714 research outputs found

    Shiva diagrams for composite-boson many-body effects : How they work

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    The purpose of this paper is to show how the diagrammatic expansion in fermion exchanges of scalar products of NN-composite-boson (``coboson'') states can be obtained in a practical way. The hard algebra on which this expansion is based, will be given in an independent publication. Due to the composite nature of the particles, the scalar products of NN-coboson states do not reduce to a set of Kronecker symbols, as for elementary bosons, but contain subtle exchange terms between two or more cobosons. These terms originate from Pauli exclusion between the fermionic components of the particles. While our many-body theory for composite bosons leads to write these scalar products as complicated sums of products of ``Pauli scatterings'' between \emph{two} cobosons, they in fact correspond to fermion exchanges between any number P of quantum particles, with 2≤P≤N2 \leq P\leq N. These PP-body exchanges are nicely represented by the so-called ``Shiva diagrams'', which are topologically different from Feynman diagrams, due to the intrinsic many-body nature of Pauli exclusion from which they originate. These Shiva diagrams in fact constitute the novel part of our composite-exciton many-body theory which was up to now missing to get its full diagrammatic representation. Using them, we can now ``see'' through diagrams the physics of any quantity in which enters NN interacting excitons -- or more generally NN composite bosons --, with fermion exchanges included in an \emph{exact} -- and transparent -- way.Comment: To be published in Eur. Phys. J.

    Many-body effects between unbosonized excitons

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    We here give a brief survey of our new many-body theory for composite excitons, as well as some of the results we have already obtained using it. In view of them, we conclude that, in order to fully trust the results one finds, interacting excitons should not be bosonized: Indeed, all effective bosonic Hamiltonians (even the hermitian ones !) can miss terms as large as the ones they generate; they can even miss the dominant term, as in problems dealing with optical nonlinearities

    The trion: two electrons plus one hole versus one electron plus one exciton

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    We first show that, for problems dealing with trions, it is totally hopeless to use the standard many-body description in terms of electrons and holes and its associated Feynman diagrams. We then show how, by using the description of a trion as an electron interacting with an exciton, we can obtain the trion absorption through far simpler diagrams, written with electrons and \emph{excitons}. These diagrams are quite novel because, for excitons being not exact bosons, we cannot use standard procedures designed to deal with interacting true fermions or true bosons. A new many-body formalism is necessary to establish the validity of these electron-exciton diagrams and to derive their specific rules. It relies on the ``commutation technique'' we recently developed to treat interacting close-to-bosons. This technique generates a scattering associated to direct Coulomb processes between electrons and excitons and a dimensionless ``scattering'' associated to electron exchange inside the electron-exciton pairs -- this ``scattering'' being the original part of our many-body theory. It turns out that, although exchange is crucial to differentiate singlet from triplet trions, this ``scattering'' enters the absorption explicitly when the photocreated electron and the initial electron have the same spin -- \emph{i}. \emph{e}., when triplet trions are the only ones created -- \emph{but not} when the two spins are different, although triplet trions are also created in this case. The physical reason for this rather surprising result will be given

    Optical signatures of a fully dark exciton condensate

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    We propose optical means to reveal the presence of a dark exciton condensate that does not yield any photoluminescence at all. We show that (i) the dark exciton density can be obtained from the blueshift of the excitonic absorption line induced by dark excitons; (ii) the polarization of the dark condensate can be deduced from the blueshift dependence on probe photon polarization and also from Faraday effect, linearly polarized dark excitons leaving unaffected the polarization plane of an unabsorbed photon beam. These effects result from carrier exchanges between dark and bright excitons.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    "Commutator formalism" for pairs correlated through Schmidt decomposition as used in Quantum Information

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    To easily calculate statistical properties of pairs correlated through Schmidt decomposition, as commonly used in Quantum Information, we propose a "commutator formalism" for these single-index pairs, somewhat simpler than the one we developed for double-index Wannier excitons. We use it here to get the pair number threshold for bosonic behavior of NN pairs through the requirement that their number operator mean value must stay close to NN. While the main term of this mean value is controlled by the second moment of the Schmidt distribution, so that to increase this threshold, we must increase the Schmidt number, higher momenta appearing at higher orders lead to choosing a distribution as flat as possible

    Threshold of molecular bound state and BCS transition in dense ultracold Fermi gases with Feshbach resonance

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    We consider the normal state of a dense ultracold atomic Fermi gas in the presence of a Feshbach resonance. We study the BCS and the molecular instabilities and their interplay, within the framework of a recent many-body approach. We find surprisingly that, in the temperature domain where the BCS phase is present, there is a non zero lower bound for the binding energy of molecules at rest. This could give an experimental mean to show the existence of the BCS phase without observing it directly.Comment: 5 pages, revtex, 1 figur

    The 3-body Coulomb problem

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    We present a general approach for the solution of the three-body problem for a general interaction, and apply it to the case of the Coulomb interaction. This approach is exact, simple and fast. It makes use of integral equations derived from the consideration of the scattering properties of the system. In particular this makes full use of the solution of the two-body problem, the interaction appearing only through the corresponding known T-matrix. In the case of the Coulomb potential we make use of a very convenient expression for the T-matrix obtained by Schwinger. As a check we apply this approach to the well-known problem of the Helium atom ground state and obtain a perfect numerical agreement with the known result for the ground state energy. The wave function is directly obtained from the corresponding solution. We expect our method to be in particular quite useful for the trion problem in semiconductors.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Effects of fermion exchanges on the polarization of exciton condensates

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    Exchange processes are responsible for the stability of elementary boson condensates with respect to their possible fragmentation. This remains true for composite bosons when single fermion exchanges are included but spin degrees of freedom are ignored. We here show that their inclusion can produce a "spin-fragmentation" of a condensate of dark excitons, i.e., an unpolarized condensate with equal amount of dark excitons with spins (+2) and (-2). Quite surprisingly, for spatially indirect excitons of semiconductor bilayers, we predict that the condensate polarization can switch from unpolarized to fully polarized, depending on the distance between the layers confining electrons and holes. Remarkably, the threshold distance associated to this switching lies in the regime where experiments are nowadays carried out.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur
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