207 research outputs found

    Estimating Attendance From Cellular Network Data

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    We present a methodology to estimate the number of attendees to events happening in the city from cellular network data. In this work we used anonymized Call Detail Records (CDRs) comprising data on where and when users access the cellular network. Our approach is based on two key ideas: (1) we identify the network cells associated to the event location. (2) We verify the attendance of each user, as a measure of whether (s)he generates CDRs during the event, but not during other times. We evaluate our approach to estimate the number of attendees to a number of events ranging from football matches in stadiums to concerts and festivals in open squares. Comparing our results with the best groundtruth data available, our estimates provide a median error of less than 15% of the actual number of attendees

    Theoretical predictions of experimental observables sensitive to the symmetry energy: Results of the SMF transport model

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    In the framework of mean-field based transport approaches, we discuss recent results concerning heavy ion reactions between charge asymmetric systems, from low up to intermediate energies. We focus on isospin sensitive observables, aiming at extracting information on the density dependence of the isovector part of the nuclear effective interaction and of the nuclear symmetry energy. For reactions close to the Coulomb barrier, we explore the structure of collective dipole oscillations, rather sensitive to the low-density behavior of the symmetry energy. In the Fermi energy regime, we investigate the interplay between dissipation mechanisms, fragmentation and isospin effects. At intermediate energies, where regions with higher density and momentum are reached, we discuss collective flows and their sensitivity to the momentum dependence of the isovector interaction channel, which determines the splitting of neutron and proton effective masses. Finally, we also discuss the isospin effect on the possible phase transition from nucleonic matter to quark matter. Results are critically reviewed, also trying to establish a link, when possible, with the outcome of other transport models.Comment: A contribution to the upcoming EPJA Special Volume on Nuclear Symmetry Energ

    Automatic identification of relevant places from cellular network data

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    We present a methodology to automatically identify users\u2019 relevant places from cellular network data.1 In this work we used anonymized Call Detail Record (CDR) comprising information on where and when users access the cellular network. The key idea is to effectively cluster CDRs together and to weigh clusters to determine those associated to frequented places. The approach can identify users\u2019 home and work locations as well as other places (e.g., associated to leisure and night life). We evaluated our approach threefold: (i) on the basis of groundtruth information coming from a fraction of users whose relevant places were known, (ii) by comparing the resulting number of inhabitants of a given city with the number of inhabitants as extracted by the national census. (iii) Via stability analysis to verify the consistency of the extracted results across multiple time periods. Results show the effectiveness of our approach with an average 90% precision and recall

    Thermo-Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Polymer Composites Reinforced by Natural Fibers Derived from Wet Blue Leather Wastes: A Comparative Study

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    The present work investigated the possibility to use wet blue (WB) leather wastes as natural reinforcing fibers within different polymer matrices. After their preparation and characterization, WB fibers were melt-mixed at 10 wt.% with poly(lactic acid) (PLA), polyamide 12 (PA12), thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), and thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), and the obtained samples were subjected to rheological, thermal, thermo-mechanical, and viscoelastic analyses. In parallel, morphological properties such as fiber distribution and dispersion, fiber–matrix adhesion, and fiber exfoliation phenomena were analyzed through a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) to evaluate the relationship between the compounding process, mechanical responses, and morphological parameters. The PLA-based composite exhibited the best results since the Young modulus (+18%), tensile strength (+1.5%), impact (+10%), and creep (+5%) resistance were simultaneously enhanced by the addition of WB fibers, which were well dispersed and distributed in and significantly branched and interlocked with the polymer matrix. PA12- and TPU-based formulations showed a positive behavior (around +47% of the Young modulus and +40% of creep resistance) even if the not-optimal fiber–matrix adhesion and/or the poor de-fibration of WB slightly lowered the tensile strength and elongation at break. Finally, the TPE-based sample exhibited the worst performance because of the poor affinity between hydrophilic WB fibers and the hydrophobic polymer matrix

    Vibrational temperature of the adlayer in "hot atom" reaction mechanism

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    Hot-atoms reactions mechanisms bring about reaction rates which are several orders of magnitude higher than those expected in the case of ad-atoms which have thermalized with the surface. This paper addresses the issue of a possible thermodynamic characterization of the adlayer under reactive conditions and at the steady state. In turn, this implies to tackle the question of determining the temperature of the ad-atoms. This is done by means of a nonequilibrium statistical thermodynamic approach, by exploiting a suitable definition of the entropy. The interplay between reaction rate, vibrational temperature of the ad-atoms and adsorbed quantities is highlighted. It is shown that the vibrational temperature depends on reaction rate logarithmically and exhibits a non-linear scaling on physical quantities linked to the energetics of the reaction, namely the adsorption energy and the binding energy of the molecule. The present modeling is also discussed in connection with response equations of nonequilibrium thermodynamics.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Ruolo della chirurgia endovascolare nelle rotture aortiche del politraumatizzato con lesioni polidistrettuali di pertinenza chirurgica

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    Nel politraumatizzato con gravi lesioni polidistrettuali di interesse chirurgico il trattamento endovascolare (TEV) della rottura posttraumatica dell’ aorta toracica (RPAT) rappresenta oggi una valida alternativa terapeutica al trattamento chirurgico convenzionale. Nella nostra esperienza (ottobre 2001-novembre 2004) abbiamo osservato 5 casi di RPAT (3 rotture istmiche, 2 rotture aorta toracica discendente) in gravi politraumatizzati, tutti di sesso maschile, di età compresa fra i 23 ed i 42 anni (media 32,4), trattate con successo con TEV. Il Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) era compreso fra 5 e 13. Tutti i pazienti sono stati sottoposti, dopo adeguata stabilizzazione del quadro clinico-emodinamico, ad angio-TC total body al fine di valutare la lesione aortica ed identificare le altre lesioni associate. In 4 casi erano coinvolti più distretti corporei di pertinenza chirurgica (3 casi: trauma osseo, addominale e neurochirurgico; 1 caso: trauma osseo, addominale, neurochirurgico e toracico). Il TEV è stato eseguito sempre in sala operatoria previa arteriografia digitale. La durata media della procedura angio-radiologica è stata di 105 minuti (range 80 - 125). Non si è verificata nessuna complicanza né immediata né a distanza (follow-up = medio 24 mesi; range 12-36). In conclusione il TEV delle RPAT offre in pazienti ‘critici’ una valida opzione terapeutica alla chirurgia tradizionale in grado di stabilizzare il quadro clinico e trattare successivamente ‘in sicurezza’ le altre gravi lesioni chirurgiche associate

    Experimental neutron capture data of 58Ni from the CERN n_TOF facility

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    The neutron capture cross section of 58Ni was measured at the neutron time of flight facility n_TOF at CERN, from 27 meV to 400 keV neutron energy. Special care has been taken to identify all the possible sources of background, with the so-called neutron background obtained for the first time using high-precision GEANT4 simulations. The energy range up to 122 keV was treated as the resolved resonance region, where 51 resonances were identified and analyzed by a multilevel R-matrix code SAMMY. Above 122 keV the code SESH was used in analyzing the unresolved resonance region of the capture yield. Maxwellian averaged cross sections were calculated in the temperature range of kT = 5 – 100 keV, and their astrophysical implications were investigated.Postprint (published version

    Measurement of the240Pu(n,f) cross-section at the CERN n-TOF facility: First results from EAR-2

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    The accurate knowledge of neutron cross-sections of a variety of plutonium isotopes and other minor actinides, such as neptunium, americium and curium, is crucial for feasibility and performance studies of advanced nuclear systems (Generation-IV reactors, Accelerator Driven Systems). In this context, the240Pu(n,f) cross-section was measured with the time-of-flight technique at the CERN n-TOF facility at incident neutron energies ranging from thermal to several MeV. The present measurement is the first to have been performed at n-TOF's newly commissioned Experimental Area II (EAR-2), which is located at the end of an 18 m neutron beam-line and features a neutron fluence that is 25-30 times higher with respect to the existing 185 m flight-path (EAR-1), as well as stronger suppression of sample-induced backgrounds, due to the shorter times-of-flight involved. Preliminary results are presented. © 2015, CERN. All rights reserved.Postprint (published version

    Integral cross section measurement of the12C(n,p)12B reaction

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    The integral cross section of the12C(n, p)12B reaction was measured at the neutron time of flight facility nTOF at CERN, from the reaction threshold at 13.6 MeV up to 10 GeV, by means of the combined activation and a timeofflight technique. The integral result is expressed as the number of12B nuclei produced per single pulse of the neutron beam. A simple integral expression is given for calculating the number of produced12B nuclei from any given evaluated cross section and/or model prediction. © 2015, CERN. All rights reserved.Postprint (author's final draft
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