. R., Voit, W., & Smaldone, R. A. (2017). 3D printed remendable polylactic acid blends with uniform mechanical strength enabled by a dynamic Diels–Alder reaction. Polymer Chemistry, 8(13), 2087-2092. doi:10.1039/c7py00310bZhu, W., Masood, F., O’Brien, J., & Zhang, L. G. (2015). Highly aligned nanocomposite scaffolds by electrospinning and electrospraying for neural tissue regeneration. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 11(3), 693-704. doi:10.1016/j.nano.2014.12.001Gao, S., Guo, W., Chen, M., Yuan, Z., Wang, M., Zhang, Y., … Guo, Q. (2017). Fabrication and characterization of electrospun nanofibers composed of decellularized meniscus extracellular matrix and polycaprolactone for meniscus tissue engineering. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 5(12), 2273-2285. doi:10.1039/c6tb03299kHu, X., Hu, T., Guan, G., Yu, S., Wu, Y., & Wang, L. (2017). Control of weft yarn or density improves biocompatibility of PET small diameter artificial blood vessels. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 106(3), 954-964. doi:10.1002/jbm.b.33909Recco, M. S., Floriano, A. C., Tada, D. B., Lemes, A. P., Lang, R., & Cristovan, F. H. (2016). Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-valerate)/poly(3-thiophene ethyl acetate) blends as a electroactive biomaterial substrate for tissue engineering application. RSC Advances, 6(30), 25330-25338. doi:10.1039/c5ra26747aRibeiro Lopes, J., Azevedo dos Reis, R., & Almeida, L. E. (2016). Production and characterization of films containing poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) blended with esterified alginate (ALG-e) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 134(1). doi:10.1002/app.44362Wang, Y., Ameer, G. A., Sheppard, B. J., & Langer, R. (2002). A tough biodegradable elastomer. Nature Biotechnology, 20(6), 602-606. doi:10.1038/nbt0602-602Nagata, M., Kiyotsukuri, T., Ibuki, H., Tsutsumi, N., & Sakai, W. (1996). Synthesis and enzymatic degradation of regular network aliphatic polyesters. Reactive and Functional Polymers, 30(1-3), 165-171. doi:10.1016/1381-5148(95)00107-7Radisic, M., Park, H., Chen, F., Salazar-Lazzaro, J. E., Wang, Y., Dennis, R., … Vunjak-Novakovic, G. (2006). Biomimetic Approach to Cardiac Tissue Engineering: Oxygen Carriers and Channeled Scaffolds. Tissue Engineering, 12(8), 2077-2091. doi:10.1089/ten.2006.12.2077Chen, Q.-Z., Bismarck, A., Hansen, U., Junaid, S., Tran, M. Q., Harding, S. E., … Boccaccini, A. R. (2008). Characterisation of a soft elastomer poly(glycerol sebacate) designed to match the mechanical properties of myocardial tissue. Biomaterials, 29(1), 47-57. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2007.09.010Ravichandran, R., Venugopal, J. R., Sundarrajan, S., Mukherjee, S., & Ramakrishna, S. (2011). Poly(Glycerol Sebacate)/Gelatin Core/Shell Fibrous Structure for Regeneration of Myocardial Infarction. Tissue Engineering Part A, 17(9-10), 1363-1373. doi:10.1089/ten.tea.2010.0441Masoumi, N., Annabi, N., Assmann, A., Larson, B. L., Hjortnaes, J., Alemdar, N., … Khademhosseini, A. (2014). Tri-layered elastomeric scaffolds for engineering heart valve leaflets. Biomaterials, 35(27), 7774-7785. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2014.04.039Masoumi, N., Jean, A., Zugates, J. T., Johnson, K. L., & Engelmayr, G. C. (2012). Laser microfabricated poly(glycerol sebacate) scaffolds for heart valve tissue engineering. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 101A(1), 104-114. doi:10.1002/jbm.a.34305Motlagh, D., Yang, J., Lui, K. Y., Webb, A. R., & Ameer, G. A. (2006). Hemocompatibility evaluation of poly(glycerol-sebacate) in vitro for vascular tissue engineering. Biomaterials, 27(24), 4315-4324. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2006.04.010Frydrych, M., Román, S., MacNeil, S., & Chen, B. (2015). Biomimetic poly(glycerol sebacate)/poly(l-lactic acid) blend scaffolds for adipose tissue engineering. Acta Biomaterialia, 18, 40-49. doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2015.03.004SUNDBACK, C., SHYU, J., WANG, Y., FAQUIN, W., LANGER, R., VACANTI, J., & HADLOCK, T. (2005). Biocompatibility analysis of poly(glycerol sebacate) as a nerve guide material. Biomaterials, 26(27), 5454-5464. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2005.02.004Deng, Y., Bi, X., Zhou, H., You, Z., Wang, Y., … Fan, X. (2014). Repair of critical-sized bone defects with anti-miR-31-expressing bone marrow stromal stem cells and poly(glycerol sebacate) scaffolds. European Cells and Materials, 27, 13-25. doi:10.22203/ecm.v027a02Zhao, X., Wu, Y., Du, Y., Chen, X., Lei, B., Xue, Y., & Ma, P. X. (2015). A highly bioactive and biodegradable poly(glycerol sebacate)–silica glass hybrid elastomer with tailored mechanical properties for bone tissue regeneration. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 3(16), 3222-3233. doi:10.1039/c4tb01693aZaky, S. H., Lee, K. W., Gao, J., Jensen, A., Verdelis, K., Wang, Y., … Sfeir, C. (2017). Poly (glycerol sebacate) elastomer supports bone regeneration by its mechanical properties being closer to osteoid tissue rather than to mature bone. Acta Biomaterialia, 54, 95-106. doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2017.01.053Jeong, C. G., & Hollister, S. J. (2010). A comparison of the influence of material on in vitro cartilage tissue engineering with PCL, PGS, and POC 3D scaffold architecture seeded with chondrocytes. Biomaterials, 31(15), 4304-4312. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.01.145Kemppainen, J. M., & Hollister, S. J. (2010). Tailoring the mechanical properties of 3D-designed poly(glycerol sebacate) scaffolds for cartilage applications. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 94A(1), 9-18. doi:10.1002/jbm.a.32653Sant, S., Hwang, C. M., Lee, S.-H., & Khademhosseini, A. (2011). Hybrid PGS-PCL microfibrous scaffolds with improved mechanical and biological properties. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 5(4), 283-291. doi:10.1002/term.313Gao, J., Crapo, P. M., & Wang, Y. (2006). Macroporous Elastomeric Scaffolds with Extensive Micropores for Soft Tissue Engineering. Tissue Engineering, 12(4), 917-925. doi:10.1089/ten.2006.12.917Gibson, L. J., & Ashby, M. F. (1997). Cellular Solids. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139878326Maliger, R., Halley, P. J., & Cooper-White, J. J. (2012). Poly(glycerol-sebacate) bioelastomers-kinetics of step-growth reactions using Fourier Transform (FT)-Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 127(5), 3980-3986. doi:10.1002/app.37719Ifkovits, J. L., Padera, R. F., & Burdick, J. A. (2008). Biodegradable and radically polymerized elastomers with enhanced processing capabilities. Biomedical Materials, 3(3), 034104. doi:10.1088/1748-6041/3/3/034104Chen, Q.-Z., Ishii, H., Thouas, G. A., Lyon, A. R., Wright, J. S., Blaker, J. J., … Harding, S. E. (2010). An elastomeric patch derived from poly(glycerol sebacate) for delivery of embryonic stem cells to the heart. Biomaterials, 31(14), 3885-3893. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.01.10
Different coordination modes of an aryl-substituted hydrotris(pyrazolyl) borate ligand in rhodium and iridium complexes
Complexes TptolRh(C2H4)2 (1a) and TptolRh(CH2C(Me)C(Me)CH2) (1b) have been prepared by reaction of KTptol with the appropriate [RhCl(olefin)2]2 dimer (Tptol means hydrotris(3-p-tolylpyrazol-1-yl)borate). The two complexes show a dynamic behaviour that involves exchange between κ2 and κ3 coordination modes of the Tptol ligand. The iridium analogue, TptolIr(CH2C(Me)CHCH2) (2) has also been synthesized, and has been converted into the Ir(III) dinitrogen complex [(κ4-N,N',N'',C-Tptol)Ir(Ph)(N2) (3) by irradiation with UV light under a dinitrogen atmosphere. Compound 3 constitutes a rare example of Ir(III)-N2 complex structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. Its N2 ligand can be easily substituted by acetonitrile or ethylene upon heating and denticity changes in the Tptol ligand, from κ4-N,N',N'',C (monometallated Tptol, from now on represented as Tptol′) to κ5-N,N′,N″,C,C″ (dimetallated Tp tol ligand, represented as Tptol″) have been observed. When complex 3 is heated in the presence of acetylene, dimerization of the alkyne takes place to yield the enyne complex [(κ5-N,N′,N′′,C,C′-Tp tol)Ir(CH2CHCCH), 7̧ in which the unsaturated organic moiety is bonded to iridium through the carbon-carbon double bond.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia CTQ2007-62814Consolider-Ingenio 2010 CSD2007-00006Junta de Andalucía FQM-3151, FQM-672CONACYT 22934
Evaluación longitudinal de la función cognitiva en pacientes diagnosticados con cáncer de mama y cáncer de colon precoz tratados con quimioterapia (neo)adyuvante
Los avances en el diagnóstico y tratamiento oncológico están mejorando la supervivencia a largo plazo de los pacientes con cáncer. En consecuencia, el número de largos supervivientes se va incrementando con el tiempo con potenciales toxicidades residuales derivadas del proceso oncológico. El deterioro cognitivo relacionado con el cáncer, a menudo se identifica como una secuela a largo plazo del tratamiento con fármacos antineoplásicos. Sin embargo, se trata de un concepto mucho más amplio dado que en su desarrollo pueden influir otros factores. La mejora y profundización del conocimiento del deterioro cognitivo inducido por cáncer puede ayudar a prevenir, gestionar e identificar los factores de riesgo. Nuestro objetivo principal es evaluar la evolución dinámica de la función cognitiva de los pacientes durante su proceso oncológico, y determinar la posible influencia de la quimioterapia en el deterioro neurológico que pueden experimentar.Para ello, diseñamos un estudio prospectivo y longitudinal de una cohorte de pacientes diagnosticados de cáncer colorrectal y cáncer de mama precoz (n=62) en la cual hemos analizado la evolución de la función cognitiva mediante una batería de 11 pruebas neuropsicológicas. La evaluación se llevó a cabo en tres momentos: basal, en el momento inmediato post quimioterapia, y a los 6 meses tras finalizar el tratamiento de quimioterapia. Además, se recogieron las características sociodemográficas de toda la cohorte, la calidad de vida de los pacientes en cada momento, el estado de ansiedad y depresión que presentaban, y se analizó la interacción de todos estos factores con la función cognitiva, con el objetivo de valorar la posible influencia en el desarrollo de deterioro cognitivo.Los principales resultados obtenidos han sido los siguientes. En el momento basal, el 14,5% de los pacientes presentaban disfunción cognitiva. La edad avanzada, el bajo nivel educativo, el cáncer colorrectal y las comorbilidades, se han asociado a una peor reserva cognitiva basal. Un total de 61,9% de los pacientes presentó una disminución en los resultados obtenidos en 4 o más test neurocognitivos desde el inicio hasta la evaluación posterior a la quimioterapia. Este porcentaje disminuyó a 24,4% en la evaluación de seguimiento a largo plazo, mostrando una recuperación intra-paciente después de la quimioterapia. La memoria verbal y visual es el dominio más afectado en nuestra cohorte.En resumen, nuestros datos sugieren que la función cognitiva de los pacientes con cáncer de mama y de colon diagnosticados en estadios tempranos tratados con quimioterapia, puede disminuir sutil pero transitoriamente durante el tratamiento, y la mayoría de los pacientes recuperan su función cognitiva con el tiempo. Se necesita más investigación en este campo, ya que el deterioro cognitivo continúa impactando de manera negativa en la calidad de vida y la salud mental de los supervivientes de un proceso oncológico. Con un mayor conocimiento en esta área se podrían desarrollar estrategias de identificación, prevención primaria y detección precoz del deterioro cognitivo inducido por cáncer.<br /
Growth of Co Nanomagnet Arrays with Enhanced Magnetic Anisotropy
A trigon structure formed by submonolayer gadolinium deposition onto Au(111) is revealed as a robust growth template for Co nanodot arrays. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism measurements evidence that the Co nanoislands behave as independent magnetic entities with an out-of-plane easy axis of anisotropy and enhanced magnetic anisotropy values, as compared to other self-organized Co nanodot superlattices. The large strain induced by the lattice mismatch at the interface between Co and trigons is discussed as the main reason for the increased magnetic anisotropy of the nanoislands.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia (L.F.), the Spanish Ministry of Economy (Grant MAT2013-46593-C6-4-P), the Basque Government (IT-621-13, IT-627-13), SAIOTEK (S-PE12UN095), and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through SFB 1083 "Structure and Dynamics of Internal Interfaces" (L.F., F.S.). The authors additionally acknowledge DEIMOS beamline staff, specially P. Ohresser, and SOLEIL for provision of synchrotron radiation and the EU Calipso program for synchrotron access funding. The MBE chamber on DEIMOS was funded by the Agence National de la Recherche; grant ANR-05-NANO-073
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