10,129 research outputs found
Infrared singularities of scattering amplitudes in perturbative QCD
An exact formula is derived for the infrared singularities of dimensionally
regularized scattering amplitudes in massless QCD with an arbitrary number of
legs, valid at any number of loops. It is based on the conjecture that the
anomalous-dimension matrix of n-jet operators in soft-collinear effective
theory contains only a single non-trivial color structure, whose coefficient is
the cusp anomalous dimension of Wilson loops with light-like segments. Its
color-diagonal part is characterized by two anomalous dimensions, which are
extracted to three-loop order from known perturbative results for the quark and
gluon form factors. This allows us to predict the three-loop coefficients of
all 1/epsilon^k poles for an arbitrary n-parton scattering amplitudes,
generalizing existing two-loop results.Comment: 4 pages; v2: typo in eq. (12) fixed, references updated; v3:
additional term in (12
Twenty-four hour behaviour patterns and budgets of free-ranging reindeer in winter
Activities of free-ranging reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska were studied to determine 24-hour behaviour patterns and budgets in winter. Use of daytime active-rest data to predict nighttime behaviour resulted in as much as 37% underestimate of nighttime resting and 37% overestimate of nighttime activity. Three active-rest cycles occurred daily, synchronous with photoperiod.Tjuefiretimers adferdsmønster- og budsjett hos fritt beitende reinsdyr om vinteren.Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag: Aktiviteter hos fritt beitende reinsdyr {Rangifer tarandus) på Seward Peninsula, Alaska ble undersøkt for bestemmelse av 24 timers adferdsmønster og -budsjett om vinteren. Bruk av dagtids data for aktivitets-hvile til å forutsi nattlig adferd resulterte i 37% underestimering av natt-hvile og 37% overes-timering av natt-aktivitet. Tre aktivitet-hvile cykler inntraff daglig, synkront med fotoperiode.Vapaana laiduntavan poron vuorokautinen kayttaytyminen ja budjetti talvella.Abstract in Finnish / Yhteenveto: Vapaana laiduntavan poron (Rangifer tarandus) aktiivisuutta tutkittiin Sewardin niemimaalla Alaskassa mààrittàmàllà 24 tunnin kayttaytymismallit ja budjetit talvella. Kàyttàmàllâ pàivàajan aktiivisu-us - lepo -tietoja yôajan kåyttåytymisen ennustamiseen ne alittivat jopa 30%:lla yollisen lepoajan ja ylitti-våt 40%:lla yôajan aktiivisuuden. Påivittain esiintyi kolme aktiivisuus - lepo -sykliå samanaikaisesti valo-jaksojen kanssa
Associations among Wine Grape Microbiome, Metabolome, and Fermentation Behavior Suggest Microbial Contribution to Regional Wine Characteristics.
UnlabelledRegionally distinct wine characteristics (terroir) are an important aspect of wine production and consumer appreciation. Microbial activity is an integral part of wine production, and grape and wine microbiota present regionally defined patterns associated with vineyard and climatic conditions, but the degree to which these microbial patterns associate with the chemical composition of wine is unclear. Through a longitudinal survey of over 200 commercial wine fermentations, we demonstrate that both grape microbiota and wine metabolite profiles distinguish viticultural area designations and individual vineyards within Napa and Sonoma Counties, California. Associations among wine microbiota and fermentation characteristics suggest new links between microbiota, fermentation performance, and wine properties. The bacterial and fungal consortia of wine fermentations, composed from vineyard and winery sources, correlate with the chemical composition of the finished wines and predict metabolite abundances in finished wines using machine learning models. The use of postharvest microbiota as an early predictor of wine chemical composition is unprecedented and potentially poses a new paradigm for quality control of agricultural products. These findings add further evidence that microbial activity is associated with wine terroirImportanceWine production is a multi-billion-dollar global industry for which microbial control and wine chemical composition are crucial aspects of quality. Terroir is an important feature of consumer appreciation and wine culture, but the many factors that contribute to terroir are nebulous. We show that grape and wine microbiota exhibit regional patterns that correlate with wine chemical composition, suggesting that the grape microbiome may influence terroir In addition to enriching our understanding of how growing region and wine properties interact, this may provide further economic incentive for agricultural and enological practices that maintain regional microbial biodiversity
X-ray investigation of lateral hetero-structures of inversion domains in LiNbO3, KTiOPO4 and KTiOAsO4
In this paper periodically domain-inverted (PDI) ferroelectric crystals are studied using high-resolution X-ray diffraction. Rocking curves and reciprocal-space maps of the principal symmetric Bragg reflections in LiNbO3 (LN) (Λ = 5μm), KTiOPO4 (KTP) (Λ = 9μm) and KTiOAsO4 (KTA) (Λ = 39μm) are presented. For all the samples strong satellite reflections were observed as a consequence of the PDI structure. Analysis of the satellites showed that they were caused by a combination of coherent and incoherent scattering between the adjacent domains. Whilst the satellites contained phase information regarding the structure of the domain wall, this information could not be rigorously extracted without a priori knowledge of the twinning mechanism. Analysis of the profiles reveals strain distributions of Δd/d = 1.6 × 10-4 and 2.0 × 10-4 perpendicular to domain walls in KTP and LN samples, respectively, and lateral correlation lengths of 63μm (KTP), 194μm (KTA) and 10μm (LN). The decay of crystal truncation rods in LN and KTP was found to support the occurrence of surface corrugations
Measurements of the Diffuse Ultraviolet Background and the Terrestrial Airglow with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph
Far-UV observations in and near the Hubble Deep Fields demonstrate that the
Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) can potentially obtain unique and
precise measurements of the diffuse far-ultraviolet background. Although STIS
is not the ideal instrument for such measurements, high-resolution images allow
Galactic and extragalactic objects to be masked to very faint magnitudes, thus
ensuring a measurement of the truly diffuse UV signal. The programs we have
analyzed were not designed for this scientific purpose, but would be sufficient
to obtain a very sensitive measurement if it were not for a weak but
larger-than-expected signal from airglow in the STIS 1450-1900 A bandpass. Our
analysis shows that STIS far-UV crystal quartz observations taken near the limb
during orbital day can detect a faint airglow signal, most likely from NI\1493,
that is comparable to the dark rate and inseparable from the far-UV background.
Discarding all but the night data from these datasets gives a diffuse
far-ultraviolet background measurement of 501 +/- 103 ph/cm2/sec/ster/A, along
a line of sight with very low Galactic neutral hydrogen column (N_HI = 1.5E20
cm-2) and extinction (E(B-V)=0.01 mag). This result is in good agreement with
earlier measurements of the far-UV background, and should not include any
significant contribution from airglow. We present our findings as a warning to
other groups who may use the STIS far-UV camera to observe faint extended
targets, and to demonstrate how this measurement may be properly obtained with
STIS.Comment: 7 pages, Latex. 4 figures. Uses corrected version of emulateapj.sty
and apjfonts.sty (included). Accepted for publication in A
Drell-Yan production at small q_T, transverse parton distributions and the collinear anomaly
Using methods from effective field theory, an exact all-order expression for
the Drell-Yan cross section at small transverse momentum is derived directly in
q_T space, in which all large logarithms are resummed. The anomalous dimensions
and matching coefficients necessary for resummation at NNLL order are given
explicitly. The precise relation between our result and the
Collins-Soper-Sterman formula is discussed, and as a by-product the previously
unknown three-loop coefficient A^(3) is obtained. The naive factorization of
the cross section at small transverse momentum is broken by a collinear
anomaly, which prevents a process-independent definition of x_T-dependent
parton distribution functions. A factorization theorem is derived for the
product of two such functions, in which the dependence on the hard momentum
transfer is separated out. The remainder factors into a product of two
functions of longitudinal momentum variables and x_T^2, whose
renormalization-group evolution is derived and solved in closed form. The
matching of these functions at small x_T onto standard parton distributions is
calculated at O(alpha_s), while their anomalous dimensions are known to three
loops.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures; version to appear in Eur. Phys. J.
Psychosocial Interventions Delivered by Primary Care Physicians to Patients with Depression
Few high-quality studies have been conducted examining the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions performed by primary care physicians for patients with major depression. Two randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) found that a psychosocial intervention, specifically problem-solving therapy, is as effective as pharmacotherapy for symptoms of major depression. (Strength of recommendation: B) However, these results should be interpreted with some degree of caution because of the limited number of studies and their small sample size
Ten years of different crop rotations in a no-tillage system – what happened to plant diseases and nematode pests?
To study the long-term effects of crop rotation and residue level on diseases and nematodes in Western Australian no-tillage systems
Hybrid photonic circuit for multiplexed heralded single photons
A key resource for quantum optics experiments is an on-demand source of
single and multiple photon states at telecommunication wavelengths. This letter
presents a heralded single photon source based on a hybrid technology approach,
combining high efficiency periodically poled lithium niobate waveguides,
low-loss laser inscribed circuits, and fast (>1 MHz) fibre coupled
electro-optic switches. Hybrid interfacing different platforms is a promising
route to exploiting the advantages of existing technology and has permitted the
demonstration of the multiplexing of four identical sources of single photons
to one output. Since this is an integrated technology, it provides scalability
and can immediately leverage any improvements in transmission, detection and
photon production efficiencies.Comment: 5 pages, double column, 3 figure
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